Sender notified by Mailtrack 08/28/19, 01:10:04 PM |
Sender notified by Mailtrack 08/28/19, 01:10:04 PM |
Sender notified by Mailtrack 08/22/19, 11:23:01 AM |
They'd planned for months...
...and booked the best acts in the business.
Eric Clapton, Paul McCartney, Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, Tom Petty, the Beach Boys, U2, David Bowie, Bob Dylan...
...anybody who was anybody.
All to raise money for the famine in Ethiopia.
But one band completely stole the show and turned it into a global jukebox.
It was Freddie Mercury and the band Queen who turned a 21 minute set on the 1985 Live Aid stage into Rock 'n Roll legend.
The recent film "Bohemian Rhapsody" not only told a fantastic story of the band's history and rise to super-star status...
...it also shared some of the most fantastic lessons in copywriting and marketing the band used to skyrocket to the top.
Now, some 34 years after that legendary Live aid appearance, the collective surviving members of Queen are worth over 445 Million Euros. That's more than the Queen of England herself, who's worth about 370 Million Euros (source).
On an upcoming episode of my soon to launch podcast, "The Music of Copywriting Podcast" ... TOMORROW'S LAUNCH DAY!!!! ...
... we'll take a look at these hard rockin' copywriting and marketing lessons and talk about how you can apply them to your business.
And you don't have to grow a mustache, don a wife beater, or strap a spiked arm-band to your bicep.
But you may get a chance to sing along with me on the air to some "We Are The Champions" or maybe a little "We Will, We Will Rock You!"
We'll see...
This episode won't go live for a few weeks, but the first few will load bright and early tomorrow morning!
I'm hosting a little giveaway contest for everyone who shares about the podcast launch on their social media.
If you'd like to be entered to win a $300 1-hour coaching or copywriting critique session with me, just click the link below and follow the instructions to share on the socials or via email.
The contest ends this coming Friday.
Watch out for the Killer Queen coming soon!
The #CopyComposer
Sender notified by Mailtrack 08/13/19, 03:56:52 PM |