Thursday, June 12, 2014

Fwd: [Part 3 of 4] The Biggest Misconception in Internet Marketing

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [Part 3 of 4] The Biggest Misconception in Internet Marketing
Date: Thu, 12 Jun 2014 13:11:53 -0400
From: Zentrepreneur <>
To: steve <>

Hey steve
Yesterday I hinted at secret that lets you write emails packed with so much tension, your list goes crazy with desire trying to buy from you.
A secret that will squeeze massive profits from tiny email lists… even if it's your first try.
I'll get to that in a second.
First, I want to address…
The Biggest Misconception In Internet Marketing 
Here it is:
If you've been in the I.M. game for any amount of time, you've probably heard the saying:
"The money is in the list."
This flat-out isn't true.
(Especially if you want to take your results to the next level.)
Because, to earn the big bucks, having a list isn't enough.
Having swipes to mail isn't enough.
To achieve breakthrough results, you need to change the way you talk to your list.
I've been preaching for years that the money isn't "in the list"… THE MONEY IS IN THE RELATIONSHIP YOU HAVE WITH YOUR LIST.
The list size isn't the asset.
Not at all!
(Just ask the big name gurus who struggle to convert huge lists. Or the dudes with big-ass lists who can't get onto a leaderboard, because their reputation is burnt to death…)
That's why, if you want to double - or even quadruple - the amount of sales you make, you don't need to worry about building a giant list.
All you need is a small, targeted list, and to…
Discover The Secret of Writing Emails That Leave
Your List Begging For More
Which brings me to yesterday's email.
Specifically, the "secret" of writing emails that make sales almost every time you press 'send', whilst delighting your list at the same time…
(A secret that the writers of Breaking Bad, 24, House of Cards and Lost practice relentlessly.)
What is it?
Well, it simply plays on the fact that…
NOTHING Grabs People's Attention Faster Than
Let me explain.
Have you noticed that when you watch Breaking Bad, or House of Cards, or 24…
Every episode ends in a cliffhanger!
And that's not counting all the "sub-plots" that open up all the time and keep you constantly guessing as to what's going to happen next.
It's all because cliffhangers have a unique power to move people's hearts, minds, (and wallets) in your intended direction.
They keep you glued to the damn screen.
(Notice how I did this in yesterday's email, too?)
Great writers do this even better than the TV guys.
Steig Larsson's Millennium Triology? Lee Child's Jack Reacher series? Or even the Harry Potter books?
They're all filled with attention-riveting cliffhangers.
And here's the exciting (and profitable!) news for you…
On my brand new email marketing workshop, I'll show you exactly how to do this with YOUR emails.
Specifically, with my "Soap Opera Sequence" (SOS) System, you'll learn how to write money-grabbing emails packed with unmissable cliffhangers…
Even if you're not a copywriter.
These "SOS" emails sell better than practically anything else… whilst creating massive goodwill with your list.
And I'll be showing you exactly what to write - and how to write it - this Thursday on the workshop.
I'll see you on June 12th at 7PM (PDT/ BST).
Andre Chaperon
P.S. - Remember to read the 42 page eBook I created for you. It's packed full of golden money-getting strategies. And will help you to making more sales, immediately.
P.P.S - You'll be getting an email soon with the subject line:
[Part 4 of 4] How To Double Your Sales With Email
Make sure you open it up.
Contains some marketing gems for ya.
Until then…


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