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Subject: | [Coaches Challenge] The #1 way of getting a surge of new clients |
Date: | Thu, 21 May 2015 16:45:04 -0400 (EDT) |
From: | Bill Baren <coachbill@billbaren.com> |
To: | b1@bydf.com |
In my last email, I told you about the pizza party where I
met Jesse Koren and the big a-ha. This chance meeting
triggered me to ask myself, "Why is it that I am not doing
teleseminars, again?"
So I started doing them and over time, I realized there
really is a "success formula" for hosting teleseminars and
being able to get a surge of new clients much quicker than I
thought possible.
I'll reveal that formula below, but first, a little
Before doing teleseminars, I was working exclusively with
1-on-1 clients and on top of that getting those clients was
a huge chore.
I would sometimes go months without any new clients. I was
single at the time with no one depending on me and even then
this lack of consistent income was causing me major stress
and sleepless nights.
If I was in the same situation today with a wife, a mortgage
and consistent expenses, I would be under a lot of pressure
to produce in the my business.
So I am truly grateful to not have to worry about getting
clients or where my monthly income is going to come from. I
can go out and attract new clients anytime.
Business owners ask me all the time, how in the world did
you do that?
You're probably expecting a complex answer, but the truth
is, I use a very simple method over and over again… I lead
teleseminars and webinars.
The best thing about hosting teleseminars using a simple
telephone from the privacy of my home is that I can attract
multiple clients all at the same time. It beats the spray
and pray approach of inconsistently getting one client at a
And when you're just starting out, the teleseminar is
definitely one of the first tools you should master.
Here are a few of the reasons why:
1. Low cost and low risk - It's easy to do as a home based
business. It takes very little investment to get started.
You just need to have a phone, a computer, and internet
access. And you can do teleseminars from home, that's how I
2. You can build your list quickly. Before you do your
teleseminar, you want to invite people to attend a preview
call. The preview call is a complimentary call that you
promote widely, and you give a lot of value to your audience
through the information or training you provide.
To attend the call, your attendees have to opt-in to your
mailing list. Since they have nothing to lose, hundreds or
thousands will sign up. Some will go on to invest in your
program and services, others will not, but all of them will
be on your list for future offerings from you.
3. You can repeat your success!
You don't have to create a ton of teleseminars to reach a
lot of people.
Just start by creating one good teleseminar, and offer it
again and again to new audiences. This makes life easy for
Then you have regular cash flow coming into your business
that you can count on. And this simple and
not-so-time-consuming way to market your business allows for
more time for family, for yourself and other important
things in your life.
As promised, I want to share with you the success formula
I've been using for attracting multiple clients at the same
1. Create a Teleseminar topic that is highly attractive to
my audience.
How do I do this?
I simply ask 5-10 people in my audience this question:
"What's your biggest challenge in your business?" (You can
replace "business" with health, or relationships, or
whatever your field is.)
You can do this as a survey, or through one-on-one
interviews. When you hear a number of people telling you
they have the same urgent challenge or problem, that gives
you a great topic for your teleseminar.
2. Give a free teleseminar preview call and invite people to
the call from your contact list (as small as it may be), the
contact lists of other people you will joint venture with,
and strategically through social media. The call is free and
will be packed with value, so people will sign up in droves.
Getting people to attend your teleseminars is much simpler
than most people believer before they try it.
3. Make an irresistible offer. An offer that works really
well is your free consultation, so that your audience has
the opportunity to get individual attention from you.
Another offer that works very well is a teleseminar course,
where you take people through several teleseminars of your
best material that you will create.
It's that easy!
In the last year, this simple formula has helped me get 751
new clients. And I am not doing anything special. My
clients have often duplicated my success and are generating
lots of revenue with teleseminars, too.
For example, one of my clients, Fawn, earned $13,000 on her
very first teleseminar with less than 50 people registered.
I'd love to hear your thoughts on teleseminars (you leading
them or you attending them). Leave your comments here.
P.S. I know some people have a fear around being seen, I'm
going to share something that will change your world around
this in the next email. Keep an eye out for it!
Bill Baren Coaching
1 Hallidie Plaza, Suite 301
San Francisco, CA 94102
Phone: 415-362-8502
claims shared by my students, friends,
or clients are understood to be true
and accurate, but are not verified in
any way.
Any products, programs, or personal
recommendations made in this or any
email communication from Bill Baren Coaching
for 3rd parties will likely result in some
form of compensation from said 3rd party.
Always do your own due diligence
and use your own judgment when
making buying decisions and investments
in your business.
Concepts and strategies shared in
this and any email communication from
Bill Baren Coaching are ideas that have
worked for members of our team,
students, clients, and friends.
They are not specific advice for
your business. Always use your own
judgment and/or get the advice of
professionals to find the right strategies
for your business and your particular situation.
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Bill Baren Coaching, 1440 Broadway, Suite 1010, Oakland, California 94612 United States
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