Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Fwd: resend: Jack of all trades...master of none = you?

Steve Scott
Technology Acquisition Group
& Leadership Point Radio
New York 646.450.4730
San Francisco 415.633.6850

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Bob Regnerus <bob@rjrcomputing.com>
Date: Tue, Sep 3, 2013 at 3:05 PM
Subject: resend: Jack of all trades...master of none = you?
To: stevescott@techacq.com

I have a few people considering this or already on board. This will only work as a small group, so if you want to be considered, please reply ASAP.

Here's the message in case you missed it.....

Did you realize that your biggest asset might be your biggest problem?

The fact that you can do most anything in your client's eyes actually works against you.

* Please read this note carefully all the way to the end. This might be exactly where you are right now.

When you are a Jack of All Trades, but Master of None, how does this affect you?

(1) You can never articulate and communicate your value to the market

When asked what you do, you laugh, you squirm, then you to ask the person if they have 30 minutes to waste hearing your long story. 5 minutes into describing your long list of credentials, the person you are talking to is reaching for their cell phone praying for a text or incoming call to interrupt you and hi-tail it outta there. 

It's far more interesting and productive to tell someone something very specific and interesting that you do.

For example:

- I help middle-age men with beer bellies lose 15 pounds in 90 days and restore their vitality and confidence

- I provide vacation homes in New Buffalo, Mi to high-income professionals who live in Chicago's Gold Coast area and want a quick weekend escape

- I offer job-placement services in the trades to veterans returning home from the Middle East

If you can't ramble off a statement like one of these, you are in trouble.

(2) You don't get to talk to good prospects

Quite simply, if you don't have a good grasp of what you can do for people, you won't talk to people that are best suited for you to help. People as a rule, rarely go looking for generalists. They're not impressed with someone that can do a little of everything. When the A/C is out, they are looking for a HVAC guy. When you have a heart problem, you're going to a cardiologist. When you have the IRS breathing down your neck, no ordinary CPA will do, you want a Tax Attorney who's an animal.

People don't care to employ generalists and wait for results. They want experts who can deliver something amazing to them in a short amount of time.

(3) When you can't say what you do well and don't talk to good prospects, you take most any job you're asked to do and you usually undercharge that gig

You gotta eat, so when someone finally gets on the phone with you, and they present you with an issue, because you are hungry (and you are a generalist), you'll take their gig no matter how miserable and out-of-the box it is for you. Oh, and by the way, you are also very suspect to be taken in by "opportunity offerers"...those very (ahem) persuasive people that dangle truffles in front of you to get you do work for them for almost nothing but a promise.

You will also get people on the phone (who cannot afford experts) that ask you do work for next to nothing because you have a good heart. I'm not against helping people at all, but helping people in need is charity or ministry. You need to separate your charitable activity from your business activity. If you constantly offer your services for way less than you are worth, you are being disingenuous to your self and telling the universe that you aren't worthy.

I'm here to tell you - YOU ARE WORTHY. You were born for something great! You deserve better!!

Be aware that the big players we see marketing around us can afford to market to the general public. It's the only way they can maintain growth. They are willing to sift through the messes (I mean masses) to find the diamonds. You and I don't have that luxury. We don't have the resources or the time to sift through 1000's of prospects to find the couple that we can help. 

Our big advantage is our ability to both exhibit and market our unique expertise and experience in the most narrow way possible so we attract LESS prospects, but end up speaking to MORE qualified leads.

So let me ask you a big question, are you a jack of all trades or a specialist?

Can you tell someone in 10 seconds what you do and make them genuinely interested?

Based on feedback from my webinar, I am going to offer a small, limited number of people to work with me in a small group setting to finally answer the biggest question you have yet to answer: "What do you do?"

  • If you want me to help you focus...
  • If you want me to help you create a 10 second engaging statement...
  • If you want me to help you work less hours, charge more for your services, and serve more people that appreciate you...

Reply back to this email and let me know you want to be considered. Don't reply if you expect me to do all the work. I promise you that you will get focus IF you promise yourself you will do what it takes to make it happen. 

This will not be a "class". You will not be learning theory, best practices, or models. We will work together to find YOU and help you get your voice and story.

Don't wait, I want to start this within a week. It will not be cheap, but it will not be as sizable of an investment as when you work with me 1-on-1. If your first instinct is to reply back with, "How much?", you probably aren't a fit. Here's a hint - it's south of $1000. 

So are you willing to invest time and effort into changing your career and your life today?

Look outside. Labor Day is over. Fall has arrived. It's a new season and the leaves are changing. It's time for you to change too.

Reply back today and I will let you know how to proceed.

Carpe diem my friends!!


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Bob Regnerus - RJR PO Box 251 Palos Heights, Illinois 60463 United States (877) 349-2615

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