Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Fwd: The BIG Pivot (Weekly Flight Brief)

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From: Ed Rush <>
Date: Wed, May 20, 2020 at 8:05 AM
Subject: The BIG Pivot (Weekly Flight Brief)
To: <>

Hey Steve,

This week's Flight Brief is about what I am calling "The BIG Pivot."

Today, you're about to learn...

  • What the brave new world is going to look like post-quarantine
  • And how to take advantage of a H-u-y-u-u-u-u-g-e opportunity
  • So you can share your message with the world and make a lot of money doing it.

In fact, this "Pivot" is going to be SO critical to you and your business that I am going to be talking about it for a few weeks.

Remember, you can read or listen to the Weekly flight Brief so have at it.

3, 2, 1, launch…

What I am Focusing On Right Now

Just to come clean about this, I've sped way past the "focusing on" stage.

Frankly, I am obsessed about the idea of PIVOTING into what's working now in this brave new world. That's...

  • Because the post-quarantine world is so dramatically different from the world of 2 months ago
  • Because the business world just opened UP in a whole new way
  • SO THAT...WHEN you take action now, you can carve out a spot you can own for decades to come.

A little history of information...

In the 60s, people got their information from one man: Walter Cronkite. His hold on information was so pervasive that President Johnson himself once said "If I've lost Cronkite, I've lost Middle America."

In the 70s and 80s, Americans learned what was "true" from ABC (Peter Jennings), NBC (Tom Brokaw), or CBS (Dan Rather). If it didn't exist on "The Nightly News" it didn't exist. Period

Then in 1991, the Persian Gulf war catapulted a little cable news network called CNN to center stage with a totally new concept: 24-Hour News. Quickly thereafter the field was crowded with Fox, MSNBC, and others vying for your time and attention.

The quick result was polarization and tribalization (along with the inevitable mass confusion) of America. Now add to that an innumerable number of online "news" outlets and the field became divided while America became unstable and confused.

So what did the country do?
They each chose their own Walter Cronkite.
To make sense of the confusion, Americans simply turned their attention to their favorite "expert."

For the last 2 years, most Americans have preferred to hear from people like Kim Kardashian or Ben Shapiro more than CNN or Fox.

Which brings me to you...

Steve, the sands are shifting again.
Everything just changed.
People are looking for Walter Cronkite again, but instead of the elite, they are looking for someone AUTHENTIC.
They are looking for TRUTH.

They are looking for YOU.

The door literally just opened for authors, experts, speakers, and thought leaders like you to share their message, grow a following, and change the world.

The country just got a jolt of fake and people now have a passionate desire for REAL.

Listen, COVID just reset the world. And it 100% changed the online space.
Much like the Gulf war did for cable news, this "pandemic" just opened a window for you to share your message (and finally be heard).

To put it another way…

The industrial revolution led to the information revolution that led to the "gig" economy that opened the door for the New Expert Economy.

So pay very close attention to what I am about to say…

Right this very moment...people are looking for you, your experience, your story, and your solution.

Will they find you?
If the answer to that question is "no" or "maybe," let me give you a little kick in the pants: YOU have about 8 months (12 months max) to get your butt in front of them.

If you don't, you will miss what I consider the single greatest opportunity of our lifetime.

And if you do, you will have a following that will pay you well for a long, long time.

As for me, I am doubling down.
I will NOT miss this opportunity.
I suggest you join me.

Seriously, hang tight because over the next few weeks, I am going to share how to grow, accelerate, and dominate.

For now, here are 4 quick tips on what to do right now.

Tip #1
Pick a Single Social Media Platform and FOCUS Your Attention There

The platform you choose is up to where your market is.
For example, if you're targeting CEOs, LinkedIn is your place.
If you're looking to find homeschool Moms or hairdressers, go to Instagram.

All things being equal, here are the platforms ranked from best to worst…

  1. LinkedIn - Best by far, especially in the business environment. My 10,000 LI following is 10 times better than my 165,000 Facebook list.
  2. Instagram - that's my latest favorite place right now for inexpensive email leads. IGTV is becoming big. I get 400-800 views on each video which is more than YouTube where the original content streamed.
  3. YouTube - especially if your content works best over video (like organic gardening tips or SEO strategies). Sadly, the results usually come from YouTube ads. In other words, you may have to put some money into the machine to get the views you want.
  4. Facebook - nearly worthless except for retargeting and groups.
  5. Twitter - worthless...dead...little...bird.

Tip #2
Create Short Videos on a Specific Topics and Use it On Your Favorite Platform

I am falling in love (again) with video. I think the connection you get with your market through video is incredible and people are consuming video quickly. I've also been testing adding subtitles to my videos on social media (especially LinkedIn) with good results.

Quick video tip: START STRONG.
There are 3 ways I recommend starting your videos...

  • Start with the word "you"
  • Start with the word "imagine"
  • Or start by saying "In this video, you're going to learn…"

Ideal Video Length = no shorter than 5 minutes and no longer than 12 minutes.

Tip #3
Write or Relaunch a Book

People are looking for you. They really are.
IF you want to write a book, do it now.
Here is an article to help get you started.

If you already have a book, now is a great time to relaunch it with a new cover.

Tip #4
Go Against the Grain

Last thing, and don't send me angry emails about this, ok?
Now is a great time to launch a live in-person event.
Seriously, I know this sounds crazy, but think about it...when is the best time to do something? When no one else is doing it. I about to launch a live event?
Just watch.
Seriously, put June 25-27 on your calendar.*

App of the Week / Challenge of the Week

My App of the week is nothing.

That's because my challenge of the week is to go ONE week without watching, listening, or reading the news.


My personal rule goes as follows: anytime I read, listen, or watch the news and react emotionally I have to take a week off. And between us kids, it's been hard to NOT react emotionally to some of the recent news stories.

So, are you in?

Seriously, you can do this.



P.S. I am really thinking about doing a LIVE Event. It will be 3-Days of my favorite experts to show you how to crush "the new normal." If I do this event, it will be soon (with all of the necessary precautions of course). But I probably won't be mass marketing it.

So, if I did it, would you be interested?

Reply to this and let me know.

If the idea of a live event scares you, you shouldn't come. I want to respect all views on this situation. If it helps you to know, the audience will be separated farther away than they have done for the last 2 months now at WalMart and the room will be fully sanitized several times a day.

In other words, chill, we're going to go about this while simultaneously using our brains.

It's going to be great tho.

P.P.S. If you're not registered for tomorrow's training called, "How To Dominate The 'New Normal' and Make a Ton of Money Sharing Your Message" do that now.


Ed Rush & Associates
P.O. Box 1290
Bonita, California 91902
United States
(619) 292-2599

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