Wayne Gretzky once said, "I skate to where the puck is going to be, not to where it has been." What if you knew where the puck was going when nobody else did? Think about the advantage you would have for yourself, your team, and your organization! When I first started giving talks about leadership and the future of work, the most common questions I would get asked would always be around the future. Leaders would always ask me, with all of the changes going on in the world "what do I need to do to..." - Create trust and psychological safety on my teams
- Attract and retain the very best talent
- Develop other leaders
- Motivate and inspire those around me and unlock their potential
- Improve productivity and employee engagement
- Create better experiences for me people
- Identify new opportunities and neutralize threats
- Make sure we have a culture of innovation
- and more!
In other words, what should individuals and organizations be doing now to make sure they are prepared for the future...for this rapidly changing world that we are all living and working in? Unfortunately, I was disappointed with the results. I found very few (if any!) resources that specifically look at how leadership is changing and what it will look like over the coming years. Nothing I found incorporated the insights and ideas directly from CEOs and combined that with the data from people who actually worked for and with these CEOs. I decided to do my own research and set out to answer two fundamental questions: Do leaders need to change and evolve to be successful? And if so how? If I could answer these questions then I would be able to teach people around the world the right skills and mindsets they need to focus on TODAY. The over 140 CEOs I interviewed told me that while some core aspects of leadership such as setting a vision and executing on strategy will remain the same, future leaders will also require a new arsenal of Skills and Mindsets in order to be effective. Things like empathy, self-awareness, thinking like a futurist, being tech savvy and digitally fluent, having a growth mindset, practicing curiosity, thinking big picture, After teaching these Skills & Mindsets to people around the world I was surprised by the profound impacts. Not only did these individuals become more valuable contributors to their organizations but they were also able to grow and excel in their careers and others wanted to emulate their behavior and actions. These Skills & Mindsets also had positive impacts in the personal lives of individuals who practiced them with friends and family. Above all, the most surprising and unexpected benefit was the much greater confidence that these people had in their ability to tackle challenges and help others succeed. They truly thought of themselves as lighthouses. This new found confidence enabled them live a more fulfilling life and be viewed as a true leader as opposed to a traditional "manager." What if you knew what these skills and mindsets were and how to practice them so that you could start mastering them now? Think about what kind of an invaluable resource you would become to any organization! If this sounds like something you want then you are still welcome to watch The Future Leader Masterclass while it's available. I'm breaking down these exact Skills & Mindsets! >>> YOU CAN WATCH IT HERE <<< I'll see you on the other side … the leader's side! Thanks, Jacob Morgan
 "This is the guidebook for the next generation of leaders around the world" -Paul Polman, Former CEO, Unilever "The world's leading authority on the future of work." - President Of Mexico + Over 100,000 active subscribers |
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