Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Fwd: Are These 4 Videos On Your Website?

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From: Kristen White <kristen@whitemediaagency.com>
Date: Tue, Aug 30, 2016 at 7:32 AM
Subject: Are These 4 Videos On Your Website?
To: stevescott@techacq.com

Kristen White

How well do you know your ideal client, Steve?

The more you know about them, the easier it is to create a message that attracts new business like raving fans to a football game. There are 4 types of videos you should have o on your website.

The Home Page Magnet Video

Goal: To build your list and establish rapport.

This video has three basic parts:

1. Every great video opens with a question, or two, directed towards your ideal clients!

Why? Because a question invites engagement and the right question can open the door immediately to a lasting coaching relationship with your favorite type of client.

Use this simple exercise to generate some ideas. Take your favorite client, describe their struggles and pain in bullet points, and then create a series of questions about their pain. For example, if you specialize in weight loss and body image, here would be the opening questions in the video:

  • "Have YOU been off and on a diet for the last 6 months, 2 years, or even 5 years, and now you're just tired of all of the confusing messages about your weight and your health?"
  • "What would it feel like to make peace with your body shape and finally lose the stubborn weight once and for all?"

Use the words YOU and YOUR in the opening question. Speak directly to one person, try not speak to everyone.

2. The next part is to introduce yourself in one power sentence.

"Hi, I'm {name}, I have a {describe your signature system} that will get YOU to {Transformational Promise } in these # steps, #months."

3. The third part is a very clear call to action.

"Just enter your name and email on this page and I will give you the {small powerful exercise that is a piece of your big program} to get started today, right now and it's my gift to you."

Be, what I call, a generous messenger. Give away some of your best stuff! This video is 60-90 seconds in length.

Thank You For Watching Video

Goal: To invite clients to take the next step in your business funnel

Once clients give you their name and email, they have already agreed to invest a part of themselves into interacting with your business. This is a perfect time to send a short video asking them to take another step with you. Tell them about your discovery sessions, your next group coaching class or invite them to your retreat. This video will come immediately after the sign up for your FREE coaching exercise opt-in. It can also include instructions on how to get your download. This video is 30-45 seconds in length.

Here's How I can Help you Right Now for FREE

Goal: To give people a small taste of your business

This will take some thought and planning. What is a piece of your business that can stand alone as a transformational tool? For example, my gift is 22 On Camera Tips from the Media Pros. I'm a media coach and this is a snapshot of some tools people can use right away to create better on camera presence and to have confidence while creating videos. Hint, return to the earlier questions about your ideal clients main points of pain, and create a FREE give away that address directly their obstacles. This video is 2-5 minutes or a series of short videos.

What other People Love about Working with YOU

Goal: To establish social proof and build credibility

This is where you can add video testimonials from people who have worked with you. If the testimonials are written, they can be added to a full screen graphic for people to read. Testimonials are a powerful too to convert new seekers into clients.

A video makeover to you website will increase your visibility and establish an instant connection to people who visit your website. If you are not using video currently, now is the time to step in front of the camera and shine!


Free Gift

Use my worksheet, "Script Creation Content Matp: Blueprint for a Successful Message" to create the script for your Magnet Video.

script creation

Looking to Produce a Speaker's Video?

"If you're a professional speaker, you need a video showcasing your talents; it's an essential part of your marketing. You want that video to show you delivering a fantastic talk in front of an engaged, appreciative audience." -- Nick Morgan, forbes.com

Great news! I am hosting a Speaker's Video production day -- and you're invited! Join me and the members of the Authentic Voice Media Expert Portfolio program on December 2, 2016 at the beautiful Vue 17 Speaker's Venue in St. Louis, Missouri. We will be filming, and editing, professional videos for you! Part of a great speaker's video is a reactive, engaged audience -- and we'll have one! For more information and pricing, please email support@authenticvoicemedia.com.


Do you want to use media to promote your book, coaching practice, art or wellness products?

I have developed my new Authentic Voice Media Expert Portfolio Program, a six month program gives you more training on interviews, creating podcasts, media distribution, on-camera style, and more, plus two videos and one podcast interview for your portfolio.

I'm offering you a giant LEAP from beginner to expert in a very short period of time. This is only for people like you who have a clear direction, a solid message and who want to add MEDIA to supercharge your MESSAGE.

Once the world can watch you, listen to you and learn from you through their mobile devices, then you will have the VISIBILITY necessary to grow your business and personal brand quickly and exponentially.


In Love & Light,

Facebook Twitter LinkedIn YouTube

P.S. To learn more about production, projects, books, and past interviews, visit KristenWhite.net

Manage Your Subscription

Kristen White
3005 S. St. Francis St, Ste 1D
Santa Fe, New Mexico 87505
United States
(505) 395-0686


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