Sunday, January 19, 2020

Fwd: The REAL reason why "Hustle" sounds good (but never works)

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Oren Klaff <>
Date: Sun, Jan 19, 2020 at 9:11 AM
Subject: The REAL reason why "Hustle" sounds good (but never works)
To: <>

Because this is the FASTEST way to get...

Here's the basic secret I use to become the BEST at almost everything I do... without any HUSTLE.

But first let me ask you something personal...

Do you belong to the modern-day "Church of Hustle"?

Most people do -- and for good reason -- but I never signed up for this "religion."

Now you already know the commandments...

Commandment #1. Set "big fat crazy goals"...

Commandment #2. Visualize what you "want to achieve"…

Commandment #3. Focus and push yourself past the limit of mental/physical endurance...

(Oh, and don't forget to meditate for 20 minutes a day, do intermittent fasting, take your probiotics, eat keto, journal, sleep 9 hours a night, exercise for at least 60 minutes a day, take your vitamins, live a life of gratitude, mentor the next generation of leaders, and if you have extra time... then you're allowed to breathe.)

Because the Church of Hustle says: "DON'T STOP 'TIL YOU DROP!"

But in my experience, living like this will drive you to misery.

Oh, don't misunderstand me, I love to see HARD WORK.

I push my people really hard…

I ask my team to meet impossibly tight deadlines…

I ask my 6-year old son to try uncomfortable things he's never done before…

And I push myself twice as hard as all that (which doesn't always end well, as I'll explain in a moment)

But there's a RIGHT way to push yourself, and a wrong way — and the slight difference could murder your career in a single moment...

Here's the BIG IDEA in 115 words:

I don't want to be an "average" achiever in life and business -- and I'm pretty sure you don't either.


That's why you hyper commit and double-down... then triple-down on your biggest goals.

So you work more hours, you take on more projects, and work harder than ever before…

This is how the greatest business people get stuff done, right?


Because when you go it alone to push yourself to work longer hours, work harder, and set impossible goals, there's only 1 outcome…

Overload and failure.

In the next minute, I'm going to show you how I solved the "Overload" problem to become one of the BEST at nearly everything I do...

But first you need to understand the embarrassing situation I was in before I learned this hardcore lesson:

7 miles out of town. No phone. Out of water. It's getting dark and cold.

Now before I explain this disaster, something you should know about me…

When it comes to "keeping up with the Jones", I'm the BEST at overdoing it.

Here's a few of my dumbest moves:

I bought the FASTEST supercar ever built… (and never drive it.)

I've got a DOZEN pickup trucks… (it never rains where I live -- and NO, I won't help you move.)

Then in Crossfit, I push myself HARDER than anyone my age (my doctor says I'm patient zero for a heart attack.)

I'll give you an even BIGGER example of overdoing it….

I was running on the beach near my home in California...

Surfers were out, sun was shining, and the steady breeze kept me nice and cool.

"I could run ALL day like this! …"

By that point, I was EIGHT miles into my run…

Which was my goal for the day.

But I was feeling good and wanted to impress my running coach.

"She's going to flip when she sees my numbers!"

And why shouldn't she?

Because I was ALWAYS trying to beat my coach's game plan.

Soon I was TEN miles in…

ELEVEN miles in…

"Easy day." I told myself.





My knee exploded in a tornado of pain.

I could barely move, nevermind run…

And now I'm miles away from where I'm supposed to be. No wallet or phone, getting dark, out of water and can't walk. Temperature dropping fast.

Took me 3 hours to get home. Finally flagged down a police car.

Had Stage One Hypothermia.

Then, took NINE WEEKS to recover from the knee injury.


...and my running coach was pissed off.

She screamed through the phone, straight into my soul...

"Oren, you're a complete $#!$%^$@. Of course you got injured. You don't even pretend to follow my coaching."

That made me realize one thing: it's dangerous for to set a big crazy way-out-there goal, then follow my own "overconfident" plan to achieve it.

Truth is, we all want to be great, so we push ourselves too hard — but we end up doing more harm than help…

Because usually, we just don't have a good internal sense of how much is too much...

Simply put, you may not be your own best coach.

Now when I see people in business, they're either going too soft, or too hard…

And BOTH will land you where you don't want to be…

In that "sweet spot" called AVERAGE.

This is why you have to find a great coach or advisor — because you can follow them into areas you're not skilled enough to deal with…

And because they've been there before, and know the territory better than you, they can PUSH you in areas where it's safe to push you…

But they'll "ease up" when they realize it's too much for you.

This is why I have hired a coach for nearly every aspect in my life…

- Running
- Weight Training
- Stock Investing
- Relationships
- Parenting
- Diet
- Bike Riding

All that specialized coaching costs me several thousand per month EACH -- but it's worth it.

Plus it's the reason why I'm Pretty Darn Good at running, parenting, investing, crossfit, and nearly EVERYTHING I do...

Because the first step I take, is I hire a person who knows how to push me to my limits… but not past my limits.

Because today, the only time I get "injured" in business or sports, is when I try to outsmart my coach's programming.

So that's why next month, I'll be working closely with a group of serious entrepreneurs, business owners, and professional dealmakers to help them perfect the #1 skill they need to grow their company…

And if you'd like to join us, then keep your eyes open for an important announcement coming VERY soon.

Talk later,

— Oren


PITCHANYTHING  5825 Avenida Encinas #111 Carlsbad, California 92008 United States

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Simple bkz

Here's a sensible biz—for anyone who has these three things:

#1: 1-2 hours a day, minimum, to devote to it.

#2: Roughly a grand to put towards expenses.

#3: A basic understanding of internet marketing.

If that's you, here's how it works.


Pick a low competition local niche.

It could be for any mid-sized city in the US, Canada, or Australia.

(Since everything's done online.)

The main thing is, you want something uncommon.

That way, every marketer and their auntie aren't already going after it.

So, instead of "lawyer" or "dentist" or "chiropractor," for this example, let's do: "handyman."


Now, let's select a city.

It has to be big enough to make it worth your while.

But small enough to where you can score a fairly quick win.

The sweet spot, I've found, is anything with a population of around 100,000, on up to 300,000.

Doesn't mean you can't go higher or lower.

But, for your first project, I think something in that neighborhood will give you the greatest shot at success.

So like, how 'bout: "Irvine, California?"

Theirs is 277,453.


We've got ourselves a niche:

"Handyman Irvine, California"


Create a simple little website for it.

It could literally be one page, to start with.

Here, the important part, is to grab a keyword-rich domain.

This helps you rank in Google—which, as you'll soon see, is the foundation of this entire business.

So, something like:


Which, at the time of writing this, is available.

(I'm sure someone will snag it after reading this—and that's why I didn't link to it.)

From there, tack on a headline:

"Handyman Irvine, California"

Add some stock photos.

Maybe a few paragraphs of text.

Bullet points.

And so on.

What you can do is, look up a handful of existing handyman websites, see what they're saying, and model them.

Obviously, don't copy.

It's unethical... not to mention, it'll make it harder for you to rank in Google.


Don't overthink it.

You should be able to knock one of these out in a single afternoon.

Then, when you're happy with it, add an email intake form and a phone number with an Irvine area code.

Also, make sure you can track and forward every incoming lead.

Not sure how to do that?

We've got you covered.

Not only can we get you a local phone number for just about any city in the US, Canada, or Australia, but we also built a custom software that handles all the tracking, forwarding, reporting—even billing. 

And setup is a snap.  All it takes is a few clicks, and you're good to go.

So if you're thinking: "I'm not techie enough to do this" or "I don't know how to get a local number..."

Think again.

My 11-year-old daughter does this.

We've got grandpas and grandmas doing it.

And everyone in between.


Now, all that's left, is to hit publish.


You're live.


Point some backlinks to it.

These are like "votes" for your website.

And getting to the top of Google is basically a popularity contest.

But not all votes are created equal.

And some take a ton of time and effort... to acquire.

So, what we do is?

We work together, inside our private group of 5,113 members, to send each other powerful, relevant links.

The result?

First page rankings... in record time!

We're talking... a few days... to a few weeks... depending on how well you followed these first few steps.

Oh, and if you're worried about getting "slapped" by Google?

Don't be.

After 12+ years of doing this, I'm telling you, we've got it down to a science.

Everything we teach is wildly effective... and completely safe.


Moving on.


Find some handyman businesses in Irvine, California.

A quick Google search reveals plenty.

Focus on the ones with ugly websites that are not showing up at the top of page one, as they'll benefit the most.

Pro tip: if they're paying for ads, even better.  It shows that, A) they want more customers, and B) they're willing to spend money to get 'em.  (Perfect!)

Call, email, text, or PM the best candidates.


"I'd like to send you some free business, and after I do... if you want more... maybe we can chat about my paid service.  Are you open to that?"

(Or something similar.  You get the idea.)

Basically, we wanna remove the need for you to "sell."

That way, you sidestep the obvious objections:

"But I've never heard of you before."

"And you're halfway across the country."

"And you've got no brand."

"No physical location."

"No website."

"No proof."


"So yeah, it's a hard-no for me."

See what I'm saying?

But when you deliver results in advance, like we do, none of this matters.

So this part, right here, is critical.

It's how so many average, everyday people—just like you—are winning with our system.


One or more of these guys is gonna say: "Sure, why not?"

Go with the one that sounds most excited.

Ask them which email address and phone number they'd like to receive inquiries at.

Then, go into our software (more on how to get your hot lil' hands on it in a sec.) and adjust the settings so that all emails and calls automatically get routed to the right place.

(Without you lifting a finger or talking to a single soul.)



By now, your teeny-tiny website should be making its way to the top of page one in Google.

You should see it when you search for terms like:

"Handyman Irvine, CA"

"Handyman services near me"

"Local handyman for hire Irvine"

(And so on and so forth.)


Now go check your stats.

See how many leads you're sending your (potential) new partner.

(Don't worry: our software will notify 'em of every email and call that came from you—so you'll definitely get credit!)

Next, slip into your gravy pants and go watch Netflix while they land a deal or two—courtesy of your leads.

After that, chances are, they'll want more.

So... name your price.

It's simple with our custom calculator (yep, you can use that too).

Just plug in the numbers from your brief trial run, and it'll spit back a fair amount you can charge, either per lead, or as a flat monthly fee.

Depending on the project, a good estimate, based on hundreds of our own case studies, is right around 750/mo.

However, I'd expect this one to be slightly less.

Maybe like 500/mo.

(But hey, that'll pay some bills—won't it?)


What happens if they say no?

Well, you do another trial with another handyman in Irvine, California, and you make them the same offer.

Keep going till you get a yes.

Then have 'em PayPal you month one.

(Or send a check.  Or whatever you prefer.)

Congrats, by the way.

This is probably the first internet business that's ever worked for you.



Get 'em even more leads.

You want them so booked out, they wouldn't dare leave you.

Our favorite ways to do this are:

One, get listed in Google Maps.

Two, use a Google AdWords coupon to run free ads on Google.

Three, add a new page to your website for any additional services they offer, plus any nearby cities they serve.

Four, explore other backlinking opportunities.

Five, if the numbers make sense, consider running a sponsored post—like this.

(If not, skip it.  That's the beauty of this model: no ad spend, so you pocket pretty much everything.)

(And obviously, no inventory to store or whiny customers to deal with.  I'm mean mugging you, e-comm.)


I'm not gonna go into each of those here, but, just know, we do have roadmaps, shortcuts, and swipes you can leverage... for all five methods.


Then, once this baby is firing on all cylinders, and you're getting as many leads as you can possibly get, set it and forget it.

(At the city level, yes, your website should stay ranked for a very long time, with almost no maintenance.)

(The only thing you might wanna do is update your homepage with your new partner's logo, pics, specifics, etc.  This way, there's no confusion.  It's the same brand all the way through.  And you simply swap it out to reflect your next partner, if the deal goes south.)

Now check this out.


Launch a second site while the proceeds—from this first one—continue to trickle in, every 30 days, like clockwork.

You can do this one of two ways.

Either... pick a new niche altogether.

Or, what I like to do is, just stay in that same lane.

Find another decent-sized city, clone the first site, tweak it for the new city, change the content up slightly (so it's unique), rank it, offer a free trial, land another handyman client... repeat.

Super scalable, huh?

And, just think:

You could have 5, 10... 30 of these little websites going to work for you, day in and day out.

"Won't it get saturated?" I hear you say.

Ah, good question.

The answer's no.

And here's why:

With hundreds of these amazing, under-the-radar niches, and thousands of cities throughout the US, Canada, and Australia... fact is, we won't be bumping into each other any time soon.

"Okay, but if it's so easy, why wouldn't the business owner just do it themselves?" you might wonder.

To which I'd say:

Well, some do.

They buy our training, LOL.

But... most?  Are too busy doing eleventy-hundred other things.

They just don't have the time or patience... or interest... to sit behind a laptop and learn this "internet stuff."

And say this deal does end up being 500/mo.

Well, if it makes 'em an extra 1,500/mo, I mean, who wouldn't trade one dollar for three?



If you're still reading this, I'm guessing you're at least somewhat interested in learning more about this business.

And, if so, you're in luck.

I've created a free "demo page" that's loaded with examples, interviews, and additional info.

Sign up—here—for instant access:

Simply enter a valid email, then check your inbox for the homie hookup.

It'll arrive in mere seconds.

Open it up—like a Happy Meal—and dig in.

Watch every video.

Read every word.

Check every fact.

Hear from people we've already taught this to, who are out there doing it.

What problems have they had?

What niches have they gone into?

What are their little sites pulling in each month?

We won't sugarcoat it.

You'll get the good, the bad, the ugly.


Then, when you're finished, I think you'll know whether or not this is for you.

If it is, you can apply for our done-with-you experience.

(Assuming you're a decent human, like to laugh, willing to work hard, and not expecting this to happen overnight.)

It comes with tools, that calculator and software I was telling you about, in-person meetups, daily hand-holding, accountability, outsourcing options, the whole shebang.

Nevertheless, if you're not feeling it, you certainly don't have to apply.

In fact, you'll notice an "unsubscribe" link at the bottom of that first email.

Click it, and you'll never hear from us again.

So, the way I see it?  Worst case... you're only out a few minutes of time.

Best case... you end up with a website (or 50)... paying you, passively, each month.

Not so bad, is it?


Okay then... tap below:

Enter your email.

And let's have some fun.


Do me a favor.

Open up some new tabs, and pull up sites like:








Notice how similar their layouts are?

Right away, you're asked to register or do a search or enter your info, right?

Yeah, well, there's a reason for that.

They're all doing this exact process I just laid out for you:

Getting free traffic from Google, capturing leads, then selling those leads to small businesses.

Only, on a much bigger, broader, fancier level.

To where, some of 'em... have been acquired for obscene amounts.

(In the hundreds of millions!)

So if you're questioning the validity of this model, maybe those examples will help ease your skepticism.

And I could list quite a few more—many of which you've probably heard of, or even used, yourself.

(But I'll spare you.)

Oh, and don't worry:

As big as those websites are, if you happen to go into any of those industries... and "compete" with 'em... they're surprisingly easy to out-rank.


Because our little sites are so laser-targeted... Google gives us the edge for the terms we've optimized for (e.g. "handyman Irvine, California").

Plus, get this:

These "mega sites" typically sell their leads to multiple businesses.

Think about that:

Would you pay for leads that are also getting sent to your top competitors?

It's crazy, but many businesses do, because they can't find a better alternative.

So... then?  It's a race—to see who can contact the prospect first... or offer 'em the lowest price.


No wonder, when we come in, and flood their phones and inboxes with folks who are ready to buy... and referred exclusively to them... AND we prove ourselves, first, before ever asking for payment... our clients are smiling so wide they could eat a banana sideways.

(*Drops mic.)

Your move:


"All I did was enter my email and a Mercedes magically appeared in my driveway!" (~Amy from Altoona, Iowa)

"I'm supposed to take business advice from you guys?  You probably pay your taxes in gummy bears." (~Roy from None of your damn business)

"I'd rather play Bridge with your momma's momma than give you my email." (~Karen from Vancouver)

"To the man in the videos: Bob Marley called, wants his hair back." (~Nik from Brisbane)

"So I just signed up and went through everything.  I'm conflicted.  I dunno whether to hate you... or hug you." (~Keith from Dallas, Texas)

"Your webpages look like they were made outta crayons, glitter, and broken dreams." (~Pete from Perth)

"This is the dumbest idea ever.  You should soak it in bleach and burn it." (~Anonymous)

"You look like you should be making toilet wine in prison, not building websites." (~Jilly from Philly)

(*Kidding, obviously.)

But that oughta prepare you for our sense of humor:

Sent from BlueMail

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Fwd: Bolsheviks want to shut down Puerto Rico’s tax incentives

Bolsheviks don't like win/win situations.

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January 8, 2020
San Juan, Puerto Rico

[Editor's note: This letter was written by Sovereign Man team member Joe Jarvis, who recently moved to Puerto Rico.]

Local Puerto Ricans invariably tell me I'm overpaying on rent, and that I could have found a cheaper place to live.

I'm sure that's true. But somehow I'm not upset about my gorgeous view over the ocean and private roof deck.

Beautiful beaches are right in front of me, along with three pools, a gym, and tennis courts.

At the nearby food trucks, Esteban makes a mean margarita. A native Puerto Rican, he recently went from bartending to owning his own kiosk. Same story for the father-son team who owns the ceviche truck.

They have a ton of new business now thanks to all the foreigners who are moving in to take advantage of Puerto Rico's incredible tax incentives.

That's why I'm here; I moved down to Puerto Rico last month to take advantage of Act 20, the Export Services Act (now reorganized under Chapter 2 of the Incentives Code).

Much of the work that I do qualifies as 'exported services'. So I pay myself a salary that is considered reasonable by Puerto Rican standards (the median wage here is less than $20,000 per year).

And the rest of my profit is taxed at just 4%.

I owe no taxes to the US federal government. After all, as a resident of Puerto Rico I can't vote in Presidential elections, and Puerto Rico's member of Congress doesn't have voting power. No taxation without representation.

This is all great for me, but it's also benefits Puerto Rico.

This is an island that has lost more than 10% of its population over the past several years due to the seemingly interminable, decade-long recession.

As US citizens, Puerto Ricans can move to the mainland and freely live and work just like any other US citizen. And with the local economy having been in the dumps for so long, many of them have done exactly that.

These tax incentives have started to lure wealthy foreigners and entrepreneurs to the island. And when they come, they spend a LOT of money. They invest a LOT of money. They create a LOT of jobs. They generate a LOT of tax revenue.

Puerto Rico benefits. The foreigners who move here benefit. And, by the way, even local Puerto Ricans can receive the same 4% corporate tax treatment… so everyone can benefit. It's a win/win.

But as we've talked about before, Bolsheviks don't like win/win situations.

Four members of the United States Congress, including the Queen of the Bolsheviks, Rep. Alexandria Occasio-Cortez, sent a letter to the Secretary of the Treasury in December asking him to investigate the fact that "Puerto Rico has become a tax haven from the Federal government."

They take aim at Act 20 (as well as Act 22, which allows investors to pay 0% on certain investment income).

These Congress people have no idea what they're talking about. In the letter, they couldn't even properly name the tax incentives, mixing up which one was Act 20 and which was Act 22.

They also erroneously claim that the tax incentives "have not resulted in any benefit for Puerto Rico."

That's absurd. The government of Puerto Rico itself released a report a few months ago stating that the tax incentives have been incredibly beneficial to the island.

The government states that they have issued 1,680 Act 20 tax grants. And those grantees have generated $210 million in total tax revenue for the island.

That's taxes across the board-- sales tax, payroll tax from any employees hired, the 4% corporate tax, etc.

That works out to be an average of $125,000 in tax revenue for every single person who comes to the island to benefit from the incentives.

Those same 1,680 Act 20 grantees have also created over 16,000 jobs-- nearly 10 jobs per person. And the average salary of those jobs is DOUBLE the median household income in Puerto Rico.

Moreover, between Acts 20 and 22, the grantees have invested billions of dollars on the island, injecting much-needed capital into Puerto Rico.

This strikes me as a win/win.

But again, the Bolsheviks don't like win/ win scenarios. They want "the rich" to lose, even if Puerto Rico loses too.

The arrogance of these politicians is astounding. The government here in Puerto Rico passed the incentives, analyzed them, and decided they were working.

But these Bolsheviks think that they should be governing Puerto Rico and making the decisions instead.

It's the ultimate colonial mentality.

The good news is that Act 20 and Act 22 are essentially a contract with the Puerto Rican government that lasts until at least 2035.

So even if they shut down the programs to new applicants, people who already have their tax incentives established will be grandfathered under the old rules.

That should be a pretty strong motivator to get down here and at least check it out.

And if more Bolsheviks like AOC continue rolling into power, you can count on much higher taxes in the Land of the Free… which makes Puerto Rico even more compelling.

As a final note-- we did have an earthquake a few days ago. As usual, though, the stories in the press were totally overblown. Go figure.

To your freedom,


Simon Black,

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Neither this email nor content posted on the website is intended to provide personal tax or financial advice. Before undertaking any action described in this letter, financial or otherwise, you should discuss your options with a qualified advisor-- tax accountant, financial planner, attorney, priest, IRS auditor, Bernie Madoff, etc.


Blacksmith Global Ltd.
Isidora Goyenechea 2800
Las Condes
Santiago, Región Metropolitana de Santiago 755009

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Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Fwd: Keeping Engagement in Remote Meetings

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Diane West <>
Date: Tue, Jan 7, 2020 at 10:02 AM
Subject: Keeping Engagement in Remote Meetings
To: <>

The Confident Presenter

2Connect's Monthly eTip

January 2020

 Keeping Engagement in Remote Meetings

women on stage presenting

Over 70% of meeting attendees admit to doing other work in a meeting (according to a recent Verizon study).


When your meeting is not in-person, we can only imagine that this number gets worse!


How can meeting facilitators keep people present, especially in the remote setting? Well – share valuable and interesting information – duh.


But here are some other suggestions that will help.


Start and end your remote meeting on time.

When meeting start times lag, it gives attendees just enough time to pull up other work and dive into it. On the contrary, starting right on time shows your attendees that you value their time, and gets them drawn in before they get distracted. Similarly, ending on time let's people know their time is respected and reduces the opportunity that they will activate their contingency plan for meetings going long by starting other work they brought.


Share upfront why their input/attention is so important.

When people understand their value and feel they matter to the meeting, they're more likely to want to participate. A simple statement at the meeting's start is all that's needed. Make it genuine and clearly demonstrate the reason they're there. If there are very different reasons for each attendee, send those individualized messages to each ahead of time as an effective personal touch.


Weave in check-in points throughout the meeting.

When meetings incorporate attendee feedback throughout, attendees are more likely to stay present. Build in check points every 15 minutes to re-engage shortening attention spans. You can ask for questions or comments (requesting a verbal yes or no either way, not just silence if there are no questions), or ask for votes or show of hands throughout different topic points to build in interaction.


Leverage the video camera.

The camera creates a sense of connection and builds in accountability because all can see if you're focused or doing other tasks. Make video share a part of meeting culture by leading the way and sharing your camera first, then requesting others do the same (give a head's up in the meeting invite).


Your meeting doesn't have to become another victim of that 70% distraction rate.  These suggestions can draw your meeting attendees in.

Questions about how to apply this to a specific meeting you have coming up? Send us a note at and we'll be happy to offer some guidance.




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