Monday, April 28, 2014

Fwd: 5 Steps to Long-Term Kindle Success (don't believe the hype)

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 5 Steps to Long-Term Kindle Success (don't believe the hype)
Date: Mon, 28 Apr 2014 15:08:12 -0400
From: Steve Scott <>

5 Steps to Long-Term Kindle Success (don't believe the hype)

Howya doing?

I want you to take five minutes and read this entire message.

If you truly "get" what I'm about say, you'll be ahead of the 90% of Kindle publishers who struggle and wonder why they're not successful. 

Truth is there are a lot of myths about Kindle publishing. 

It's these myths that cause many authors to fail. 

The reality is you can boil down the entire process into five basic strategies.

#1: Find a Good Niche

Spend a few days thinking about your interests and passions.  Figure out what special skills and value you can offer to the world.  Don't have a particular interest?  Then focus on learning one thing and sharing your experiences with the world.

When you have a few good ideas, hop over to Amazon and do some research. 

Click on a few titles that are similar to your idea.  If you see at least three books with under a #20,000 sales ranking, then you know it's a profitable idea.

#2: Write Great Books

I can't overemphasis how important it is to create quality content.  When you give readers an enjoyable experience, they're more likely to buy your other titles. 

That's where the real money is on Amazon...

...Getting repeat readers who buy every book in your catalog.

#3: Outsource Stunning eCover Design

People do judge books by their cover. 

This is especially true when it comes to Kindle publishing.

My advice is to skip the low quality covers from Fiverr.  Instead, invest in one that really catches the eye. 

You can do this by analyzing other books in your market.  See what attracts your attention.  Then compile a list of links to these books.  After that, go to an outsourcing site (like and hire a professional who truly understands eCover design.

Provide those cover examples and talk to your designer.  The more he or she knows about what you want, the easier it'll be to come up with an eye-catching image.

#4: Publish New Books

What's the "real" secret to increasing sales?

Publish another book.

As you build up a catalog of titles, you'll find that the #1 strategy to increasing sales is to consistently put new content into the marketplace.

Not only will you get sales on that new book, you'll also see a bump in all your other titles.  Publish a book every 4 to 6 weeks and you'll regularly see an exponential growth in sales. 

#5: Join KDP Select

In the last year, many people have jumped ship on KDP Select because the "free to paid" model doesn't work like it once did.

This is good news for you because their loss means your gain. 

Not only can a new author get lots of visibility by doing free promos, he or she gets borrows on their book (which generate income) and access to Countdown Deals.

If you apply all four of the previous steps and publish multiple quality books, Countdown Deals can be your secret weapon to regularly increasing your sales.

Simply run a Countdown Deal every three months on a book to increase its visibility and generate sales on your other titles.

Rinse and repeat for every book.

And if you have 12+ titles, you can constantly run a Countdown Deal which creates a lot of visibility and sales for your catalog of books.  


Now as we close things out, I want to be honest here...

I know (for a fact) that 90+% of authors won't bother to follow these five steps.   They'll take shortcuts.  They'll be lazy.  And they'll waste their time looking for a "magic formula" to success.

Let me tell you something:

There are NO secrets.

The authors who are killing it with Kindle follow a consistent strategy:

1. They know their market.

2. They write good books.

3. They pay for excellent cover design.

4. They consistently publish.

5. They use a handful of proven sales strategies

My advice?

Become that rare self-published author who takes the time to put together a quality book experience. 

Simply follow these five steps to manufacture your own Kindle success.

Take Action. Get Results.

Steve "5 Steps" Scott

P.S. Okay I lied...

There is one secret that separates successful Kindle authors from the unsuccessful ones.

Actually, it's not really a secret.

It's more like a smart technique that everyone should do.

In my next email, we'll talk about this strategy and the best way to apply it.

Stay tuned...

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-------- Original Message --------
Date: Mon, 28 Apr 2014 09:21:07 -0400
From: Dan Pena's Newsletter <>

Dan Pena Newsletter

Hi Stve ,

Easter Sunday, I was featured on London Real TV – 1 of the top podcast TV programs in the UK! The interview was about 90 minutes and it was vintage me! And having viewed it again, I must say, it is 1 of my very best interviews ever! And apparently the audience agreed, as tweeted in less than 48 hours by founder Brian Rose and a new QLA devotee:

London Real ‏@LondonRealTV  2h
This week Entrepreneur @Danspena explains how to Make Your First $100 Million … It's an Instant Classic! RT

Guerilla Strength ‏@GuerillaFit  12h
@danspena Your podcast on LondonReal was the most inspiring I have ever heard. Thank you for sharing your wisdom.

The response was overwhelmingly positive! I am extremely pleased to know my message can resonate with a totally different demographic like London Real TV! Of course I have said, till I am blue in the face – people don't lack goals, passion, grit, or drive – they lack leadership! WTF! Good news and bad news: I will be carrying on pulling and pushing (some say beating) as many as I can across the goal line of life! Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition!

It was ironic, it was released on Easter Sunday about 5pm UK time! Of course, I didn't mind going heads up against the Big Man on his biggest day! I look forward to using this medium more and have been invited to participate in another podcast interview, since this 1 was released! BTW: In case anyone is wondering, if I was nervous? Well if I have to say it, you don't know me well enough! LOL! As I believe is obvious from the interview, I was having a great time!

Not trying to be irreverent, it reminded me of taking Great Western public on my 39th birthday in August of 1984! And all the pundits told me it was a major mistake! Why? Because it was also the same day of a major UK government owned Jaguar privatization of Mrs Thatcher, UK's Prime Minister! Of course i said – fuck it and let's go balls to the wall, against conventional wisdom! The results were no surprise to me! LOL! The next day headlines read – "The One That Really Roared – Great Western" and we were up 20% on the day and Jaguar was down about 20%! Of course till this day, I get excited when I see a Jag and when I rarely ride in a Jag, it is a sexual experience! LOL!

Watch the London Real TV clip and learn and enjoy! It is truly 1 of a kind! In fact, it has been suggested by QLA devotees, put it on your hand held device and view it whenever you need a kick in the ass! Because the initial response has been extraordinary and I enjoyed the experience – I WILL CERTAINLY DO MORE OF THE SAME! Of course time is a factor! But high performance people can always make time! As it has been suggested to me before, this is a great medium for my message, style and delivery! WTF! And this 1 on 1 type interview is ideal for me, especially when the interviewer is well prepared, like Brian Rose of London Real TV!

It is hard to describe how well the recent April Seminar went! I am convinced with a mix of previous attendees the QLA message is more readily assimilated! In this regard, we already have a couple from the April seminar signed up for the next seminar in August! In addition we have the people we could not accommodate in April, hence if interested get off your ass and take action before it is too late! Contact Thelma at

To Your Quantum Leap!



P.S. As I shared during the Seminar, I receive these kinds of mentee emails often:


Thks for your teaching. I appreciate it sooo much. I talked today with millionaires - they told me i can't do what I did-idiots!

Working with H already on our first acquisition, and putting together a killer team ....

P was (100%) funded with 0 equity ...


P.P.S. I have also attached a recent press release describing the London Real TV event and a few important QLA points! Press Release :
Fax: (UK) +44 1241 828605
Telephone: (UK) +44 1241 828691

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Fwd: Seth's Blog : Deconstructing generosity

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Seth's Blog : Deconstructing generosity
Date: Sat, 26 Apr 2014 06:17:08 -0400
From: Seth Godin <>
Reply-To: Seth Godin <>
To: stevescott <>

Seth Godin's Blog on marketing, tribes and respect


Deconstructing generosity

The connection economy is based on generosity. After all, why would someone want to connect to a selfish organization? But the critical need for generosity as an element of our new economy is easy to get lost because it leads to the question, "what is generosity?"

The obvious answer, I think, is the wrong one. Generosity is not merely giving a discount, or giving what you make away or creating a race to the bottom. It's far more complex than that. Some thoughts:

It's understandable that generosity creates trust, but also worth noting that trust is required to provide generosity. If a well-meaning person started leaving sandwiches all over the airport departures lounge, her goal probably wouldn't be achieved, because we just don't trust random unwrapped sandwiches left anonymously in public places.

That's one reason why it seems so difficult to give ideas away online. We don't know you, so we don't trust you, perhaps not even enough to invest the time to find out what it is you're trying to give us or how you're working to help us. Earning this trust, in an effort to be generous, is time consuming and dissuades some from going down this path. Sometimes this effort leads marketers to spam, to take shortcuts, to lie, all in a self-justified but ultimately doomed and deluded effort to be generous.

Sacrifice is a crucial element in our perception of generosity. When someone takes the time to share a finite resource, one that they cannot hope to be repaid for, generosity happens. So favors can't be generous, because favors imply a sort of gift economy of repayment being due.

Kindness also rides along with generosity. When someone is generous with us but does it begrudgingly, just this one time, don't ask again, face scrunched with tension, then no, it doesn't feel generous.

Danny Meyer has revolutionized restaurant culture around the world (starting with Union Square Cafe and then with many other eating places) by placing an emphasis on generosity. Not the (sometimes unwanted) generosity of huge portions, nor the discounting approach of charging ever less, but in the generosity we feel when we're waited on by someone who treats us with genuine humanity, with kindness and with care.

A variation on kindness is design. It's entirely possible to create buildings or signs or products that are brutally efficient, where no effort is put into grace or style or beauty. But when the creator of the thing also donates the extra time and care to make it magical, it feels generous, a generosity that scales to all who use it.

There is also the generosity that we feel when someone comes with right intent. People like Bernadette JiwaTina Roth Eisenberg and Mitch Joel have no ulterior motive in the work they share online. They share because they can, because turning on a light for themselves also turns on a light for others. This is not the trading-up version of selfish networking, it's merely generous.

Vulnerability, as Brene Brown and others have written about, is a key element of what it is to be human, to make art and thus to be generous. The vulnerability of showing up and caring and connecting, even if this time, it might not resonate. And yes, vulnerablity builds trust, all in an endless cycle.

And the killer of generosity is bitterness. You may have noticed while traveling on airlines like American that many of the employees you encounter act as though they're trapped. Trapped by a race to the bottom in efficiency, trapped by a long history of bureaucracy that offers no control and no room for humanity. In those situations, it's easy to give up, to shrug one's shoulders and to soldier on, just doing your job. It's not surprising, then, that any attempt at organizational kindness instead feels like a poorly constructed marketing come-on, not the human act of generosity we seek.

We long to connect, all of us. We long to be noticed, to be cared for, to matter. Generosity is the invisible salve on our wound of loneliness, one that benefits both sides, over and over again.



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Friday, April 18, 2014

Fwd: Do you have what it takes?

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Do you have what it takes?
Date: Fri, 18 Apr 2014 14:00:44 -0400 (EDT)
From: Glenn Dietzel <>

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Do you have what it takes?
by Glenn Dietzel
If you are not commanding premium fees and royalties, chances
are you are really struggling in business right now.

If you want to end the pain of undervaluing your advice and you
want to grow your own coaching company, then you will want to
read the following very carefully.

I want to assist you to play a bigger game. Actually, I want to
challenge you to play at the highest levels in business.

Although I have assisted many different types of businesses over
the years, I remain partial to those entrepreneurs who want to start
and grow their own coaching companies.

And that got me thinking.

How would you like to work with me one-on-one to assist you to
grow your company?

Now that I have my One Day Business Intensive done at the
Vegas Sandcastle Event…

And now that my three day intensive is done with my OMEGA MIND
clients, I have had some time to review my schedule.

As you probably know, I have been responsible for some of the
most comprehensive and explosive growth in businesses over
the past 11 years.

I am known as the mentor to the world's highest paid business
coaches, consultants, experts and advisors.

I've spent my career mastering several highly essential and critical
skill sets to assist people to start and scale their own coaching
businesses in the quickest time possible.

A huge asset that I have been able to develop is in knowing how
to teach others to command top fees and royalties for coaching.

The coaching industry can be highly profitable if you know how to grow
your coaching company in the position of a trusted authority.

Sure there are other coaching programs. Some of them are not that bad.

But what makes my coaching programs different is the following:

There are few people who have spent the hours working with clients
like I have over the past 11 years.

Not only have I spent over 11,000 hours immersed in the coaching
industry growing my own company and assisting my clients during this
time, but I have the unique skills of teaching you to do the same—and in
the fastest time possible. (Only someone who is a former teacher could.)

Most coaching gurus who teach you should have a coaching company
are merely just motivational speakers who talk a great story, but who
don't have the skill sets to truly assist you.

Most coaching gurus who tell you how great their coaching programs are,
have little to no evidentiary proof, and minimal track record that showcases
their clients' success. (It usually is veiled in how great the guru is.)

Most people never get to work directly with the coaching guru, but
instead end up working with a coach who doesn't have a clue about
business, or about growing a 7 to 8 figure coaching company.

Unlike other programs, you won't be doing anything other than focusing
on the critical skills to create a true coaching company with my assistance.

Why am I doing this? I haven't taken on any new one-on-one clients
for the past 6 months because of my kids' schedule (my wife and I travel
to all of our boys' travel sports events), and I have been busy building
an entirely new coaching and co-branding program called OMEGA MIND.

I love working with clients one-on-one, and this is only for those who
are committed to taking massive action and building tremendous
momentum with their business.

I love teaching my clients how to leverage the inverted business
funnel for maximum profits.

I bring my own clients to the Canadian Lake Home so my own children
and my wife can meet the amazing entrepreneurs which I attract
from all over the world.

If you want to achieve some amazing momentum for your business…

If you are not a tire-kicker, but someone who loves to take action…

If you are not scared of investing in yourself and in your business,
then perhaps you have what it takes to be mentored directly by me.

--> Go Here to Fill Out The Application

This is for ONLY three people.

+++This will include coming in to the Canadian Lake Home to work
with me for a one day intensive.

+++You will also have access to my proprietary coaching and co-branding
systems so you can model and build a 7+ figure coaching business.

+++You will be a Case Study.

+++You will be featured in Lifestyle Entrepreneur Magazine.

+++You will have me assist you to close coaching deals with you.
(You can even have me get on the phone to assist you directly.)

+++You will watch and learn how I close deals.

+++And most importantly you will have a lifestyle business build on
commanding premium fees and royalties for your own coaching program.

If this is something you are truly serious about, you will want to
fill out the application form.

All applications must be in by Sunday, April 20, 2014 at 9 pm EDT.

You can go here to fill in the application.

(All qualified applicants will be vetted directly by me.)


Your Mentor,

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