[Traffic & Conversion Summit] Another concept that's been big here, and something that I feel validates what I've been trying to teach, is the concept of creating blog posts that stand the test of time and get updated over time. When I started the Multiply Authority blog last year, I began talking about a concept that I haven't really noticed any other blogs doing... I was going to create a blog where each post would get updated over time. Instead of creating 15 blog posts on the topic of podcasting or the topic of creating a blog, I would make a single post about podcasting and a single post about blogging, and that one post would get updated and added to over time. Well, as it turns out, that's the way the good folks over at Digital Marketer are doing things now... Apparently, that's what Google is loving and ranking, and those are the posts that are getting the most traffic, the most shares, and the most engagement. They dedicated a whole presentation to this very concept. The good news is... You don't need to blog every day! You just need to create good content that evolves over time and that will attract people to your site. This makes your content even higher quality and actually decreases the frequency that it's necessary to post. (Both good things) [Traffic & Conversion Summit] I'm currently sitting here at the Traffic & Conversion Summit event in San Diego this week and I wanted to share some of the things that are coming and seem to be themes... Yesterday, Gary Vaynerchuk spoke. When he got up on stage, he started talking about Snapchat. The big question he's been asked so much is "Why are you so big on Snapchat? Why are you telling everyone to start using it?" He then started to talk about how he doesn't really care about any social networks. It's not that he loves any one social network over the other but that he goes to the social networks where he believes all the eyes are going to be next. Snapchat has 125 million active users and it's growing rapidly... Facebook tried to buy Snapchat years ago for $3 billion because they saw the trend. Snapchat may not be the hottest social media platform for everyone in the world right now but it's trending towards it. If that's where all the eyeballs are going to be in a year or so, us, as marketers, need to be getting over there and familiarizing ourselves with tools like that now... It's not about you and what social media platform your prefer. It's about where the eyeballs are headed. People think they're too late to the game with Facebook because the younger generations are moving off of it. If you want to be ahead of the game, move to where the eyeballs are headed. 5 years ago, everyone was saying "I don't get Facebook. It's not for me..." Today, all those same people check Facebook 12 times per day but feel like they missed the boat with the "hayday" of marketing on Facebook. That's why he's on Snapchat. That's why I've been on Snapchat a lot. And that's why any person that takes their business seriously should be looking into it. It's not about you, when it comes to marketing and growing your business. It's about where the eyeballs are and where they're headed. Stop telling people you're not using because you don't get it. Start learning to use it. Start "getting it". Your business is about getting what you offer in front of people. It's not about what social media platform you have the most fun using or the platform that you "get" the most... Snapchat is getting huge. Right now the demographic is under 35... But, when Facebook first came out, it was only college kids who could use it... History has a funny way of repeating itself. If you want to feel ahead of the curve with your marketing, stop resisting emerging technologies and platforms, stop telling people you're too technically challenged or that you don't get it... Stop making excuses are start trying to understand them. That was my big takeaway and synopsis of what Gary had to say. (Sounds similar to what I've been ranting about regarding podcasts) More posts to come from T&C Summit... (Including some tips on how to be a little more effective with Snapchat) Joe Fier Spot on. Another thing I would add to this is to use Snapchat and then save your stories and post them on other social networks. Creating a way so those stories live on for longer and using them on other networks that can THEN drive even more people to your Snapchat page is great. Either way, it's all about being consistent! Dan Ryan Snapchat better find a business model quick. Unicorns be dying in the looming web 2.0 crash. ...See More Matt Wolfe With the amount of eyeballs migrating to it, I'm sure they'll figure it out. Dan Ryan Tell that to Twitter smile emoticon Matt Wolfe Dan Ryan Twitter just announced a new news feed algorithm. They're only going to start displaying what they think is relevant to you. Interesting things about to happen there... Matt Wolfe It's not really about whether the platform will be around long term or not though... It's about getting there while the eyeballs are there. If snapchat falls on its butt, we as marketers get to explore whatever social network comes next. ![]() Write a reply... Parham Nabatian Ok ok!! lol ... Im having 2 of my team members tutor me on it today. Katharine Allen Matt - thanks so much for this post. Very helpful. I'm familiar with snapchat in the way that teenagers use it - having 2 of my own - but I confess to not having a solid handle on how this medium is being used for business advertising and promotion. Can you point us to any resources that provide that kind of guidance? Matt Wolfe Eventually I'll make a video about how I've been using but it won't be until I get back to my office next week. Jon Barrett Great summary Matt, that was a big takeaway for me too. Joe I didn't even know you could save a story so you just took it to another level. Awesome stuff. |
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