Now this sounds ridiculous in the medical field --
but this kind of behavior is completely normal for a salesperson --
In other words, "doing everything on your own doesn't work."
Yet the typical salesperson is a one man variety show.
He does everything from being the product expert, scheduling appointments, running the sales presentations and getting contracts executed.
But in today's world, high performing sales teams aren't run by a one man show:
It's always a team of THREE.
Why three, and how do they work together?
First on the team is what I call The Organizer…
This is the administrative assistant. This person is not motivated by the sale… he or she is the task oriented. His or her job is to get the appointment, and make sure everyone attends the call. She's basically emotionless in the job (emotion and charisma are not required), she's not too interested in the outcome of the call - she just wants everyone to click [ACCEPT CALL TIME] … and then she moves on.
Second, is The Guru, or the high status expert.
In your business, this high status person could be a scientist, the senior Creative person or the genius data scientist with 3 PhDs (In my company, it's ME.)
You need keep this high status person away from the clients and prospects except to show them off and have them bless the deal, offer valuable data or science, or give their experience on similar projects. Then you put them away behind the glass case before they say something to murder the sale or start telling one of their boring stories.
Finally, you've got The Dealmaker… that's probably YOU.
The guy making the deals, pushing the transaction, and driving the sale. You're focused, deliberate, patient, self motivated, and firm.
Most importantly, You The Dealmaker cannot become too familiar to the prospect.
I've always found that familiarity breeds contempt.
Here's the key takeaways to all this:
Driving revenue is a ton of work. Selling project ideas or raising money is even harder.
The best in the dealmaking business do this in 3-man tiger teams
Team member #1: The Organizer
Team member #2: The Specialist / Guru
Team member #3: The Dealmaker (YOU)
If each person on the team knows his place and role in the deal, and sticks to it, you're going to see a big jump in the number of deals you close.
Want this kind of team at your company? I can set it up.
I've got a new team of my own that will train you on this, exactly how I would do it, and roleplay it with you on live accounts until these new skills become corporate 'muscle memory' so you can do it over and over to drive more revenue.
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