Monday, September 9, 2019

Fwd: Just Hit Record And Publish It

Have you ever made a commitment to publish content on a more consistent basis, only to fail to live up to that commitment?

If so, you are not alone!

It's happened to me on multiple occasions.

Overall, I've done extremely well with creating consistent content in the area of audio podcasting. However, I have had a strong desire to create daily VLOG (video) content for over a decade now.

In fact, if you want a good laugh, you can still access my "first attempt" at a VLOG update from November 6th 2007. This video was created in the middle of the last 90 days of my "Day Job" as an insurance agent before officially going full-time.

That was a very stressful season of life for me.

While I did post several videos to my YouTube channel following that video, they were not the consistent "VLOG" updates that I had desired to create.

In fact, it wasn't until May 28th, 2013 that I actually got around to posting another VLOG update.

This time, I was finally going to create consistent VLOG content. I was so excited to do so and I created VLOG 002 two days later. Yet, it was a full month before I published VLOG 003.

I didn't get around to publishing VLOG 004 until A YEAR AND A HALF LATER!

The earliest success that I had with creating consistent VLOG content was from January through April 2016 when I published VLOG updates 84 days in a row!

I loved creating that content and I felt that it was having a powerful and positive impact on the lives of those who took the time to consume the content that I was creating.

However, on April 19th, 2016, I announced that I was ending the daily vlog episodes.

Looking back, this is a decision that I regret.

I certainly had my reasons for ending the vlog at that time.

The way that I was approaching the vlog was "burning me out."

However, I simply wish I would have changed my approach to the vlog rather than ending it.

When I ended the daily vlog updates, a little piece of me died inside.

In 2017, I did create a total 50 vlog updates, most of which a part of failed attempt to create a VLOG update every day in August of that year.

2018 started off much the same as the previous year. I would occasionally get around to putting out a new VLOG update, but nothing near the consistency that I desired.


I figured it out!

I realized what was holding me back!

I finally understood what had been keeping me from achieving the consistency that I desired when it came to producing content for my VLOG.

The breakthrough came from a 43 minute video that I created on June 21st, 2018 titled "Just Hit Record And Publish It."

video link

If you are interested and you have a 43 minutes to check out this video, I'd encourage you to hear my unfiltered and unedited thoughts as I worked through what had been holding me back all these years.

Knowing that not everyone will want to click watch the video, I'll share a bullet point outline of the thoughts that I expressed.

  • Sometimes I get too caught up in trying to ride the wave of the latest new opportunity for exposure. I did this with Snapchat in 2016 and I found myself caught up in the hype again, in 2018, with Instagram's IGTV.
  • Rather than trying to make sure that my content is available everywhere, it's best if I simply choose a single home for my vlog content and preferably one that is going to be dependable. I've chosen YouTube as my primary home for my VLOG.
  • I need to embrace the fact that things are never going to be "PERFECT." If something goes wrong, I don't have to stop the recording and start over. I don't have to go back and edit out all the imperfections.
  • I have found that many people, at least in my own community, actually enjoy the unfiltered, unscripted, and unedited approach to the content that I share.
  • It's okay for me to be FULLY MYSELF, even if I do or say crazy things.
  • I know that my calling is to consistently create content that is entertaining, educational, encouraging and and that inspires others.
  • If you want to get better, just hit record and publish it! If it's not published, it's not practice. Part of the process of "practice" is the feedback you get from the content that you've published.
  • In the beginning, don't go trying to gain the attention of the whole world. Instead, embrace your invisibility while you work to "find your voice" in the content that you create.
  • Don't wait until your content looks or sounds great. JUST START! My first podcast episode was awful. However, because I just hit record and published that episode, I am now able to live the life that I am blessed to live today.
  • If you wait until your content is perfect before you hit publish, you'll never publish content!
  • Ignore what everyone else tells you that you should or shouldn't do. (Including me!) Seriously! Make your own path. Ignore all the experts. Just Do You!
  • If you are inspired by how someone else is creating their content, it's okay to mimic them. Sure, make it your own, but don't get discouraged by anyone who suggest that you're just copying someone else. It's okay to experiment!
  • Don't feel like you have to raise the standard of your own content to match the style and quality of production of someone else. One of the main reasons that I kept quitting on my VLOG was that I was constantly comparing the quality of my vlog content to that of others. Trying to create content that matched their style and quality is what kept causing "burn out."
  • Don't feel like you have to have high production value to create content that adds value to others.
  • You are far more valuable than you give yourself credit for. Just remember... You Are Enough!
  • I'm not promoting mediocrity! I am simply suggesting that it's okay to start where you are and to simply understand that your content will get better over time.
  • Stop trying to "Impress Others." Instead, focus on adding value to others. Focus on serving others. Focus on helping others.
  • I had to get over the idea that I had to "dress for success" in my video posts. It's okay for me to record vlog content in my workout clothes.
  • There is nothing wrong with going out and investing in fancy recording equipment. However, if all I have is my phone, I can create some compelling content with it. The quality of my gear does not determine the quality of the content that I create.
  • It's only after you have consistently created content that you'll truly discover where you are most adding value to other people's lives. For me, I have learned that people get the most value from my unfiltered, unscripted, authentic and transparent approach to sharing content. This may not be the same for you. For you to be able to figure out where you add value to others, you'll need to just hit record and publish consistently.
  • I need to remind myself that I don't have to come prepared with a certain number of tips. Sure, I have been professionally trained on how to outline my message. However, for me, it's okay to just hit record and shoot from the hip from time to time.
  • It became much easier for me to create consistent VLOG content once I gave up on shooting for a goal of my first 100,000 or one million subscribers. When studying the strategies that it would take to achieve such goals, I found myself trying to create content that was not in line with the style of content that I feel called to create.
  • I believe that each and every one of us were put on this Earth to make a difference in other people's lives. I believe that we all have a message that matters. Your message matters!
  • There are people out there who will only respond to your voice!
  • Just be yourself. Create content and put your message out into the world.

If you have ever struggled with being consistent with the content that you create, I hope that this email has contained something that will help you break free from what's been holding you back.

The World Needs To Hear Your Voice.

Just Hit Record And Publish!



Ps. Free The Dream Conference is coming up this September 13-15, 2019 in Franklin, TN. Get your ticket today at Pricing goes up weekly between now and the event.

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