Everybody wants to make money online these days. But very few succeed.
Mostly, folks end up spending tens of thousands of dollars on training programs, courses and seminars. They waste months, years, even decades of their life. But unfortunately, they never earn a penny.
To rescue you from this fate, here are 7 money making tips for beginners.
Tip #1 — Specialize In One Business Model!
There are many ways to get rich online. Pick one. Not two, three, five or more. Just one. All the top marketers I know started out by specializing in one road to wealth. Once they got there, they branched out into many others. But if you're a beginner, you haven't got a snowball's chance in hell of succeeding until you stop getting distracted by the 101 different ways to make money online. You gotta pick one and master it. If you're struggling to find out what that "one way" should be, then here's my suggestion. Pick email list building and email marketing. Nothing online has produced more Internet millionaires… and no other opportunity is more tested, proven and more profitable… than email list building and marketing.
Tip #2 — Become An Expert On Your Prospect!
One of the biggest reasons why beginners fail is because they don't focus on the fundamentals. One MAJOR fundamental is that you must know your prospect intimately. And by intimately, I mean, you must know his wants, wishes, desires, fears, frustrations and problems. The marketers who know these things about their prospect, those are the guys who are making millions of dollars in personal income. The guys who don't know their prospect, they rarely (if ever) succeed. It's just as simple and black and white as that.
Tip #3 — Become An Expert On Your Competition!
Every niche has been around for a LONG time. And in every niche, there are "top dogs" who rule the roost. Now these guys have been in the trenches in these niches for years, even decades. They have fought tooth and nail, battled through relentless failure, endless trial and error, and they've spent millions of dollars in testing… to achieve the success they have today. To be where they are at (at the top) they have figured it all out. Who the prospect is, what the prospect wants to buy, what you need to say to the prospect to get him to buy, and everything else you could possibly wish to know to achieve success. All this means if YOU are not studying your competitors like your life depended on it, then it's highly unlikely you will succeed in marketing. You MUST study your competitors — and you must never stop. You must always be watching what they are doing. Always!
Tip #4 — Make Lots Of Friends!
It took me a long time to learn this one and I'm kicking myself all the time over it. If you don't know already, then let me tell you. Marketing is a relationship game. Yes, you can live in a cave and make a good income, but it will be a slow journey. Success online gets so much easier when you're friends with people who have large email lists, incredible media buying skills, sales funnel expertise, and so on. You gotta get out, meet people, make friends and build your "relationship capital" as fast as possible. If I had started this 14 years ago, instead of just 4 years ago, I'd be a heckuva lot richer than I am today. That's a fact.
Tip #5 — Get Rid Of Your "Get Rich Quick" Mentality!
The "get rich quick" mentality causes more beginners to fail than anything else I'm aware of. The people who think there is a fast way to get rich are the people who waste years, even decades of their life. There is no such thing as "get rich quick." It's bullshit. You must understand that getting rich takes time, energy, commitment and hard work. It will not happen overnight. The sooner you realize that, the sooner your REAL journey to success will begin!
Tip #6 — Create Financial Security!
Stay away from "one time" sales and the business models associated with them. Center your business around recurring income. In fact, make sure that every sale you make leads your customers directly into a continuity program of some description. Why? Because recurring sales give your business (and your bank account) financial stability and security. It's a beautiful thing to wake up every morning knowing your business generates six or seven figures per month… every month… on autopilot… even while you're drinking Pina coladas under an umbrella on the beach.
Tip #7 — It's All About The Backend, Baby!
If you don't have a backend, you don't have a business. I knew a guy once with an offer on clickbank. The guy was crushing it and living high on the hog. He thought he was set for life. Never focused a moment of his time on the backend. Just earned his income from front end sales. Guess what happened? His offer got old and tired and the sales stopped coming in. Almost overnight, he was screwed. Last week, I met an email marketer who told me he gets 6,000 to 8,000 new leads a day onto his email list. He told me he has a 2 year autoresponder series in place. So every lead that comes through his door gets sold new products and services each week for the next two years. He told me his autoresponders are earning him, on average, $600,000 a month in profit. That's a business. And that's the kinda thing you want to dedicate yourself to building.
Now I have many more tips like these, but this post is getting long. So I'll wrap it up here and save the rest for an upcoming Sunday Secret.
Speaking of which, my wife Natasha and I are having our first baby (a boy) next month. As a result, I'm trying to limit my workload a little so I can be more present during this magical time.
And so, I'm going to take a little vacation from writing these Sunday Secrets… just until my little man is born. Then, once the dust settles, I'll be back each Sunday with a BANG.
With that said, don't worry. I'm not disappearing off the face of the earth.
In fact, I've got a BIG surprise coming your way tomorrow morning. Stay tuned. It's gonna be a game changer for a lot of people — including YOU!
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This means you won't be receiving any future updates about any products of mine that you own… or any complimentary trainings I'm going to be doing from time to time.
Choose wisely.
Either way, I wish you the best of success in business and life =)
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Sunday, October 21, 2018
Fwd: Sunday Secret #20 — 7 Money Making Tips For Beginners…
Friday, October 19, 2018
Fwd: Steve: 5 important trends changing the way ultra-wealthy & private investors allocate
Hi Steve, pulling insights from meeting with 1,000+ single family offices, having over 1,700 family office speakers on stage at our events over the last 11 years, and helping dozens setup and operate their single family offices, here are 5 trends that are changing how private investors and especially the ultra-wealthy families worth $100M+ are allocating their capital:
- Centimillionaires: While the mass affluent and billionaires are studied and talked about relentlessly in the media and by the general public, there are very few resources or facts available on those who are worth $100M up to $1B. These individuals are called centimillionaires and that term is rarely used by anyone, today at least. This was similar to the use of the term "family office" in 2000-2008, and I think in the future the mass media, wealth managers, and dozens of other types such as industry service providers are going to sit up straight and realize that while there are only around 3,000 billionaires depending on what sources you trust, there are between 40,000 and 60,000 centimillionaires. The families worth $100M-$1B need a lot of help, do not have as many gatekeepers as billionaires, and are less "famous" so they aren't being pinged 400 times a day with pitches/inquiries. Peter Theil in his book 0-1 talks about how you can predict the future if you can find something you are high conviction on and yet nobody else seems to believe it or see it coming. This area of adding real value and resources and peer connections to centimillionaires is one of those areas where those positioning now, building relationships now, and adding value now will do well long-term just as they will in the growing family office space. This is something we are focusing on with our live events, having more single family offices at the $100M+ net worth level on stage and this is why we have been prepping to release our next book "Centimillionaire Migraines" and why 80-90% of our efforts in helping setup single family offices for clients and help run them is with $100M-$1B net worth clients.
- Transferring of Values (Not Capital): While the general public talks about baby boomers and the transfer of that wealth being central to their aging, families I engage with worry most about values, responsibilities, family stories, and know-how being passed on to the next few generations. Transferring of wealth in a tax efficient matter is important, but not much of that matters if the family tears themselves apart, wastes the money, embarrasses the family name, and squanders what past generations worked so hard to build as a family culture and legacy. Many families are afraid that their family stories, governance structures, experience, etc. in creating the wealth is going to get lost between generations, and the true loss is either the family staying connected and/or the principles that lead to the wealth being created in the first place. The wealth is truly transferred within the family values - not just a "warm fuzzy family emotions are more important than money" approach, but truly the only preservation and growth of the capital long-term is via the values/mission of the family.
- 3 Buckets: In a world where you can text virtual assistants to book your Soul Cycle class for you, or have 6 full-time team members in the Philipines virtually managing your back office more family offices are realizing that the only thing they should be doing in-house is what they did to create their wealth in the first place, the space where they believe there is great cross-over in a rising tide opportunity, their experience/DNA/skills, and where they actively want to be 100% focused. Many single family offices, whether they hire a private bank or multi-family office or not, are leaning towards full outsourcing of their managers/stock/bonds/market exposure, a full in-house deployment of their investment back into the 1-2 niches where they are playing offense, and then an in-between strategy of going through independent sponsors and some direct investments when it comes to CRE allocations. I see this trend of managing these three buckets with three varying levels of control/transparency/outsourcing and strategic insight only increasing and most common with $100M-$2B in assets and I just recorded a note on this for our Family Office Podcast yesterday.
- Virtual Family Offices: The mass affluent, my entire family, and the majority of ultra-wealthy still have no idea what a family office is. I had dinner with a billionaire in NYC recently who had never heard of a family office before. The space is growing though, and it is far ahead of where it was in 2001 when I first started working with investors or in 2006 when I first started meeting with family offices. In another decade it will be so common that there will be a lot of demand from those worth $20M-$100M to have fully virtual family office solutions put together. Their needs will be unique from the $100m+ net worth centimillionaires who may also have lean single family offices but more of a cushion in place financially to be placing long-term investments into operating businesses.
- Accountability: Family members in their late 30's and 40's are starting to manage divisions of family offices, assets, and portfolios. This new generation of family office managers is leading to more demands for transparency and accountability, whether it is transparency in what management fees are being spent on, accountability in not paying high fees for average performance, or incorporation of being socially accountable while selecting where they allocate and through what structures and impact screens.
If you are working on starting your family office, looking to work more with the ultra-wealthy please reply here and my team and I will do our best to be a genuine resource to you.
I hope you found this helpful. If you would like to access different types of free video content and resources please check out the 100+ free resources on our blog here: http://FamilyOffices.com/Blog
Richard C. WilsonHelp Line: (305) 503-9077A community of over 1,600 registered private investors: http://FamilyOffices.com/Association
Update your email preferences. The Family Office Club team is located at 328 Crandon blvd Suite #223 in the village of Key Biscayne, Florida
Sunday, October 14, 2018
Fwd: Sunday Secret #19: Want to get rich quick?
Would you like to make a lot of money very fast?
If so, then please listen carefully.
Very few marketers understand the power of newspaper advertising.
Most have no idea just how much money you can make with it… and… how quickly you can make it.
Now one of the most lucrative newspapers to advertise in is Investors Business Daily (IBD).
The good folks who read IBD are among the richest people in all of America.
For example, Warren Buffet has said many times that he's a frequent reader of IBD.
Now here's the cool part…
Super rich people have all the same problems as everybody else.
They need to lose weight.
They need to find a date or a wife.
They want to learn how to improve their golf game.
They want to reverse health problems.
They buy tons of personal development programs.
They want to become better investors.
They want to learn better ways to grow businesses.
They need new and unique ways to generate more customers.
They are also interested in hearing from people who need investment to launch new and exciting businesses.
They need parenting advice.
They need help stopping a divorce.
They want to teach their dog to stop barking, sit and rollover.
Etc., etc., etc.
In short, they have all the same wants, needs, desires, fears, frustrations and problems as everybody else.
The one difference is — they have bazillions of dollars.
I was at an event recently with Dan Kennedy.
A guy in the audience asked Dan what he can do to grow his business.
He was selling real estate training programs.
Dan's advice was as follows.
Take the information product you are currently selling for $2,000 and turn it into a service.
Then, charge $250,000 for it and sell it to readers of the Investors Business Daily newspaper.
Wise words.
I believe Dan first learned them from Gary Halbert because that's the exact advice Gary gave me many times.
You see, super rich people will spend six and seven figures as casually as the man on the street will spend a dollar.
It's just no skin off their backs.
And that's the beauty of IBD.
So how do you sell in IBD?
Create a little two step "Free Report Reveals" ad that promises a whole bunch of cool things your prospect wants.
The call to action is, "Call the toll free number below and leave your name and home address after the beep."
When people do, send them your printed free report in an envelope via good old fashioned snail mail.
Now that report must do two things.
First, it must give them all the free value you promised in your ad.
And second, it must sell your product or service.
My advice is that you also follow up a minimum of seven times with the leads who did not buy.
Best case scenario, you get them on the phone with a sales person who can close them into your high priced product or service.
Do this, my friend, and you can get rich quick.
Happy Sunday.
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This means you won't be receiving any future updates about any products of mine that you own… or any complimentary trainings I'm going to be doing from time to time.
Choose wisely.
Either way, I wish you the best of success in business and life =)
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