Sunday, October 21, 2018

Fwd: Sunday Secret #20 — 7 Money Making Tips For Beginners…

On Oct 21, 2018, at 7:36 AM, Caleb ODowd <> wrote:

Everybody wants to make money online these days. But very few succeed.


Mostly, folks end up spending tens of thousands of dollars on training programs, courses and seminars. They waste months, years, even decades of their life. But unfortunately, they never earn a penny.


To rescue you from this fate, here are 7 money making tips for beginners.


Tip #1 — Specialize In One Business Model!


There are many ways to get rich online. Pick one. Not two, three, five or more. Just one. All the top marketers I know started out by specializing in one road to wealth. Once they got there, they branched out into many others. But if you're a beginner, you haven't got a snowball's chance in hell of succeeding until you stop getting distracted by the 101 different ways to make money online. You gotta pick one and master it. If you're struggling to find out what that "one way" should be, then here's my suggestion. Pick email list building and email marketing. Nothing online has produced more Internet millionaires… and no other opportunity is more tested, proven and more profitable… than email list building and marketing.


Tip #2 — Become An Expert On Your Prospect!


One of the biggest reasons why beginners fail is because they don't focus on the fundamentals. One MAJOR fundamental is that you must know your prospect intimately. And by intimately, I mean, you must know his wants, wishes, desires, fears, frustrations and problems. The marketers who know these things about their prospect, those are the guys who are making millions of dollars in personal income. The guys who don't know their prospect, they rarely (if ever) succeed. It's just as simple and black and white as that.


Tip #3 — Become An Expert On Your Competition!


Every niche has been around for a LONG time. And in every niche, there are "top dogs" who rule the roost. Now these guys have been in the trenches in these niches for years, even decades. They have fought tooth and nail, battled through relentless failure, endless trial and error, and they've spent millions of dollars in testing… to achieve the success they have today. To be where they are at (at the top) they have figured it all out. Who the prospect is, what the prospect wants to buy, what you need to say to the prospect to get him to buy, and everything else you could possibly wish to know to achieve success. All this means if YOU are not studying your competitors like your life depended on it, then it's highly unlikely you will succeed in marketing. You MUST study your competitors — and you must never stop. You must always be watching what they are doing. Always!


Tip #4 — Make Lots Of Friends!


It took me a long time to learn this one and I'm kicking myself all the time over it. If you don't know already, then let me tell you. Marketing is a relationship game. Yes, you can live in a cave and make a good income, but it will be a slow journey. Success online gets so much easier when you're friends with people who have large email lists, incredible media buying skills, sales funnel expertise, and so on. You gotta get out, meet people, make friends and build your "relationship capital" as fast as possible. If I had started this 14 years ago, instead of just 4 years ago, I'd be a heckuva lot richer than I am today. That's a fact.


Tip #5 — Get Rid Of Your "Get Rich Quick" Mentality!


The "get rich quick" mentality causes more beginners to fail than anything else I'm aware of. The people who think there is a fast way to get rich are the people who waste years, even decades of their life. There is no such thing as "get rich quick." It's bullshit. You must understand that getting rich takes time, energy, commitment and hard work. It will not happen overnight. The sooner you realize that, the sooner your REAL journey to success will begin!


Tip #6 — Create Financial Security!


Stay away from "one time" sales and the business models associated with them. Center your business around recurring income. In fact, make sure that every sale you make leads your customers directly into a continuity program of some description. Why? Because recurring sales give your business (and your bank account) financial stability and security. It's a beautiful thing to wake up every morning knowing your business generates six or seven figures per month… every month… on autopilot… even while you're drinking Pina coladas under an umbrella on the beach.


Tip #7 — It's All About The Backend, Baby!


If you don't have a backend, you don't have a business. I knew a guy once with an offer on clickbank. The guy was crushing it and living high on the hog. He thought he was set for life. Never focused a moment of his time on the backend. Just earned his income from front end sales. Guess what happened? His offer got old and tired and the sales stopped coming in. Almost overnight, he was screwed. Last week, I met an email marketer who told me he gets 6,000 to 8,000 new leads a day onto his email list. He told me he has a 2 year autoresponder series in place. So every lead that comes through his door gets sold new products and services each week for the next two years. He told me his autoresponders are earning him, on average, $600,000 a month in profit. That's a business. And that's the kinda thing you want to dedicate yourself to building.


Now I have many more tips like these, but this post is getting long. So I'll wrap it up here and save the rest for an upcoming Sunday Secret.


Speaking of which, my wife Natasha and I are having our first baby (a boy) next month. As a result, I'm trying to limit my workload a little so I can be more present during this magical time.


And so, I'm going to take a little vacation from writing these Sunday Secrets… just until my little man is born. Then, once the dust settles, I'll be back each Sunday with a BANG.


With that said, don't worry. I'm not disappearing off the face of the earth.


In fact, I've got a BIG surprise coming your way tomorrow morning. Stay tuned. It's gonna be a game changer for a lot of people — including YOU!















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