Sunday, October 13, 2019

Fwd: INFLUENCER! Congrats and followup

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Brendon Burchard <>
Date: Sun, Oct 13, 2019 at 1:36 PM
Subject: INFLUENCER! Congrats and followup
To: <>

So proud of you all. can't wait to see what you go make happen...


I love this photo of all of us rocking at INFLUENCER!

It was truly an honor serving you and all our new friends at #INFLUENCER2019! I'm loving seeing all your posts online today!

I wish I could turn to you right now, shake your shoulders and say:


On behalf of me, my team, and Rachel, Lewis, Tom, Trent, Roger, Rha, Dean, Natalie, Eric, Anthony, Jamie, and Craig, congratulations for attending and THANK YOU for your incredible energy these last 3 magical days!

I hope you are resting today and reflecting on everything you learned.

This email details next steps for keeping momentum. See below.

If you registered for any new programs with us -- Mastermind or IBP Pro -- please note that our team will send you confirmation or access by Tuesday. Please be patient as we are on the road and returning to the office within 48hrs. We'll follow-up with you soon.

Ok, now let's talk about building MOMENTUM!!

Read on...



Let's keep it simple my friend:

FIRST RULE: Keep in touch with your new friends!

Hit reply with the email address you use to login to Facebook and we'll invite you to our event Facebook group this week.

Then, do this:

1. Read ALL of your notes today. All. Of. Them. Decide what you're going to do by the end of the year. DO IT. No matter what. Then send us your success story here!

2. Keep generating that amazing energy you had at INFLUENCER! You chose and created that energy. (Instructions below on how you did that below).

3. No, really - create and sell something within 60 days, just to prove you can! Just sell something! Get in the game!
[Note: If you signed up for Influencer Business Program Pro (IBP Pro) at the event, you received 30 days free trial to Kajabi, the best system for building marketing pages, taking orders, creating membership sites, emailing people, building OVOs, and more. You'll get access to that on Wednesday of this week. If you didn't signup for IBP, go here and signup today, otherwise you lose that bonus. IBP Pro also comes with two tickets to next year's INFLUENCER, and has as ALL my courses that detail EVERY step you need to take to create and promote the most lucrative products and programs online. Don't miss this special!]

4. Post more authentic and valuable content! Post consistently on social media, and create a significant piece of content every week -- a blog post, podcast, YouTube show, or weekly email newsletter -- something, anything, please!! Just get in the game and have fun. Be CONSISTENT. Once in a while, do something totally crazy, like, I don't know, link to your optin pages or sales pages! :)

5. Have a blast! Don't be so serious! Bring the joy to whatever you do. Just do the work and be CONSISTENT.

6. When you're ready to go big, create your OVOs and run ads or affiliate traffic to those pages. Yep, it can be that straightforward: posting good stuff every week and running traffic to your optins and offers. Again, how to do all that at the step-by-step level of detail is in IBP Pro.

7. BELIEVE IN YOURSELF. BELIEVE IN YOURSELF. BELIEVE! There is no right way to start... what matters is YOU START. Remember all the speakers' stories? They just started, learned, kept at it, endured, learned, built, and simply sought to inspire others. They figured it out in motion. You will too. So go my friend go!

(And remember to share your success story with me here bc next year I'll bring some of you back and up on stage to share your journey!)


Regardless of whether or not we meet again, please TRUST that you are on your way.

There was a REASON you were in those seats. Let's honor that and search for that and fulfill that reason one day.

You're going to do great. TRUST IN THAT.

You're going to live a great life and help so so many people.

I have some simple additional reminders to help you.

FIRST, and I repeat this on purpose, please review all your notes today. THEN, I suggest you look at all your notes at least twice per week, for the next 10 weeks. Trust me on that one. Review and DO, review and DO.

Now let's talk about what matters most in maintaining your momentum:


It's natural to be tired this week - you played full out for 3 days!

So rest your body well this week. Seriously... rest up!

How can you keep it all going after you recover?

What created such unusually powerful energy and vision at INFLUENCER?

Your energy and breakthroughs came from:

A) Thinking deeply about your life, your message, and envisioning a compelling future. You re-engaged your ambitions my friend and OWNED YOUR DREAM and it was marvelous!

B) Talking about life with inspiring peers. The social sharing is KEY to your ongoing energy, learning and commitment. So congrats to those who joined Mastermind. If you didn't be sure to keep in touch with your new friends!

C) Celebrating, dancing and journaling with motivational music. (Shocking news: You can do this at home too!)

D) Making real choices about who you are and what matters in life now.

E) Realizing it's OK that everything isn't perfect - that the secret is to just begin, learn, share more, and keep getting better.

F) Making plans and commitments, and publicly sharing them!

G) Asking for help!

H) Expressing yourself as a role model to others. 

I) Positive words and guidance from stage. You can hear my voice or any of our speakers' voices anytime you need via their social media accounts, podcasts, videos, etc. Keep learning! 


We didn't discuss my next event, but a lot of people asked. My next event is Certification Week for those who want to become a Certified High Performance Coach. As you know, I make my living and hone my skills as a coach. I believe the absolute BEST way to gain serious expertise and credibility in the influencer market is to be a coach and understand how to help someone change their behavior and succeed more at whatever they do. And, as you saw, if I started over again, having a coaching offering would be critical to my plan. What exactly do I do with all my coaching clients -- individually, or in group coaching? Yep, I follow the same process you can learn at Certification Week. It's November 18-22 in Scottsdale, Arizona. Get more info and apply here. Your deadline to apply is Friday!


This is how you maintain the path of mastery:

You keep learning, keep doing, keep focusing on this moment and the next step with joy, appreciation, and excellence.

I look forward to seeing many of you online or at upcoming events.

Regardless of whether or not I ever meet you again, I say this:


You had exciting breakthroughs at INFLUENCER!

From the stage, I could feel your vision, your strength, your will, your readiness.

Keep that fire alive.

Stay motivated.

Stay focused.

Stay strong.

Work daily to be your very best, and be courageous in sharing your voice with the world. You, your family, and this world deserves that. So level up and lead! Be the role model you know you are.

Just start creating great content and demonstrating what's possible.

Share your passions, products, and content without apology, without hesitation.

Do your art.

Inspire people.

You got this. Remember? I can, I will, I must!

And don't forget: People are counting on you! So who needs you on your A-game? Who will you inspire in the future by taking action today?

What do you dream of? What are your goals? What's next? Make the decision, take the action, learn, repeat. Go make it happen.

Sending you a full charge of joy and appreciation.

See you out there, making your difference,

- Brendon


Hey - you're awesome. I love creating training for you. Hit reply if you need anything, we always have your back. Of course, you can unsubscribe, just please be careful, bc that means I can't deliver your emails anymore, even for things you asked/paid for, as all our services are tied to your email address. But you can reach me anytime at or PO Box 5368 Portland, OR, 97228.

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