Thursday, June 12, 2014

Fwd: [Part 1 of 4] Confirmation & free email workbook

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [Part 1 of 4] Confirmation & free email workbook
Date: Tue, 10 Jun 2014 15:55:27 -0700
From: Zentrepreneur <>

Hey steve
Congratulations for signing up for my Email Marketing workshop.
This email contains some important information to help you get the best possible results from the training… but first, some housekeeping.
1. The workshop takes place on 12th June at 7PM (PDT/ BST). Make a note in your calendar, scribble it on a Post It note, set alarms on your iPhone. You won't want to miss it :-)
2. Please click this link to join our private Facebook event group. You'll get bonus content, updates & other goodies. Plus, it's a great way for you to connect with other top email marketers. (Come back after you do it.)
3. I created an epic 42 page eBook for you, "How To Double Your Sales — Without Growing Your List — Using 12 Email Marketing Hacks." This rare resource will help you boost your email game… fast!
Make sure you have a read before the workshop.
(It'll give you a significant advantage over your competition and help you quickly make more sales…)
OK - that's it for housekeeping.
Let's look at what you're getting over the next few days (and how it will help you and your business.)
First up: the workshop. 
I will show you exactly how to make more sales, and you'll learn how to quickly squeeze massive profits out of tiny lists. You're getting a proven way to win more customers and fans… ALL via email.
You'll also discover how to send emails so captivating (and persuasive) your prospects will contact you if they miss one, begging you to resend it.
Plus, you'll discover advanced techniques that'll wrench money from your prospects. This will help propel you on affiliate leader-boards... even if your list is a fraction the size of your competition. 
In short: I'll show you precisely how to create emails that "sell" better than anything else I know.
In fact...
My email system is a Shortcut to online success, and
has contributed to at least $100 Million + in sales... 
in the last year alone!
More on that later.
Before I share all the juicy details with you, I want to give you some context. Because there's a good chance you don't know who the hell I am.
Here's the "quickie" version:
My name is Andre Chaperon. I'm the creator of one of the most popular - and well reviewed - email marketing courses ever released: Autoresponder Madness (ARM).
ARM has helped thousands of ordinary people to double - or triple - their businesses (or more), whilst providing massive value to their lists.
But you know what the kicker is?
I'm not a copywriter. Have never studied the black art of "copywriting". In fact, I've never been through a copywriting product, beginning to end. Never.
I was even certified dyslexic as a kid... sent to a remedial school... and put on Ritalin. That's how much of a non-writer I am.
Even today I can't spell for shit.
Yet - despite all this - I'm considered one of the best email guys in the business.
So much so that...
The biggest gurus in online marketing use MY unique email system to make Multi-Millions!
Email legends like Ryan Deiss, Jeff Walker, Rich Schefren, Kevin Nations, Mindvalley's Vishen Lakhiani, Perry Belcher and Dr Harlan Kilstein use - and stand behind - my trademark Autoresponder Madness system.
(And that's just a few big names off the top of my head.)
It's awesome - these guys use my unique email system to generate more subscribers, fans and customers. 
And - of course - make more money. 
Because my approach works.
It helps you make more sales... with less effort.
All whilst providing massive goodwill to your list.
And like I said, I have zero special abilities. 
If I can do this, believe me, so can you.
So… make sure you've locked my workshop in your calendar. It's going to be a lot of fun (and very profitable for you.)
Also - I'll be emailing you tomorrow with a free lesson to help you boost your sales… immediately.
All about how to "steal" from shows like 24, House of Cards, Game of Thrones and Breaking Bad to make more money.
The subject line will be:
[Part 2 of 4] The Walter White of Email
Keep an eye out for it.
(It's a goodie.)
Until then,
Andre Chaperon
P.S. Don't forget to download your free 42 page ebook here. It's packed full of golden money-getting content.
I put a LOT of time and energy into it, and I think you'll get a ton of value from it.


If you wish to stop receiving our emails or change your subscription options, please Manage Your Subscription
Mindvalley LC, 14525 South West Millikan Way #31545, Beaverton, OR, 97005

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