Thursday, May 7, 2020

Fwd: How to sell any kind of SERVICE

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From: Oren Klaff <>
Date: Thu, May 7, 2020 at 8:12 AM
Subject: How to sell any kind of SERVICE
To: <>

Why it's so much harder to sell services than products.
Oren Klaff Logo

Personal insight from the author of Pitch Anything & Flip the Script

"Why is it easier to sell physical products than SERVICES?"

I've spent years working on this problem.

For example, take a look at this 2016 Caterpillar 926M I just bought for a project.


What a beast!

I bought it online.

Used my phone.

No salesman gave me a "Big Idea", there was no "Pitch" no Problem/Solution statement.

I REALLY NEEDED IT. And since a new one costs over 400K.

I bought this one for $129,831 + free shipping.

The "salesman" made himself $15K on the deal, and I never talked to him.

That was pretty easy.

Hey, I don't mean to be judgmental or look down at people who sell physical products, because every job is difficult in some way ...

But give me a break .... physical products are easy to sell.

In comparison, selling services is a game of 3-dimensional chess.

This week I want to take you behind the scenes of how I found the answer to this chess game ...

As you're about to see, "How to Sell Services" ... is probably not what you think.

But I'm going to show the lessons about selling services that changed my ENTIRE LIFE ...

Obviously we are NOT talking about "basic services" like plumbing, roofing, HVAC,

Because you don't actually "sell" those basic services, it's more like this:

PLUMBER: Uhhhh .... sorry to tell you Mr. Klaff, you're pipes are definitely leaking, your foundation will crack in the next 4 hours. You can pay us $7,000 to fix it now, or $100,000 to fix after the block cracks. Should we start now or leave?

ME: Here's $7,000. Take my money. Thank you.


BUT keep in mind, the plumber is going to work very hard for that 7K.

This is why I love Professional Services and Software Services (saas).

1. You don't dig things up, you don't hammer wood or weld metal, no towing ... and you never touch anything with dirt on it.

2. Almost 100% margin!

In many ways, "professional services" like accounting, programming, creative and financial consulting are the PERFECT product:

.... Services are 95%+ gross margin and highly profitable.

........ Services are highly flexible ... it's easy to adapt to any buyer.

................. Services never break, never get returned, and there's no inventory.

It's so good...

Think about it: when you sell professional services ... You are literally selling air.

Which is great thing about it .... but also The Main Problem.

See, when you look below the surface, at the psychological level, a "Service" is made up of just three things;

#1 .... Good Ideas
#2 .........Financial Value
#3. ............Great Implementation

In other words, your "service" is the combination of 3 very abstract concepts.

... concepts taking too much brain power to think about and "buy."

So what to salespeople do to explain their service to buyers?

I see a lot of boxes and lines and post-it's on whiteboards:


Talking about services doesn't sell services. Mad scientist whiteboard sessions won't sell services.


The pitchdeck was invented to PACKAGE YOUR IDEAS and your promises and your knowledge into a PRODUCT that people can understand and pay for.

Almost every professional service is sold via a pitchdeck. It's a skill that can take up to 5-years to learn. There is no way to guess your way into this domain ... it's a skill someone has to teach you.


1. The pitchdeck shows your IDEAS are real and "tangible."

Almost everyone thinks their own ideas are brilliant ... and very valuable. But consider how many of the best investors in the world passed on Google, Oracle and Palantir. Truth is, those ideas were complex, hard to explain, and hard to make tangible, and most people "didn't get it."

2. The pitchdeck proves you can IMPLEMENT your ideas.
Google wasn't worth anything until they implemented their business model generated traffic and produced revenue, then it was worth a lot. If the buyer cannot see proof you can execute and implement, no sale will happen.

3. The pitchdeck turns your service into a PRODUCT that has COMMERCIAL VALUE ... In other words, the pitchdeck says: we have a GREAT PRODUCT that will solve your problems, and when you pay us money we will make your problems go away.

The first time I truly needed a pitchdeck to show investors, was when my entire life was on the line. I needed the best pitchdeck service in the world and I was willing to pay anything for it.

First, I googled "pitchdeck services" ... and found a bunch of graphic designers who didn't know anything about my business.

Second, I downloaded "pitchdeck templates" and got lost in a maze of "lorem ipsum" text and photos of beautiful smiling models.

Next, I tried to copy and edit other people's pitchdecks ... creating Frankenstein-decks that were confusing to read.

After wasting valuable time that I could not get back, and spending $15,000 (was a lot of money to me back then) ... I came to the realization.

No Downloads.

No $495 Online Pitchdeck.

No College Students, Fiverr or Upwork.


It took me a month of focused work to figure this all out.

I had to learn:

- 101 Principles of Graphic desgin
- Writing for Style and Comprehension
- The Psychology of Value
- Competitive Advantage, Profitable Differentiation, Corporate Finance ...

and a dozen other principles that help humans easily communicate with each other.

And then .... I created THE ONE.

This was the pitchdeck "wireframe" that:

- Rasied $6.1 million from investors in 30 days
- Made me $600K
- Put me on the map in my industry

And MOST IMPORTANTLY ... produced the Master Pitchdeck wireframe that I use in every single deal.

And maybe this is my one superpower: the ability to quickly create a pitchdeck that will be worth millions.

Creating a pitchdeck used to take me a month, when I first invented the formula.

Now it takes an afternoon.

With this one skill, any amount of money can be found for any deal.

Any professional service can be pitched and sold.

The correctly written pitchdeck will turn your ideas into products, and products into revenue.

I'd like to show you how to correctly write and create a pitchdeck:


This all happens on FRIDAY 5/15 at 12pm PST.

On Friday 5/15, I'm doing a webinar on this. You'll see how to create a pitchdeck that will pitch anything.

The webinar is called -


My pitchdecks have raised over $50 billion of sales and financing.

I find this quite easy - but I've been writing pitchdecks for a long time.

I'll coach you up on this.

You can join me on FRIDAY May 15th on an hour-long training on THE PITCHDECK FORMULA.

I want you to take this session - it is a gamechanger.

When you're in control of the pitch, you can create any sale or outcome that is important to you.

You can just close deals. Immediately. No messing around.

To get into this class, you have to join Pitch Mastery here.

You can get access to this webinar: THE PITCHDECK FORMULA
Only from inside Pitch Mastery.

Are you coming on Friday?

Only Pitch Mastery gives you'll get access to this training.


- Oren

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PITCHANYTHING  5825 Avenida Encinas #111 Carlsbad, California 92008 United States

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