Session: Networking That Works
By Michael Stelzner and Larry Benet
Key Takeaway: Be present and really FOCUS on building relationships, NOT on buying and selling yourself, your business, your products/services.
Everyone knows how important building relationships is in the online business world by now, but not everyone puts as much time into helping others' accomplish this as Michael.
It was pretty cool to be at a conference where specific time was set aside for building relationships and getting to know others in the industry.
Session: How Content Plus An Influencer Network Can Grow Your Business
By Lee Odden
Key Takeaway: Brands need to move from mechanical to meaningful; Content = Influence = Content.
Lee gave a great talk on how to "romance and engage" influencers who can help share and promote your content.
What I like about the whole idea of influencer networks, and something Lee focused on in his presentation, is that it's not just about getting your content shared by big names, it's about being able to spread value to a larger audience than you would otherwise, and in turn solve multiple problems all while growing your network and earning influence.
A great example Lee shared was of co-created content: by reaching out to experts and asking them to share 1 tip on X, you're doing all of the above: spreading value to a larger audience (if an expert has contributed, they'll be more likely to share with their audience), plus you're growing your network through this new relationship and earning influence with your own audience!
Session: 7 Rules to Writing Blog Posts That Get Read and Shared
By Michael Hyatt
Key Takeaway: FOCUS on the reader!
It seems like a no-brainer, but a lot of bloggers don't do it. It's not about what YOU feel like writing about; it's about what YOUR AUDIENCE wants to read about.
Not sure what your reader wants? Ask them! Michael suggests creating a reader survey to find out what their habits, frustrations and aspirations are.
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