Thursday, July 16, 2020

Fwd: (Weekly Flight Brief) Yes, you should be the “center of attention”...

NOTE: Today's Flight Brief can be found in detail on LinkedIn.

(Say hi in the comments. I read all of them and respond to most!)

You can also listen to the podcast here.



It should come as no surprise to you that things are changing rapidly in the world. If history is any guide, you can expect that to continue for at least the next year (and probably the next 5).

Now...MOST people who read what I just wrote will spend the next 2 days wallowing in grief (or spamming social media).

But not you.

As an entrepreneur, your job is to…

  1. Perceive your world accurately.
  2. Then implement fast to create massive value and wealth.

Today's Flight Brief is ALL about YOU finding your way to the correct side of the cash register and getting paid for who you are and what you know.

So let's get started…

The first and most important thing that has happened in the last 6 months is a 10.0 richter scale magnitude increase in UNCERTAINTY. Now, again, I know that sounds like a bad thing and it probably is. But it also is what it is. So being frustrated about it will only delay your inevitable success. That's because...

  • When the world is certain, people get complacent.
  • But when the world is uncertain, people INVEST in certainty.

Here is where you come in: as an entrepreneur, as a thought leader, and as a GOOD person, your job is to make money by helping people.

And in my opinion, the fastest way to do that is through consulting (i.e. you getting paid now to solve someone's problem). Consulting can take a multitude of forms and span every market imaginable including: business, fitness, copywriting, marketing, video, live streaming, book creation, relationships, organic gardening, writing, and a hundred other examples. The market is not limited. In fact, most people will hire a consultant sometime in their life to help them solve a problem.

Some of the benefits of consulting? You should consult if you are looking for a way to:

• Start a business with zero risk and no capital
• Make some additional income and revenue
• Grow your existing business; or help someone else grow theirs
• Gain experience and knowledge in a business you're interested in
• Earn money while you start or launch your own company
• Build a powerful network of business owners

I have literally helped thousands of entrepreneurs make money (a lot of money) in consulting so I'd like to invest a few weeks with you, to show you how to get paid helping people.

Where to start?

By becoming the obvious expert in your industry or niche. The bottom line is that people don't wait in a long line to meet the guru at the bottom of the mountain. They wait in a long line to meet the one at the TOP.

So challenge #1 is to establish yourself as the "GO TO" person in your market or niche. Accomplishing that objective can actually be easier than it sounds. I'll give you some ideas below, but for a longer and more detailed discussion, check out the EdTalks LIVE show right here called "How to Become the Obvious Expert in Your Niche".


Ok so here is a short list of ways to position yourself as "the obvious expert."

  1. Have an industry leader connect you to other industry leaders. Chances are you have someone in your contacts who has some connection to someone else you want to know. You'd be surprised how quickly you can start getting some notoriety just by connecting to some more influential people on your list.

  2. Write, launch, and promote a book. Simply put: a book is the single best credibility tool on Planet Earth today. I've used books to penetrate competitive markets and build $7-Figure businesses.

  3. Launch your own Show. Podcast. Video show. Live stream (like EdTalks LIVE). As side benefit to this is it gives you a platform to connect with influencers (See #1).

  4. Website. Most websites KILL deals. Have you ever had this happen to you? You're all ready to close a deal and then the lead goes cold. You try to email, text, and call and you get nothing. Chances are the person Googled you and something on your website turned them away. Having a well branded, professional website is a MUST. (Side note: if you want a referral to a U.S.-based web team that I consider the best in the business, reply to this email and we'll make an intro.)

  5. Social Media. Same issue as #4. If you're consulting in the business world, and your LinkedIn profile looks like the bottom of Oscar the Grouch's garbage can, then you're going to lose deals. What's worse is no one...and I mean no going to tell you why they disappeared on you. They're just never going to pay you and they probably won't ever respond.

  6. Press Releases. A properly written, sourced, and linked Press Release can be one of the best things you can do to not only boost your overall credibility, but it also has a great benefit of boosting your search engine optimization (SEO) as well. This is one of my best performing press releases ever and it still sends me interest...even though it's over 8 years old. My favorite Press Release service is PRWeb.

  7. Trade Shows. I know the idea of getting a booth and handing out candy for 3-days makes you want to yawn. That's why I urge you to watch this show right at the 41-minute mark where I'll show you one of my insider secrets to crushing trade shows.

Ok, that's a good place to start for now. Just pick one of the methods above and get to work.



P.S. Put Aug 18-28 on your calendar. That's when I am hosting my virtual event called "Top Gun Consultant." It's a comprehensive system that is Guaranteed to make you an additional $5k (and probably more).

HINT: I'm going to start promoting the event next week and when I do the price is going up. If you want to grab your seat (and you don't mind a simple checkout page), go right here now. I know there isn't a lot of detail on the page which is why it's $500 off.


Ed Rush & Associates
P.O. Box 1290
Bonita, California 91902
United States
(619) 292-2599

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