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Subject: | the lil' CHILL PILL for burnt out biz peeps (Part 4) |
Date: | Tue, 17 Nov 2015 18:05:31 -0500 |
From: | Kevin Nations <kevin@kevinnations.com> |
To: | Steve Scott <stevescott@techacq.com> |
Kevin Nations swinging in...
...are about to get part 4 in our little
series on what you DON'T need to
pull in 7 figures a year....and even multiples
of 7 figures every year.
Because we've already talked about
running your biz with 1-ish lead per day
and ditching the Franken-funnel...(parts 2 & 3)
You may be starting to sense that
financial success without the stress
may be closer on the horizon than
you may have thought?
If you're game...
I'd love to bring you a little closer.
If you're feeling "burnt out" or have felt
"burnt out" in the past or seem to catch" "burn out"
faster than kindergarten kids catch the creeping crud...
I can't say what I'm sharing today is
going to "light" you up.
You may find yourself feeling some comfort.
Like a soft glow released after taking a chill pill.
For superstars like yourself...the chill pill usually
tastes bitter at first and the jagged edges stick
to your throat a bit on the way down.
If you can handle that...
Here's the deal...
Much of the consulting I do with clients
is like watching someone run a marathon
with a 100 pound rucksack strapped to
their back.
It's NOT the marathon or their running ability or that
the other runners are better than them that
has them sweating bullets, gasping for air
and exhausted to the point of burn out.
Q: What's burning them out?
A: It's the 100 lb rucksack strapped to
their back!
Now these folks ARE superstars!
Highly, highly, intelligent people.
So why are they running a marathon
with all the "extra baggage"?
Because they are convinced they need
everything that's packed in their rucksack.
What's more...
... is along the way they
pack more and more gear into an already
bulging bag which strains their back to
a breaking point...
In fact...
I just finished up private consulting days
with 3 clients and a majority of what we did was to
pull everything out of the rucksack, go through it and
then I help them determine what could get tossed.
(Hint: A majority can be tossed.)
Then we take the essentials of what's left
and MAP OUT a much more efficient plan.
Like CLOCKWORK without all the baggage
they start "winning" the race of business with
grace and ease.
The NET RESULTS are often in the millions
of dollars in revenue and without the rucksack on
their backs...with so much less strain and stress.
I told you the chill pill might be a bit jagged to
But...I'm shooting it to you straight.
You gotta take an objective look into your rucksack
and ruthlessly toss out what is not essential.
Lighten your load.
Because...When you do...
Because...When you EXPERIENCE how much easier
the race is to win WITHOUT the baggage...
If you're like my other superstars, you'll feel
almost immediate relief and you'll watch
the "other runners" jaws gape open as you sprint
right on by them.
Doesn't it make sense?
Winning is a whole lot easier without
all the weight on your back.
Now...this is important...
If you've got your "rucksack" open right now...
And you're digging and looking for something
you don't need and having a hard time figuring
out what to keep and what to toss...
That's normal.
It's hard to be objective.
And there ARE things we need to be
strategic about before just "tossing" them.
So....I've got an idea:-)
If it makes sense to you...
Why don't you and I get together
and see if we can lighten your pack and
at the SAME TIME map out MORE revenue for you?
How much more?
It depends, but it's RARE that I can't uncover an
extra six figures or more.
Would that be worthwhile call for you?
If so...
I've set aside some time BEFORE Friday to talk
with you.
Here's what to do next...
I've got a looooong arse application because
when you fill it out, it will help me to help YOU faster.
===>Apply here
Then I'll be in touch to set up your time:-)
Thank You,
Kevin Nations
PS If you missed my last note...I've lovingly
re-posted it for you below.
Death of the Franken-Funnel (Part 3)
Have you experienced "funnel anxiety"??
Kevin Nations here...
Good to see ya again:-)
It's good you're here because today is part 3
of what you DON'T need to nail down a consistent
6 figure monthly income for you and yours.
On our last visit together...
We chatted about breaking into the 6
figure a month club as a coach or service
provider with as little as one lead per day.
(If you missed it, you can find it in the P.S. below.)
Today...if you're ready to roll?
Let's start with a question shall we?
If you didn't need 100, 1000 or 10,000 leads
per month - would you really need a complex funnel?... with
dozens (or more) moving parts?
What if you could just ditch that Franken-funnel??
And you know what I mean by a Franken-funnel right?
It's where you've bolted together 5 different
software programs from Aweber to Lead Pages to Wordpress.
Then when you've get that all held
together with some driftwood, duct tape and
a bit of bubble gum...
You code some webinar registration pages
so prospects get added to your autoresponder and webinar
service at the same time...then you pixel them into
your re-targeting gauntlet...
...(catching a breath)
Then you drop-in the prospects like balls in
a Pachinko machine and they bounce and
ricochet down through your dynamic follow
up programs....and maybe...just maybe...a lead
or two will make it through this house of horrors?
In my experience, the one or two leads which
may make it through the Franken-funnel are
rarely IDEAL prospects.
Partly because I studied nuclear science and
engineering in the Navy...
I could make a compelling case from an engineering
aspect that the more parts you have in ANY
machine, the more TROUBLE and BREAK-DOWNS
you'll have.
And that certainly is true...
What I hope you'll consider from
a fresh new angle is: it may just be the Franken-funnel
monster which is EATING ALIVE your BEST, most
affluent prospects...BEFORE they ever get to you.
Now, it would be fool hardy for me to say a funnel
can't be effective for selling certain things.
A funnel can be a useful tool DEPENDING
on the job.
Just like a pair of pliers are useful for SOME
jobs, if you use them instead of a socket wrench
to remove bolts, you end up rounding out bolts
and making your future jobs much harder instead of easier.
Franken-funnels are, in my experience, horribly INEFFECTIVE
tools to attract and convert the most affluent and best prospects.
Not to mention...
Franken-funnels devour ad budgets faster than
teen-age boys scarf down pizza during a marathon
round of Call of Duty.
Time after time after time...
Nearly THE MOMENT my clients swing the
first wrecking ball to their Franken-funnel...
... their incomes spring to life,
... they find MORE time
...and they discover the joy in their business because
they begin working with real super stars who take
their advice and see phenomenal results!
I know folks have a lot of blood, sweat and
tears invested in their funnels.
I get that.
I totally get that.
You might be wondering?
... what do I replace my funnel with if I ditch it?
...do I ditch it all at once?
...is it really a smart move?
Maybe it is...
Maybe it isn't...
With so much on the line...
Would it make sense to discuss it with me?
If you're open?
I've opened up some time on my calendar this
week to talk with you, so we may explore this together...
I do politely ask that you fill out an application. There's
quite a few questions. Personal ones. I ask that you fill
it out because this helps me, HELP YOU...
===>Apply here
Ya know...
Before I go, I just thought of one other
thing I'd like to point out.
Even when I see folks FINALLY get a Franken-funnel
constructed and figured out...
They are STILL freaked out.... all the time.
I'd even say they are MORE freaked out.
Why so much "funnel anxiety"??
Because with their whole financial future AND their
families financial future riding on the back of
a funnel with so many moving parts - they fear it's just
a matter of time before one thing goes wrong
and they get bucked off.
The fear is warranted because...
I can NOT tell you how many conversations start out
with..."I waaaaas doing $___________ per month until
It's a hard....painful...fall.
A fall, I am committed to help saving my clients
from every day.
Simple businesses typically are MUCH more profitable businesses.
Simple businesses almost always are MORE stable businesses.
Simple businesses are SANE businesses:-)
Would you like to simplify with us?
===>Apply here
Thank You for Listening,
PS If you missed Part 2, I've re-posted
it below for your viewing pleasure.
PART 2: Endless Leads??
"What I need is mo' leads man!"
Kevin Nations dropping with
part 2 of what you DON'T need to nail
6 figures per month...
In my experience...
Nothing keeps folks from chasing their
tails more than the belief that they need
more and MORE leads.
They come to me absolutely exhausted,
stressed and with gaping holes in their
self-confidence so wide you could drive a tank
through it drunk.
My heart goes out to them.
It's sort of like watching a dog you care
about who won't ever quit chasing their own
Imagine if you're Dr. Doolittle and could
talk to your dog Spot.
Spot, in between pants and tongue
flailing keeps asking, "How can I catch my tail?"
And for the fifty-eleventh time you try to
explain he can't and never will be able
to catch his own tail...
But he keeps right on...
*Buying books on "tail catching"
*Going through "catch your own tail" courses
*Doing hours of tail wag workouts
*Spot even belongs to 9 Facebook groups of
like-minded dogs trying to catch their own tails
Every night your dog Spot comes home exhausted, grumpy
and feeling like a failure.
Now, I hope you won't mind?
I'm being a bit silly to drive a point
But chasing more and more leads
has almost the same EXACT effect on
Let me be clear...
Do you need "some" leads?
But let me ask you?
WHHHHHHYYYYYYYY do you want the
leads to begin with?
Most people say something like: "I want more
leads so I can make more sales."
And I ask, "What will you have when you have more
One way they might answer is, "So I'll have more money."
"So." it may continue...
"Does more money in the door necessarily
mean more PROFIT?"
"So what you REALLY want is more profit
and not more leads?"
I may say something along the lines of...
"Why don't we cut straight to the PROFIT and
do it with far fewer leads? In fact, myself and
many, many of my clients generate multiple six figures
per MONTH from 1 lead or less per day."
Then we map it out for their business.
Their first reaction usually is...it can't be THIS
But after a few weeks of NOT chasing their
They find...
*They have so MUCH more time because their
"To Do Lists'" get MUCH SHORTER.
They're not out chasing leads, doing endless podcasts or
interviews, running webinars, dealing with FB
AD shenanigans, watching courses about
Periscope...writing more and more content and on and on.
*Their sales go up immediately. Profits shoot through the
roof because of the "chill" way we bring in the
handful of leads we need WITHOUT giving it
all to the Facebook Ad peeps and at the same
time maximize average customer value.
*Stress levels go way down.
*They discover nailing 6 figures a month
CAN be way easier than they ever thought.
What about you?
Would you like to see if we can cut out
unnecessary steps to get 6 figures per month for you?
If so...
I've set up some time to talk with you...
I'm going to ask you to please fill out an
application that gets quite personal because
the only way I know to truly serve you is
to get personal with you.
===>Apply here
In my opinion...
The most dangerous thing you could be
thinking right now...
...dangerous to your finances, to your time, to your
energy levels and to your family is...
"Adding 6 figures a month can't be this simple."
And...that again reminds me of our old pal Spot.
Spot actually doesn't have a problem chasing his
tail. Spot is not really as interested in catching his tail
as he is having fun with the chase.
If someone is having fun chasing leads, I'm not
going to stop them:-)
If you want to add 6 figures per month
with nearly all of it going straight to the bottom
line and WITHOUT stress and overwhelm...
Then I may be able to help ya...
===>Apply here
Thank You,
SilverBack Marketing Corp
6956 E Broad St, # 150
Columbus, OH 43213
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