Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Fwd: Corporate America and The Capitalist Agenda [Part 2]

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From: Gilder's Daily Prophecy <gildersdailyprophecy@email.threefounderspublishing.com>
Date: Tue, Jan 12, 2021 at 11:10 AM
Subject: Corporate America and The Capitalist Agenda [Part 2]
To: <stevescott@techacq.com>

Capital is flowing toward government to be liquidated and spent
Gilder's Daily Prophecy

January 12, 2021


>>>>> Urgent Message From George Gilder <<<<<

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Wall Street is exploiting an unfair advantage they have over folks like you…

And they're making BILLIONS — even as the market tanks.

It's time you had a way to protect yourself — even potentially profit.

Click here to find out how now.

Corporate America and The Capitalist Agenda [Part 2]

George GilderDear Daily Prophecy Reader,

If you missed part 1, click here to catch up.

Keep scrolling to read part 2…

They believe that dollars spur the economy in proportion as they can be spent. Economic growth is enhanced through taking money from people with a high "propensity to save" and giving it to people with a high propensity to consume.

In these bizarre economic models, saving is believed to destroy wealth and consumption to build wealth.

Poor persons spend all they receive, while billionaires such as Musk keep it invested in illiquid projects. Thus taxing money from Musk and giving it to others is believed to "stimulate" the economic growth.

This demand-side fantasy prevails among Democrats and fuels the fervor for redistribution in Washington. All around the globe, the countries that save most grow fastest.

But the parochial accountant Keynesians in Washington believe in the "paradox of thrift," whereby one person's savings may increase an individual's wealth but many peoples' savings destroys wealth.

But capitalism works not because capital goes to those with the greatest propensity to spend it but because it goes to those with the greatest ability to expand it.

Today in the US, capital is flowing toward government to be liquidated and spent. Billionaires thrive by trying to align their investments with government priorities such as the climate change delusion.

#1 Futurist Has Great News For Tech Investors...

Copy of Official Approval Enclosed (tech)

Please Enable ImagesIn July 2020, the U.S. Government finally approved a tech project that has the potential to disrupt a $2 trillion industry.

Ever since the Official Approval was signed... one financial analyst has been gathering critical data on the project. And based on all the information, he's making his boldest prediction yet.

What you'll see when you click here is every shred of evidence that convinced us of what lies ahead. Industries being disrupted, companies going bankrupt.... New opportunities that could turn small nest eggs into massive fortunes...

We've even enclosed a copy of the official approval that kick-started this massive project.

Click here now to see it while you can.

No more banks. No more accountants. No more Wall Street?

Today's Prophecy

Musk's pinnacle thus is precarious. He must indulge the fantasies of Washington politicians while at the same time ruthlessly pursuing the realities of markets and technology. 

All we can say, is "so far so good." But Musk's electric vehicles cannot finally prevail if the politicians' and professors succeed in banishing both CO2 and nuclear power. Solar and wind cannot sustain a world of Tesla's. That's the paradox of Musk's pinnacle of wealth… and America's.

You cannot tax wealth away and rebuild it by orgies of spending. You cannot abolish an effective energy system and replace it with sunbeams and volatile breezes without bringing down Musk's fortune.

In general, the more illiquid the investment the more it is oriented to the future, and the more it spurs durable growth. Governor Newsom in California, like the entire new Washington crowd, will soon discover that entrepreneurs such as Elon are the world's most "essential" citizens.

Compared to the realities of physics and information theory, the immutable testimonies of time-prices and inventive surprises, the delusions of politicians offer a poor and perilous path to enduring wealth.

That's why in this time of trial — in nearly all our publications — we favor finding the most promising new technologies, wherever they may be, and making long-term investments in them that can survive all the vicissitudes of politics.


George Gilder

George Gilder
Editor, Gilder's Daily Prophecy

P.S. As a loyal reader, I've promised to keep you informed on life-changing technology opportunities, everything from Wi-Fi 6 to blockchain to "15G" and more! Today, I'm reaching out to you about a rather unique discovery made by one of my colleagues that was recently brought to my attention… He discovered an explosive and easy way to trade the markets week after week. Click here to see my video where I get into some of the details about this opportunity.

Nothing Can Save You From What's Coming on Jan. 15...

fire imageIt looks like they got away with it…

Biden and the mainstream media joined forces to "rig" the 2020 election against Trump...

Now the greatest country on earth is being led by a cabal of corrupt leftists…

And it couldn't happen at a worse time…

Because the renowned analyst and bestselling author who accurately predicted the subprime mortgage meltdown… the financial crisis of 2008… the Greek sovereign debt crisis… and Brexit…

Just issued his latest prophecy

Those who haven't prepared their loved ones for what he says is coming… will never forgive themselves.

Click here for the details.

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