Friday, April 18, 2014

Fwd: Do you have what it takes?

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Do you have what it takes?
Date: Fri, 18 Apr 2014 14:00:44 -0400 (EDT)
From: Glenn Dietzel <>

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Do you have what it takes?
by Glenn Dietzel
If you are not commanding premium fees and royalties, chances
are you are really struggling in business right now.

If you want to end the pain of undervaluing your advice and you
want to grow your own coaching company, then you will want to
read the following very carefully.

I want to assist you to play a bigger game. Actually, I want to
challenge you to play at the highest levels in business.

Although I have assisted many different types of businesses over
the years, I remain partial to those entrepreneurs who want to start
and grow their own coaching companies.

And that got me thinking.

How would you like to work with me one-on-one to assist you to
grow your company?

Now that I have my One Day Business Intensive done at the
Vegas Sandcastle Event…

And now that my three day intensive is done with my OMEGA MIND
clients, I have had some time to review my schedule.

As you probably know, I have been responsible for some of the
most comprehensive and explosive growth in businesses over
the past 11 years.

I am known as the mentor to the world's highest paid business
coaches, consultants, experts and advisors.

I've spent my career mastering several highly essential and critical
skill sets to assist people to start and scale their own coaching
businesses in the quickest time possible.

A huge asset that I have been able to develop is in knowing how
to teach others to command top fees and royalties for coaching.

The coaching industry can be highly profitable if you know how to grow
your coaching company in the position of a trusted authority.

Sure there are other coaching programs. Some of them are not that bad.

But what makes my coaching programs different is the following:

There are few people who have spent the hours working with clients
like I have over the past 11 years.

Not only have I spent over 11,000 hours immersed in the coaching
industry growing my own company and assisting my clients during this
time, but I have the unique skills of teaching you to do the same—and in
the fastest time possible. (Only someone who is a former teacher could.)

Most coaching gurus who teach you should have a coaching company
are merely just motivational speakers who talk a great story, but who
don't have the skill sets to truly assist you.

Most coaching gurus who tell you how great their coaching programs are,
have little to no evidentiary proof, and minimal track record that showcases
their clients' success. (It usually is veiled in how great the guru is.)

Most people never get to work directly with the coaching guru, but
instead end up working with a coach who doesn't have a clue about
business, or about growing a 7 to 8 figure coaching company.

Unlike other programs, you won't be doing anything other than focusing
on the critical skills to create a true coaching company with my assistance.

Why am I doing this? I haven't taken on any new one-on-one clients
for the past 6 months because of my kids' schedule (my wife and I travel
to all of our boys' travel sports events), and I have been busy building
an entirely new coaching and co-branding program called OMEGA MIND.

I love working with clients one-on-one, and this is only for those who
are committed to taking massive action and building tremendous
momentum with their business.

I love teaching my clients how to leverage the inverted business
funnel for maximum profits.

I bring my own clients to the Canadian Lake Home so my own children
and my wife can meet the amazing entrepreneurs which I attract
from all over the world.

If you want to achieve some amazing momentum for your business…

If you are not a tire-kicker, but someone who loves to take action…

If you are not scared of investing in yourself and in your business,
then perhaps you have what it takes to be mentored directly by me.

--> Go Here to Fill Out The Application

This is for ONLY three people.

+++This will include coming in to the Canadian Lake Home to work
with me for a one day intensive.

+++You will also have access to my proprietary coaching and co-branding
systems so you can model and build a 7+ figure coaching business.

+++You will be a Case Study.

+++You will be featured in Lifestyle Entrepreneur Magazine.

+++You will have me assist you to close coaching deals with you.
(You can even have me get on the phone to assist you directly.)

+++You will watch and learn how I close deals.

+++And most importantly you will have a lifestyle business build on
commanding premium fees and royalties for your own coaching program.

If this is something you are truly serious about, you will want to
fill out the application form.

All applications must be in by Sunday, April 20, 2014 at 9 pm EDT.

You can go here to fill in the application.

(All qualified applicants will be vetted directly by me.)


Your Mentor,

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