Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Fwd: your newsletter sucks

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Welly at BirdSend <welly@birdsend.org>
Date: Tue, Jul 20, 2021 at 7:47 AM
Subject: your newsletter sucks
To: <stevescott@techacq.com>


First, in case you wanna change email preferences:

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Here's this week's updates:

1/ Lions don't lose sleep over the opinions of sheep

2/ Stop saying "subscribe to my newsletter" because newsletter sucks

3/ Email design vs content. Who wins?

4/ No budget - how to do marketing without spamming?

5/ Imposter syndrome a bit less for me this week :)

6/ If email marketing was a super hero 🦸, it'd be __________


1/ Lions don't lose sleep over the opinions of sheep

I came across this interesting post that talks about why you should stop being a people pleaser.

I've definitely made this mistake in the past, and still makes this mistake today from time to time 😅

Are you a people pleaser?

2/ Stop saying "subscribe to my newsletter" because newsletter sucks

Cold site visitors view you as a stranger since they don't know who you are (yet).

❌ Asking them to subscribe to your newsletter is bad.


Because they don't want to join a stranger's newsletter.

They're already subscribed to many newsletters. And they don't know if you're legit (i.e. provide helpful and useful content or not).

Saying "Join our newsletter where we'll provide you with the latest tips on X" will not motivate them to sign up.

Latest tip is vague. What latest tip are you talking about?

What EXACTLY will I get if I enter my email? Will it solve my problem now?

✅ Provide immediate benefits people can visualize right now. A lead magnet - old-fashioned pdf or video or email series is more enticing.


"5 simple exercises you can do at home today to start getting 6-pack abs"


"Sign up for my fitness newsletter"


Another lead magnet example from one of our amazing customers, Pam Barnhill:




Are you still using the vague "sign up for my newsletter" when you can get better opt-in conversions via a specific lead magnet?

3/ Email design vs content. Who wins?

As a content creator, do you think subscribers open your emails because of how good looking they are...

Or because of how the content can be helpful to them?

Unless you're trying to win design competitions or run an ecom store...

Sending emails with a good enough / simple design and just let your content take center stage is a better approach than sending fancy-designed emails.

Here's why:

✅ Better email deliverability because simple design means cleaner html

✅ Faster to set up and send emails

✅ You're giving a personal (rather than a corporate) vibe — people want to connect with other humans, not with brands.

✅ The inbox is a place to consume content, not to be in awe of how good looking the emails are.

If you want to show off your design skills, use a CTA to take people to your website.

There, feel free to use fancy design.

Do you use fancy or simple design? 

4/ No budget - how to do marketing without spamming?

Recently I stumbled upon a forum question:

enable img to see this question

I gave the OP this answer, and thought it'd be useful to include it in today's email.

Here's my answer:

If just starting out, I suggest via relevant community (max 1) & social media (max 1).

Follow your target audience, genuinely engage w/ them, uplift them when they're down, congratulate them when they win.

Reply / comment on their posts, like them, amplify their posts by sharing.

Share valuable content that ties in to whatever you're selling.

Over time some will check out your profile -> go to your site -> sign up for your email list -> become customers.

Are you planning to spam? If yes, please reconsider. ðŸ˜…

5/ Imposter syndrome a bit less for me this week :)

When you get unsolicited feedback like this, it really makes your day and slightly reduces the imposter syndrome in me:


If you want to like Swati, you can sign up for a BirdSend free trial today

How's your week this past 7 days?

6/ If email marketing was a super hero 🦸, it'd be __________

For me, it's Spiderman.

Ironman says Peter talks too much.

And I agree.

But when it comes to email marketing, it's a good thing.

At least in the beginning stages of your relationship with new subscribers, you have to be talkative. Send them daily emails. Remember, everyone and their dog is vying for your subscribers' attention. If you don't show up in their inbox daily, they'll forget about you quickly.

So if email marketing was a super hero, it'd be __________.

Reply and let me know.


Email is Profitably Fun!
Welly Mulia


My customers send 30M emails/month combined. I write about using email marketing to boost sales. Founder of BirdSend - email marketing tool with high open rates while saving Indie Creators 3 - 5X every month.

You can find me on Twitter


Know someone who might benefit from this email? Please share to them.

If you're new, you can subscribe here.


Welly at BirdSend



Boring stuff:

1/ Can't stand my emails anymore? Click here to unsubscribe

2/ You change email address? Who still does that anyway? Update your email here

3/ Our office address (we don't welcome strangers though): 18th Floor, Maspion Plaza Gunung Sahari Raya No. 18 Jakarta 14420, Indonesia

4/ Think my emails are awesome and can't get enough of them? Whitelist welly@birdsend.org by adding it to your address book

5/ Have you joined our email marketing community?


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