Thursday, February 24, 2022

Fwd: 3 tools to use with investors

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From: Richard C. Wilson <>
Date: Thu, Feb 24, 2022 at 7:09 AM
Subject: 3 tools to use with investors
To: <>

Hi Steve


I wanted to share with you 3 basic requirements you should be aware of when it comes to influence and persuasion.  


These are some of the lessons we have learned while running out investor club with 3,000+ investors, writing 13 books, and hearing over 1,000 speakers on stage at our 150+ live events since 2007.  


#1 - Authenticity


First of all, when you are preparing to persuade someone into something, your intent should be to genuinely add value for them and to be authentic, transparent, and honest.


Anytime that someone gets a sense that you're not any of those things, they're likely just going to run the other direction. If you're trying too hard to sound relatable or authentic, you're going to come off like a used car salesman.


#2 - Control of Your Environment 


Another thing to think about when preparing to persuade is the environment that you're going to be in.


The environment you're in can instantly persuade and change somebody's behavior. If you're in a library, people naturally speak quietly. If you're in an NBA playoff game, people are going to speak at much higher volumes.


In a controlled study, it was been proven consumers who see Visa and MasterCard symbols up on the wall, the amount that people spend can be up to 18% more versus not having those symbols  This shows how a single image can change behavior.


Your environment is a scientifically proven way to instantly influence people. So, think carefully about where you want to host a meeting, how to spend time with investors, and in what context a deal may be negotiated.


#3 - Instant Judgement 


The saying goes "you shouldn't judge a book by its cover" because everyone does.  It has been proven that we judge things in .3 seconds as being attractive to us or not. 


How is your brand, one-pager, email signature, brand name, pitch deck, one-liner (you have one right?), and videos of your offering judged when they are glanced at? Is everything both immediately polished, institutional quality, relevant, and value-providing feeling, or does it all look average, half put together, or not taken seriously by whoever created it? 


It is critical that your first interaction with investors is one where you add value to them, ask questions, and make it clear what your unique compelling offer is.  If you don't do at least 2 of those 3 things you don't have much of a chance of working together in our experience. 


I hope this information helps you in the future, and don't forget about our 2 upcoming events: 


Capital Raising Catalyst Workshop - March 4th 

Private Investor Expo - March 28th  


Thank you for following our work.


Richard C. Wilson
Founder and CEO
Team Help Line: (305) 503-9077
Family Office Club
11445 E Via Linda Suite 2-623
Scottsdale, AZ 85259


Please reply to this email if you are interested in learning more about Family Office Club. Our investor club connects you with over 3,000 investors to help you close more deals and raise more capital in 2022. Or speak to someone on our team for additional details at 305-503-9077.

Family Office Club, 11445 E Via Linda, Suite 2-623, Scottsdale, Arizona 85259, United States, (305) 503-9077

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