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On Apr 14, 2020, at 9:19 AM, Oren Klaff <> wrote:
You cannot present 52 slides, not even 16 ... and only SIX matter.
Insights from the author of Pitch Anything and Flip the Script
Are you freaking out or what??
Think about this for a moment:
USA AMERICA is going to run out of bacon soon.
That's what happens when you KILL SWITCH THE ENTIRE ECONOMY.
No more bacon.
But who cares about bacon, we have some other questions to deal with -
For example, has anyone taken the time to ask ...
So ... what about your super rich friends ... how are they doing?
"Oh god, when is that Covid-thing going to be done with, it's just killing the market...
"... and for lunch ... want Sushi from Matsuhisa's again?"
Do you have one of these guys in your social circle?
RIGHT NOW he's buying a big house in Aspen because "it's a good time to be picking up real estate"
You know this guy, right?
Well ... mind kicking him in the B$##s% for me?
Because I know a HUNDRED of these guys and gals.
I'm TXT'ing with them all day long.
Here's a few more TXT's that I got today
... "what are you buying, i made $2 mil on a Boeing flip :-)"
...... "just got a Gulfstream IV stole it can u believe prices"
........ "we closed a $30 million round of financing."
So on my end, I have a Very Good window into this, and how the top-end of society are "dealing with this Covid-thing." They are:
Bunkered up.
Buying assets cheap.
Eating fresh sushi.
And maybe that's what you're doing ... buying homes and raising lots of capital.
But I have 3,300 other clients who are doing something very DIFFERENT.
First, they are going to work (not shopping)
Second, they are focusing on revenue.
Third ...
well, there is no third.
Actually, it's "... Revenue Without Discounting"
I know what you're thinking ... Hey Oren ... how are they doing it? What are they doing that's WORKING right now?
Here's exactly what is working at the best companies:
1. They got much better at locking down calls and meetings.
No meeting ... No pitch ... no revenue. Today, your prospects are ducking calls and avoiding meetings. This means it is taking way too much executive time and energy to get meetings set up. So we are using technology to set meetings and giving much better training to our SDR's.
2. Pitch Once, Pitch Correctly.
Whether you are an entrepreneur eager for funding, a sales manager that needs to hit a quarterly target, or an an executive in b2b sales ... you need that focused and hard hitting-pitch. But delivering a Covid-era Pitch is not easy. I see professionals struggle every day.
A good pitch focuses only on what your audience needs. Nothing more. On that point, here are the six subjects that really matter:
Again, these are the big subjects that really MATTER.
And notice what's NOT HERE:
X Why we're better
X Our fancy awards
X How great our customer service is
X 10 other things we can do pretty well.
X Discounts and Special offersThose things don't make a difference in conversion and closing.
Today, you have to use what I call THE COVID RULES:
IF you get a single element of the pitch out of order, or tell that part of the story in the wrong way ... you're in trouble.
Oh sure, you might still "close" but it will take longer, be harder and you'll lose margin.
And look, I understand, you can't just pop up a slide that says "Why Now" or "Prove it" or "ECONOMIC VALUE" ...
It has has to fit together into a hard-hitting story of "why buy from me now."
I'd like to show you what to include in each one of THE SIX SLIDES THAT MATTER ... and how to use the slides to tell a whole story that is compelling to listen to.
This happens on FRIDAY.
On Friday (April 17th) I'm doing a webinar on this. You'll see how to stack these six subjects together into one pitch ... and one solid story:
ECONOMIC VALUEIt may help you to see me creating a pitch with these 6 Must-Have topics. I have done this thousands of times and find it quite easy - but I've been doing this for 20 years.
I'll coach you through it.
You can join me on FRIDAY on an hour-long training on HOW TO USE THE SIX TOPICS THAT MATTER.
YOU should take this session.
These 6-topics work to crush "Covid" objections and close deals.
We're all using them. Today. Right now.
To get into this class, you have to join Pitch Mastery here.
You get access to the SIX SUBJECTS THAT MATTER inside of Pitch Mastery.
Are you coming Friday?
JOIN Pitch Mastery and you'll get access to this training.
- Oren
NOTE: Health professionals -- doctors, nurses and everyone down the line -- are the rightful and obvious heroes of the pandemic, and these are the people really showing up and working hard. And while it's easy to joke about bacon, buying jets and closing deals ... of course we need to recognize how society rests on the backs of a lot of people who cannot simply stay home and chill while the coronavirus blows through.
PITCHANYTHING 5825 Avenida Encinas #111 Carlsbad, California 92008 United States
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