From: Chris Duncan <>
Date: Mon, Nov 2, 2020 at 7:12 PM
Subject: [Case Study] How We Built A Multi Million Dollar Personal Development Business From Scratch
To: steve <>
steve, the secret to creating a high impact, high income personal development/healing or self help business is not what I thought...
For years I had been trying to see a breakthrough in my business, I had done the best courses, spent money on coaches, built a team,
and done "ok" but I had not created the impact or income I really desired…
And then a year ago I figured it out….
Our business recently crossed the $5M mark for the year, we have impacted nearly 5 million people and over 10,000 clients...
(here is a screen shot from our stripe accounts of 2 countries we are operating in…. so all you sceptics can rest assured what I am about to tell you… works!)
The secret is...
A "high impacting, non local, group transformation"...
This is the key to creating a multi million dollar personal development business...
"high impacting, non local, group transformations"???
Haha, I know!
It is a total "mouthful", and it is also true!
This is because transformation business's are different…
Any business that creates a personal transformation for another person has very different rules than a traditional business
I have created a full case study to explain everything in full - you can receive it HERE
There are a few big differences you must understand
1 - You are not just selling a product
To have someone purchase coaching/healing or transformation from you, you are not just selling them on a product,
you also need to convince them that THEY WANT TO TRANSFORM…
This is where traditional selling doesn't work, because for most people transformation is scary.
2 - It is hard to explain
Many modalities are difficult to explain, in my work, use the superconscious field to create huge shifts in people in minutes,
the results are profound, however trying to explain how it works sometimes is like trying to teach a caveman to use an iphone
3 - It is personal
Transformation is very personal and people have many options, they are not lining up to spend thousands with you, you must earn their trust.
4 - The market is noisy
There are many "coaches" who started yesterday and are sprouting off some word for word script they got from Tony Robbins or Russel Brunson
without any true results or mastery on the subject. This has caused huge distrust in the market and some really burnt customers who are worried
you are also full of it.
5 - You only have so much time
40 hours a week never seems enough if you have to give out free sessions or do 1/1 strategy calls, you will never scale…
Because of all these unique challenges, 85% of people in transformation business's do not earn more than $30,000 a year… which is crazy!
The one thing you must have is a marketing system that pulls people in, creates trust, creates results in advance, cuts through the noise and works on minimal time
You must have a "high impacting, non local, group transformation"
This is exactly what we will install in your business when you become a magnetic mind coach!
(I explain it fully in this case study)
Here is how we did it.
I created a weekly group transformation experience that created a huge result and I allowed people to join for a very small fee ($99),
we also gave them an introductory online course to explain how the process works.
This sample experience has built a million dollar world changing business,
because after the experience I ask people to join me to have weekly sessions in my coaching program
Many people sign up because
- They create a connection with me
- They decide they want transformation
- They understand my process
- I have their attention
Many people don't need any more sessions, they handle their biggest blocks on the call...
And many want more, they sign up for coaching on the spot!
The biggest session I had this year was 585 people!!!
It is simple - people who are thinking about working with us want a sample, and I want to give it to them without using much time…
however if the only way you can deliver results is in person or 1/1.. You will be very limited...
If you desire to build a multimillion dollar transformation business you need "high impacting, non local, group transformation"
A "non local" = worldwide
"High Impacting" = makes a difference
"Group" = more than one person
"Transformation" = they leave different
I would love to coach you and show you how - in our Magnetic Mind Certification we give it all to you
and I have a full case study and training that explains it in detail… you can access it for free today.
Conscious Education Company Pty Ltd., Suite 277/10 Albert Avenue, Broadbeach, QLD 4218, Australia
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