Monday, April 7, 2014

Fwd: How to pick a perfect topic for your book

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Subject: How to pick a perfect topic for your book
Date: Mon, 07 Apr 2014 01:50:11 -0400
From: John Eggen <>
To: Steve <>

=========================================              >>> ULTIMATE CLIENT MAGNET(tm) <<<       How to Create a Book that Attracts New Clients and        Generates Multiple Income Streams     =========================================    Hi Steve,    In yesterday's lesson of this mini-course, you learned the     single biggest mistake most authors make when starting a     book.    It is not acquainting yourself with the three big     strategies to author and make money with a book, and not     consciously choosing the best one for you before starting     your book.    ______________________________________________       What's the Best Topic for Your Book?     ______________________________________________    Once you have decided which strategy is right for you, the     next step is to develop your book's topic.    In today's lesson, I'll teach you how to pick the perfect     topic for your book.    You will learn how many of the most successful authors     today do it. You may be surprised by the process.    Plus, I'll share a valuable shortcut that can help you     pick a great topic almost instantly.    ______________________________________________       How to Pick the Perfect Book Topic     ______________________________________________    Successful authors know the biggest factor determining     income from a book and a business usually is your choice     of target market.    There are six key criteria that define an ideal target     market.    If you want to multiply your income and enjoy how you are     doing it, identify a target market that meets these six     criteria.    Then, create a topic and a book to position you naturally     as an expert in that marketplace.    Once you do this, sit back and let your book bring     high-caliber clients to you.    This process has revolutionized the practice or business     of many professionals and business owners.    You've seen some of their success stories in previous     lessons.    Here's how you can benefit by using steps from the     time-tested system I'm teaching you in this mini-course.    ______________________________________________       Step #1: List Your Capabilities     ______________________________________________    First, make a long list of all the problems you have a     history of helping people or organizations to solve, and     all the dreams you have a history of helping them to     attain.    ______________________________________________       Step #2: Identify Possible Marketplaces     ______________________________________________    Next, research or brainstorm a list of all the     marketplaces that want, and have a history of paying for,     the pains and dreams you have a history of dealing with     successfully.    This is an easy way to identify niches your background     naturally suits you to become an expert in.    ______________________________________________       Step #3: Locate Your Ideal Target Market     ______________________________________________    To find your ideal target market, qualify those     marketplaces on six key criteria:      *  Do they have a big pain or dream you have a history          of dealing with successfully?      *  Are they aware of that dream or pain (so you don't          need to persuade them it exists)?      *  Can you reach them easily through available lists          (search engines, periodicals, other media, list          brokers, trade organizations, other organizations,          etc.)?      *  Do they have a history of spending money on these          pains or dreams? How much?      *  Are they a marketplace that is growing sufficiently?      *  Would you enjoy working with them? Do your values          match enough?    Identify a marketplace that meets all six criteria     adequately, and you have located an ideal target market     for your capabilities.    If you plan to develop multiple income streams from your     book, you'll also want to identify the higher-priced     information products and programs a target market has a     history of purchasing their solutions in.    ______________________________________________       Step #4: Identify Your Topic     ______________________________________________    Excellent topics for a book usually focus on the biggest     pains a target market desperately wants to eliminate and     has a history of paying for.    Or, topics focus on the dreams that target market has a     history of paying to fulfill.    After you do Step #3, those pains and dreams should be     pretty obvious. Turn one into a topic that excites you.    And if you want your book topic to morph into multiple     streams of income (like the examples I've given in     previous lessons), then the information products and     programs your target markets have a history of purchasing     are the first ones you should consider as spin-offs from     your book.    ______________________________________________       Step #5: Refine Your Topic into the Perfect Book Topic     ______________________________________________    Go to and do a search for books on the topic     you identified. Sort the results by bestseller status,     then buy the bestsellers on that topic.    List what content is in bestsellers on that topic. You     want to look for two things.    First, notice the content they all have in common, because     you will probably want to address that content in your     book, too.    Why? Because it is the content that helped them become     bestselling books.    Second, identify gaps in those books' content that you     could fill in your book. Why? Because the content you     create to fill those gaps will make your book distinctive     in the marketplace.    This is how to refine your topic.    Tomorrow, I'll show you how to develop a compelling title     for your book's topic.    If you follow the steps I have discussed, then you can     develop a unique book on a hot topic that is not only     desired by a lucrative target market, but also naturally     positions you as the expert.    For instance, I published a book this way, "Create the     Business Breakthrough You Want." In the first 27 months of     publication, it attracted $1,131,108 in extra business to     my firm.    You can have a success story like this, too, if you use     this process... or if you use the following shortcut     instead:    ______________________________________________       Save Time:  Use this Shortcut to a Perfect Topic     ______________________________________________    Here is a shortcut to identifying a great topic for your     book.    Whether you want to focus on developing more business from     your existing marketplace or from a more lucrative niche,     ask yourself this question:    "What information do I possess that, if this target market     knew I had it, they'd hire me instantly?"    The answer to that question often makes the perfect topic     for a client-attracting book.    And if you want to publish a book in as few as 90 days,     this shortcut can save you time.    It can be that easy and fast to find the perfect topic for     your book.    ______________________________________________       Taking Your Next Step with a Book     ______________________________________________    NOTE: If you are one of the first 5 people this week who     contact us and meet the criteria below (sorry, I only can     allocate time for 5 people), we will provide you with a     valuable gift to help you create a successful book.    If you are in the process of writing a book now, and are     willing to commit the time, money and other resources     needed to complete the book now, then I acknowledge and     will support your commitment.  I invite you to request a     45-minute "Book and Income Accelerator" session with us,     delivered personally by telephone (a $500.00 value at no     cost to you).  Only a limited number are available.     Reserve yours now.  Go to:    During the session, we will help you to:      *  Create a clear vision of your book and the business          and transformational impact you want it to create      *  Determine the essential building blocks to getting          your book written and published successfully      *  Discover the #1 factor stopping you from having the          book and impact you want      *  Identify the actions that will move you quickly and          powerfully into the vision you have created      *  Complete the session with the excitement of knowing          exactly what to do next to create the book and impact          you want    This is a $500.00 value I'm willing to give you at zero     cost to you, if you meet the above criteria.    Appointments are on a first-come, first-served basis,     subject to availability.    To schedule your appointment, go to the following link now     and book your appointment through our online appointment     calendar system. (It will automatically waive the $500.00     fee.) Go to:    Then watch for an email confirming your complimentary     session.    If you have any questions about this complimentary     session, contact my assistant at    ______________________________________________       Your Next Lesson in this Mini-Course     ______________________________________________    In tomorrow's lesson of this mini-course, you will learn     how to turn your book's topic into such a compelling title     and subtitle that the book acts as a client magnet for     you.    Kindly,    John     --     John Eggen     Publisher, Mission Publishing     President, The Mission Marketing Mentors, Inc.  Regional Office:  1824 Oak Creek Drive, Suite 414  Palo Alto, CA 94304  Telephone: 650-321-1306    Copyright (c) 2013. Mission Publishing, a division of The Mission Marketing Mentors, Inc.  All rights reserved.  No part of this email may be reproduced in any form without prior written permission from Mission Publishing, a division of The Mission Marketing Mentors, Inc.    FTC DISCLOSURE: Any products, programs, or personal     recommendations made by us in this email for others will     likely result in some form of compensation to us.    DISCLAIMER: We strive to accurately represent our program     and its potential. The kind of results you may receive     from our program, however, depend on many factors,     including your dedication, motivation, desire,     persistence, skills and background, as well as many     factors outside our control, such as economic and market     conditions. The testimonials provided in this email are     intended to give you an idea of what some of our members     have achieved but are not necessarily representative, nor     are they intended to guarantee that anyone will achieve     the same or similar results. The facts and figures in this     email are believed to be true and accurate, but have not     been verified and cannot be guaranteed as accurate or     current. Nothing in this email should be construed as or     relied upon as specific advice for you or your business.     Always use your own judgment, and get the advice of     independent professionals to find the right strategies for     your business and your particular situation.      If you no longer wish to receive communication from us:    To update your contact information:      

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