Thursday, April 23, 2020

Fwd: A Super Costly Mistake You Can't Be Making During Covid

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From: Oren Klaff <>
Date: Thu, Apr 23, 2020 at 8:06 AM
Subject: A Super Costly Mistake You Can't Be Making During Covid
To: <>

We all make mistakes, but why make this one?
Oren Klaff Logo

Insights from the author of Pitch Anything & Flip the Script

Are you in CONTROL??

You control your time.

You control your money ...

Maybe birth control ...

What about Self Control?


In this email, and in the next few weeks, I'm talking to you about CONTROL.

You might be uncomfortable with this.

You might not like the idea that you need more control of people and situations.

Which is a strange subject - I know.

I wrote an entire book on it called Flip the Script.

CONTROL is a weird subject because it turns out --

You cannot control other people.

If you try to tell someone what to think, or do ... they will resist you.

But in order to close any kind of business deal... you HAVE to control what someone thinks.

If you don't have this kind of control, they will either be confused, or look somewhere else for a deal.

AND THIS is where the big mistakes come from.

For a moment, think about a deal you're working on right now ... one that is just NOT CLOSING.

How did you get here?

FIRST, you had a meeting. And you gave a hell of a good presentation.

You were impressive.

The prospect was ALL IN on what you offer.

You and the prospect became new-found "friends" in just a short 60 minutes.

That was easy.

NEXT, He asks for an agreement.

You email one over.

It looks "good," he says in a reply email.


The prospect has lost enthusiasm. The replies come slow ... and then ...

No reply at all.



Now it's time to get control back.

Your first email attempt is polite:

> Let's do a call to review the agreement... tuesday work?

But nothing comes back.

So you text and you email again:

> It's been 10 days, let's get this back on track ... wednesday good for a call?


You send a more serious sounding email and voicemail:

> Have not heard from you ... What's the status here?

But still, nothing.

You sent 3 perfectly reasonable requests to advance the deal forward.

Mistakes have been made.

Here's what probably happened:

1. You read too much into the first meeting
Some people just love new ideas, solving problems, and meeting interesting people like you ... but they don't have the time, money or influence to move forward.

2. You didn't create a Backdoor
Backdoors are undocumented ways of accessing systems without needing to be authenticated by a gatekeeper. You can build social backdoors, just like software ones ... giving you can access to decision makers even when they stop responding to you. Once the backdoor is in place, you can use it for continued access to a system, a person or a group.

In every new deal where you have access to the decision maker, always create a backdoor.

3. Your follow-up emails sounded "needy" and they felt "ignorable."
In other words, you lost status. Once you were out-of-sight and out-of-mind, working with you was no longer a priority for the prospect.

"Oren, how can I fix this situation?"

First, stop communicating.

Stop emailing, stop txt'ing and leaving emails. You're only making things worse.

Second, immediately find yourself a "Cut-out" to set the next meeting.

In espionage parlance, a cut-out is a mutually trusted intermediary, that facilitates the exchange of information between agents.

In your case, the job of the Cut-out is to set meetings.

Your cut-out , who is likely your assistant or a colleague. has to do all the organizing for the next phone call or meeting. There's no other way.

This works.

And I can give you many more steps to Get Back In Control ...

But that would just be an Emergency Backup Plan.

And you don't need "Emergency Plans."

Because you should never have made these mistakes in the first place.

Let me show you how to correctly get CONTROL of your deals.

You can do this as well as the best negotiators on Wall Street, the best deal makers in Silicon Valley ... and certainly better than the leaders in your industry.

You need to figure this stuff out:

1. How to Accurately Read the "buying temperature" of your prospect at the end of the first meeting

2. How to Build a backdoor into the prospect so you always have access to him

3. And The Awareness to Never Be Needy or send a low-status email.

These three steps will always keep you in control.

IF you get just one of these wrong, then you already know ... you're in trouble.

Of course, you might still "win the deal" but you're going to be discounting and giving away free services the whole time.

And look, I understand, you cannot truly control another person.

But you can control yourself.

You can control the lens that others see you through.

And you can set up situations where you remain in control (or you LEAVE.)

Control is about your pitch, your behavior, your voice, your attitude, your value ...

... it all has to fit together into a precise plan.

I'd like to show you how to do all this correctly.


This happens on FRIDAY.

On Friday 5/1, I'm doing a webinar on this. You'll see how to use these five concepts together in every situation ...

The webinar is called -


I have done this thousands of times and find it quite easy - but I've been doing this for 20 years.

I'll coach you through it.

You can join me on FRIDAY May 1st on an hour-long training on HOW TO GET AND KEEP CONTROL.

YOU should take this session.

When you're in control, you don't have to deal with you're prospects excuses, his stall tactics, or his "Covid" rationalizations.

You just close deals. Today. Right now.

To get into this class, you have to join Pitch Mastery here.

You can get access to the webinar
inside of Pitch Mastery.

Are you coming next Friday?

Pitch Mastery gives you access to this training.


- Oren

NOTE: I'm working on several COVID deals and meeting some incredible health professionals -- doctors, nurses and everyone down the line -- these are the rightful and obvious heroes of the 2020 pandemic. As I have said many times, our society rests on the backs of a lot of people who are manning the front lines, while we get to chill at home. So to those at the front, I say; Thank You.

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PITCHANYTHING  5825 Avenida Encinas #111 Carlsbad, California 92008 United States

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