Saturday, November 30, 2019

Video lesson workflow

How Long Does It Take to Write Content for your Program Video's
I wanted to share this with you all.
I spend no less than 6 hours per video for myself when creating new program content videos that range from 5-10 minutes.  But this can also vary depending on a few factors.  It is good to have realistic expectations when planning out creating new content and promoting a specific launch date.  So what's involved with my workflow and are there ways to short cut this?
Current Work Flow
- Sketch out member's journey (Begining, middle, end).
- Setup template documents for lesson content.
- Brainstorm the key Actions I want my member to do by the end of the lesson (I often use a voice recording app or device to just talk and get thoughts out, then I go back and pull out the nuggets from the audio).
- Begin the first draft of the script (I usually let it sit for 30 min to a day before I go back and read it again to make corrections, it usually takes me 4-6 drafts or more before I really have what I want. Once again, I usually use a voice app or recording device to free talk the lesson and then get the nuggets out).
- Spell check, clean up and set as "The Script" for that lesson.
- Export the script to a teleprompter app to record.
- Setup shooting day (I usually try to film all these videos back to back, so I usually get a haircut and clean up real nice), don't forget about a green screen, lights, stand,mic, and one last look in the mirror before the filming starts, aka check your nose).
- It usually takes 3-4 takes per video to get the script and rythmn down.
- Export and edit the video to computer and try to minimize the breathing, any filler words (your teleprompter should have helped minimize that), pauses and any final color correction or clips or cards needed.
- While the video is rendering I also can transcribe the video if it needs captions as well as create a video title, description, thumbnail, and any other key fixings.
- I then upload it to a video hosting service like YouTube, Vimeo, Vooplayer or others (there are a lot to choose from).
- Create the Kyvio lesson and embed the video, any text or supporting material and a few other embedded tools.
- Test the program content by exiting all browser tabs and opening one up as a program member.
- Once everything works, I create a little 'Announcement' post for the private FB group about the new content.
A lot of these steps can be skipped if you film "dirty" and just free speak.  Those who really know their craft and what to say and are not camera shy can usually do this really well.
That is my current workflow. What's your workflow, any thoughts or tricks?

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