From: Andy Jenkins & Mike Filsaime <> Sent: Monday, May 25, 2015 8:20 AM To: Steve Reply To: Subject: Selling (Your) Perspective for Profit |
In this email:
Let's begin: It's called "The Plumbers Parable". It's a metaphor that illustrates the value and PRICE of Experience.
It goes like this:
Mary's heater stops working in late December. She lives someplace cold, like, oh, I dunno - Canada. That means she very polite. So even though she's bordering on Hypothermia, she's not mad. She calls a HVAC technician.
The HVAC dude arrives - he's on time because he's also Canadian. Mary shows him the slacker heater. He nods, hands her a cup of Steaming-Hot Ramen, and then circles slowly around the unit, dragging his fingertips along its machinery, stopping briefly to tap and listen.
Smiling, he draws a rubber mallet from his tool-belt, lines up his shot, and with a single swing strikes the heater with robust, yet polite force.
The heater springs to life. Mary is thrilled! Sliding the rubber mallet back into his belt, the HVAC dude quickly prepares a line-item invoice, handing it to Marry.
Now, here's the creamy nougat of the story: The invoice has 2 entries: 1 - Striking Heater with Rubber Mallet = $1.00 2 - Knowing EXACTLY where to use polite striking force on Heater = $999.00
If you've heard this story before, most tellers focus on the 2nd part of the invoice - the part where the real money is charged because of the HVAC dudes experience and perspective - the knowledge he has that enables him to know exactly where to pound the heater.
I think that's NOT entirely the point. Here's why:
When you're selling your Perspective, YES - there is intense value in YOUR SIDE of the STORY. Don't ever forget that, Cuz.
Information without your perspective is nothing more than a User Manual, duh.
It's no secret that the "Idiot's Guide to [Insert Subject]" are truly wonderful books full of Information. But the reason they command only a whopping $20 at their most expensive is because that's ALL they are - information.
But when you engage with someone who is in intense pain and teach them:
The most value you can give them is actually How to Swing the Hammer - or... HOW YOU DID IT in the midst of living a real life…
THAT's money, Honey.
YES! - the first part of the invoice IS IMPORTANT, too! And in my opinion, you should be charging more for teaching that skill.
Of course - your products, your training, your service SHOULD teach your customers the WHY and WHAT. And here's a tip: Base that teaching (And use this in your marketing, too) on your own personal experiences.
And, never forget to TEACH THEM HOW TO SWING THE HAMMER, too. That is they trigger to the gun - the sizzle to the steak.
Or, if you're selling the service, let them know that You'll be swinging it for them.
And I'm talking about detailed instructions - the metaphorical grip on the handle, the backswing, the lining up of the shot, the force that's applied, the follow-through, and the bonuses like why a cup of hot Ramen noodles makes cold Mary a happy customer.
Review your sales material, your email campaigns, your pre-launch videos, hell, review your blog posts, too.
→ Ask, "Does this Communication teach them how to accomplish both parts of the Canadian HVAC Dude's Invoice?"
Here's a quick Check List:
Does it Demonstrate? Are you showing them how you've done it?
Does is Diagram? Are you showing them the mechanics and steps in a linear fashion?
Does it Adjust? Are you showing them how to change the action when the results are not as expected?
And Remember one of the most important strategies of all:
Multiple Communications! You've heard the position that it takes 7-10 messages before your prospect makes a buying decision?
WRONG! It takes 7-10 messages before your communication becomes MEANINGFUL!
Be CHATTY with your Market! Talk to them regularly and often! No, they don't have to be the kinds of Stream of Consciousness emails that I've been sending lately - but they need to provide value - and most importantly - an Offer!
Don't worry about people that unsubscribe, or get annoyed - they were NEVER going to be customers anyway if they react poorly to your giving. Who cares! Let them move on.
The ones the read and re-read and re-watch your messages - they're the ones that you want the attention of.
And yes - make offers. You ALWAYS have the 'right' to sell your products - always.
Simply adding both parts of the invoice to your offer is the best way to get your people engaged with the Value or Your Offer, and be content (even HAPPY) with the price that you're offering it at.
Pretty cool, 'eh'? (Come on! You gotta give me props for waiting until the end to make the 'eh' joke…)
Andy (And Mike, who told me he's printing out my emails lately) P.S. Learning to communicate both parts of your "Invoice" is pretty straightforward.
And if you want some help with the Multiple Meaningful Message Part, I highly recommend Ryan Deiss's "The Machine" Program.
Seriously. So much so that Mike and I are offering a bonus to you simply for purchasing it with our affiliate link.
The trick is - it ENDs Wednesday.
Watch his presentation on Automated Marketing with Email Messages - it's a GREAT Program (We own it - we use it)
And to help tip you in that direction, here's the BONUSES You'll get when you buy:
1 - Our Internal Notes on all of the Machine Training. Like I said, we own The Machine - we picked up a copy during Ryan's limited internal launch a couple of month ago. And we went through the course and took notes for ourselves. I'll paste a sample from just one video below so you can see why these WILL be helpful if you want to accelerate your sales. And this is our perspective on what's important - so that could have a ton of value for you.
2 - A Full Course (Not released to the public yet) Called "Conversion Genesis". This is one of those products that changed our business. Mike and I reverse engineered every facet of our marketing operations and turned them all into step-by-step tutorials. They started as internal best practices - then grew into something much much more.
Conversion Genesis will give you formulas, templates, and fill-in-the-blank training on every topic you need to Get a Click to Turn into a SALE.
Here's just some of the training included in your copy of Conversion Genesis:
Advanced Ad Copy Formula - Never struggle to write a High Converting Ad, Headline, or Email Subject Line again - ever. 13 plug-and play Formulas that get the click. List Building with Lead Magnets and Surveys - Exactly how to craft the hottest, highest converting lead magnet possible to build massive and responsive email lists so you can sell even more of your solutions. The After the Click System - This is OUR (Mike and Andy's) version of an Ever-Green Marketing Funnel. If you want to put your sales on automatic, this is the step-by-step sequence to set it up and make it go. The After the Click System includes Subject Line Formulas, Email Structure for Copy, and a complete breakdown of how to accelerate your sales to the extreme with every prospect. The VSL Template to Rule them All - This has been called "Quite Simply the best training and template for creating a Video Sales Letter - ever". And we're not going to argue. It's broken down into 33 'Plot Points' with specific instruction to help you CRANK OUT a VSL. Sample Slides are included.
Upsells, Like a Boss! - We all know that a well crafted upsell can create a surge in Customer Value. Problem is - there's really not a whole lotta "How To" training available on the topic. That Ends Today - This training will give you all of the formulas to create a new multiple of profit for your bottom line. 3 - Personal Coaching from Mike and Andy - Say you want Mike and I to look at one of your funnels, emails, offers, campaigns, landing pages, lead magnets, or hair-cut.
What you'll do is jump on skype, call us up, and we'll get 'er done.
Heh - you know what Personal Coaching is. You know why it's valuable to have 2 veteran marketers help you. I don't think I need to spend much more time on that other than to say - this is only available to the first 50 people. Sorry - but it's gotta be that way because this kind of coaching takes a lot of our time.
RULES: Y'all, lets just make this easy and obvious: If you refund, you don't get the bonuses. Pretty simple, right?
That normally means that you've got wait for the refund period to be over before you can get said bonuses.
HOWEVER - on good faith, we'll contact you about a week after the Machine Launch is over - if you tell us that you intend to STAY in the program, we'll get you the Internal Notes that we took so you can have them as you go through the course. We'll just do an honor-system thing - cool?
Kew. :-)
To get the bonuses, you've obviously got to purchase The Machine via our affiliate lank. So - here it is:
Just smash that link and you'll be taken to Ryan's site with The Machine description and everything you need to make your purchase. Good Luck!
This is from One Video in Module 1 of The Machine:
Video 8: Landing Pages
Landing Page Checklist
Secure your seat in the Machine Training Program before registration closes - on Wednesday!
| ||
You're receiving this newsletter because this email address was submitted to an opt-in form on one of our websites. When you no longer wish to hear from us, we'll be sad, but we'll always welcome you back when you're ready to work on your business again. Just Click Here to Unsubscribe. ~Andy Jenkins & Mike Filsaime. Please read our Affiliate Disclaimer: From time to time, we will promote, endorse, or suggest products and/or services for sale that are not our own. Our recommendation is ALWAYS based on our personal belief that the product and it's author will provide excellent and valuable information or service. This may be based on a review of that product, our personal or professional relationship with that person or company, and/or a previous positive experience with the person or company who's product we are recommending. In most cases, we will be compensated via a commission if you decide to purchase that product based on our recommendation. In some cases, we will receive the product for free for review purposes, or just to use. In some cases, we have used that product to our personal satisfaction in our own businesses. IMPORTANT: Always Always ALWAYS do your OWN due-diligence before making any purchases, whether we recommend them or not. Never, EVER purchase anything that you cannot afford. Avoid purchasing products that do not have a clearly stated Guarantee, or that promise ridiculous results, like "Getting Rich Quick". Most people don't do anything with the products they buy, and most of the time, their results are zero - kind of like that Bowflex that I bought that is now serving as a clothing rack... No, there is no such thing as a "Free Lunch". Don't do drugs, stay in school, etc. Be safe out there! |
Marketing Genesis , 7660 Fay Ave Ste H184, La Jolla CA, 92037
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