Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Fwd: Psychotactics Crazy Philosophy (And Why It May Help You Move Forward)

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From: Psychotactics <sean@psychotactics.com>
Date: Tue, Jul 30, 2019 at 1:01 PM
Subject: Psychotactics Crazy Philosophy (And Why It May Help You Move Forward)
To: Steve Scott <stevescott@techacq.com>

Psychotactics Crazy Philosophy
(And Why It May Help You Move Forward)
(This email contains the complete article. However, you can also read or listen to it at these links: Read  | iTunesAndroid | Spotify |).
We may often hear ourselves saying, we have a long to-do list
Or things that we still haven't completed. Or worse, we may talk about how we have no time. Often, it's just a matter of issues that can get resolved with a touch of philosophy.
There's work to be done as well, but the philosophy needs to come first.
In this article let's find out how philosophy can come to our rescue and serve our business—even save us time!

At any given point in time, I'm exactly like the next person.
I'm six courses behind.
Right now, I'm learning GREP (InDesign), Colour for cartoon scenes, Lighting and Shadow, Scrivener—and I just bought a new camera (the Fuji X100s). And yes, there are about 60 lessons of my Portuguese course that I still have to work through (I've completed 30). This means I'm a lot behind in my courses—at least six courses of about 18-20 hours each.
And yes, it frustrates me

I'd like to have finished the courses. I'd like to have mastered GREP and know all the buttons on that camera that looks like something my grandfather owned. And yes, I'm no newbie with Scrivener, but I'd love to finish that course, if only to find out what I'm missing.
And at this point in time, I remember. I have about six copies of Harvard Business Review to go through, and yes, at least seven books on my Kindle that I still have to read.
That's when I look at my nieces

One is fifteen years old. The other is ten. They have so much stuff to learn as well. Week after week they're pummelled with maths, writing, spelling, reading, and it's endless. Like every one of us they struggle, but they don't think of the future like we do.
Even with an enormous amount of stuff coming up in the future, they're taking it one day at a time. They don't say things like "I haven't finished my maths, so I won't take on spelling".
And we adults do just that

We believe in our silly, ideal world. A world where you start something and you finish it. Possibly even master it on the first sweep! We think we're not going to spend on this course, if we haven't finished that course.
We will not buy this book, if that book is not complete. Adults call themselves realists, but they live in a fantasy world where all the boxes are ticked.
No one is saying that you should be irrational

This is not a suggestion to go out and do seventeen courses, or buy twenty-three books, knowing that you haven't finished any of the preceding ones.
Yet, in this fast-moving world, you can't afford to sit down and say: I've not completed this, so I won't learn that. No, no, no, non, non, no! You want to be six courses behind, or five courses behind.
Or even three! You want to be constantly learning, implementing and knowing that you're going to be behind all the time, from now until forever.
That is the state of the human condition

Your to-do list is always in a state of "things to do". We're always behind, because if we were not behind, we'd be stagnant. And that's precisely what I would feel if I had completed all my courses, read all the books on my list, learned all the languages I needed to learn. I'd be stagnating.
You have to dig your well before you're thirsty

I bought myself a bunch of Moleskine books back in 2009. They're expensive watercolour books, but they lay on the shelf for about two years and I never so much as opened the wrapping.
Then, one day in 2010, I suddenly decided to use them, slowly at first, but soon I got momentum. I started using up one book every couple of months (that's 60 pages of illustrations). But my books were there on the shelves the moment I was just semi-keen to get started. So were my paints. And the same applies to the courses I buy, the stuff I do.
I'm always behind

Six courses behind.
Six magazines and seven books behind.

But you know what?
I'm constantly striving to close the gap knowing I never will.
But it sure beats being stagnant, eh?
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Fwd: Is Your Healthcare Company Ready for Sale?

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From: Vaughne M Glennie <admin@vertess.com>
Date: Tue, Jul 30, 2019 at 1:18 PM
Subject: Is Your Healthcare Company Ready for Sale?
To: <stevescott@techacq.com>

After years or decades building your healthcare company/practice, it's increasingly likely that you will find yourself thinking about the pr
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Volume 6 Issue 15, July 30, 2019

Is Your Healthcare Company Ready for Sale?

by David Coit, DBA, CVA, CVGA, CM&AA, Director of Finance + Valuation

After years or decades building your healthcare company/practice, it's increasingly likely that you will find yourself thinking about the prospects of selling your company. Whether you have a formalized exit strategy or are taking a "seat-of-the-pants" approach when it comes to preparing for sale, you must be able to view your company from a buyer's perspective.


More specifically, you will want to understand the key "value drivers" of your company. These are the qualities prospective buyers are most interested in seeing and learning about. To gain a better understanding of how your company is performing — specifically concerning these value drivers — buyers will typically ask you the following questions:

  • Does your company have a history of consistent growth?
  • Is your company part of a growing sector?
  • Are you increasing your share of the market?
  • Have you created barriers to competition?
  • Are any of your customers/patients contractually committed?
  • Are any of your products or services unique and provide you with a competitive advantage?
  • Do you have a recognizable brand?
  • Is your company innovative?
  • Do you enjoy net margins greater than the industry average?
  • Do you have a diversified customer/patient base?
  • Do you have a diversified payer mix?
  • Are you using best practices for accounting and financial matters?
  • Is your company sustainable without you?
  • Are your products or services delivered in a systematic and process-driven manner?
  • Do you track key measures of customer/patient satisfaction?
  • Do you have a skilled leadership team that succeeds in meeting or exceeding your goals and objectives?
  • Does your company have the ability to attract, develop, and retain quality employees?
  • Are all of your company's legal matters in order?

If you find it difficult to confidently answer these questions, your company might not be ready to sell, or at least not sell at a price your desire. The good news is that, as George Sandmann of CoreValue notes, these holes in your operations are fixable.

The question you must answer is, "What am I doing to fix the holes in my operations?" If you intend to sell your company in the near or at least the not-so-distant future, don't delay. The healthcare M&A market is currently very active. Buyers are eagerly acquiring healthcare companies that create investor/buyer value. Company owners only have one opportunity to make a first impression to buyers. Will your first impression lead to a successful sale at the price you want for your company or will it leave you with long-term regrets? The work you put in today can significantly influence the reward you earn tomorrow.

If you would like to discuss this article personally, the value of your healthcare company/practice, or how to get the best price when you sell it, you can reach David at dcoit@vertess.com or 480.256.0978.


Up Next in SalientValue...

In the next issue, we'll explore trends in the Ambulatory Surgery Center market.


VERTESS 3849 E. Broadway Blvd. #232 Tucson, Arizona 85716 United States

VERTESS 3849 E. Broadway Blvd. #232 Tucson, Arizona 85716 United States

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Monday, July 15, 2019

Fwd: “Rich people are assholes”

And other "false truths" that rob you of your riches…

Hi Steve,

If you've been trying to get rich but haven't been able to do it…

It's probably not your fault.

Here's why...

If you're like most people...

There's a nearly 100% chance you believe one of these five "false truths" about money.

And if you do, it's almost impossible to live the lifestyle of the Dealmaker CEO.

Because if you want to be earning $10,000… $25,000… or even $100,000 per month…

While only working part-time…

You can't do it if you're being held back by any of these dangerous "false truths" society has tried to convince you are real.

And as strange as this might sound… if you can get your mind right, the money will happen almost automatically.

So get ready…

Because these "false truths" might just blow your mind.

1) Rich people are assholes.

Now, I'm not saying there aren't rich assholes. There definitely are.

But there are middle class and poor assholes too.

(It's a pretty inclusive club, if you ask me.)

But if you actually know people who are rich…

The rich, as a category, are some of the kindest, most generous people there are.

These are the people who give the MOST money to charity… create the MOST jobs… and create the MOST value for others.

And usually, they've become rich BECAUSE they have those qualities… not because they're assholes.

So what's my point?

Well, if you aren't rich right now… and you subconsciously believe rich people are assholes…

Then why would you want to be rich?

Because if you did have money, that means people would think you're an asshole…

Even though you're not.

And even though you might think this sounds like some pop-psychology nonsense…

If you hold this belief, your subconscious is going to sabotage you to keep you in your comfort zone.

So if you've been having trouble taking action, whether to invest in one of my training programs or to implement what I teach…

This belief may be the reason.

2) Money is evil.

If you believe money is evil, why would you want to have it?

Answer: you don't.

And in the rare chance you manage to get your hands on some money… you'll quickly figure out how to get rid of it in very stupid ways.

(More on this in "false truth" number five.)

3) There isn't enough money.

This "false truth" comes back to the idea of scarcity.

If you believe there isn't enough money…

Then chances are, you also believe to get more money, you have to take it from someone else.

And if being a rich, evil asshole isn't bad enough… now you are a rich evil asshole who got rich by robbing other people of what's rightfully theirs.


But the opposite is actually true.

Because central banks around the world print new money every single day… but that's a different topic for a different day.

4) I have to work hard to make money.

This might be the single hardest "false truth" to break…

Look. You've been conditioned since birth to be an employee who trades your time for money.

The rich? They exchange VALUE.

But this "false truth" goes one level deeper.

If you believe you have to work hard to make money… and you wind up making WAY MORE money than someone else, while working WAY LESS…

You're going to feel incredibly guilty.

And why would you want to have a bunch of money if it makes you feel like a rich, evil, money stealing asshole… and guilty about it?

5) I don't deserve money.

Have you ever seen someone suddenly get a lot of money – like a lottery winner, an inheritance, or some sort of sudden windfall…

Only to lose it practically overnight?

Well, there are usually two reasons for this.

The first one is a skills issue: they simply don't know how to manage money very well.

But the second issue goes much deeper.

It's because deep down, they don't think they deserve to have the money…

Especially if they believe this money is going to make them a rich, evil, money stealing asshole who feels guilty about getting a ton of money for little to no effort.

So, those are five of the most damaging "false truths" about money.

And here is the ACTUAL TRUTH about money you need to understand…

Money is an amplifier.

If you're a good person, money will further reveal your already amazing character.

And if you're not a good person… money will only enable you to indulge in even worse behavior.

But there's actually a sixth "false truth" that not only hold you back from being rich…

It's preventing you from buying your first business using none of your own money…

And that's what we're going to talk about tomorrow.



P.S. Do YOU have any of these limiting money beliefs?

If so… hit reply right now and tell me which ones you have. I might be able to address them (anonymously) in a future email.

Profile ImageCarl Allen
Founder/CEO at Ninja Acquisitions
Creator of The Business Buying Accelerator


Ninja Acquisitions Limited Suite 103, Group First House 12a Mead Way Padiham, Lancashire BB12 7NG United Kingdom +44 (0) 1254 739149

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Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Fwd: get your story straight

How did you even get here?

There is only ONE viable way to start a sales presentation (and the same goes for any meeting, speech, or conference call.)

Quickly tell your "origin story."

But most people screw this up.

And what if you don't give a proper "origin story"?

    They will ask for it anyway.

    "Excuse me son, slow down for a minute, mind telling us a little about yourself?"

    • How did you get here?
    • What's your background?

    You have to answer this.

    IF you don't ... you're dead.

    Yet most people will answer completely wrong.

    There are a million ways to get it wrong and only one to get it right.

    Like the time, not long ago -

    I was about to step onto a stage in front of 3,000 people ...

    You could hear the excited buzz of a massive crowd as I paced back and forth behind the curtain.

    You wold have seen thousands of executives sitting out there waiting to hear me talk. Loud music came on.

    I knew the drill, because I had done this many times before. So I told myself:

    Start Strong. Don't Babble. Move Fast. Use Scripts.

    The lights dimmed and a hush fell over the crowd. Then I heard the President of the Association walk out to the podium to introduce me.

    "Alright, folks," he said. "We've got a great keynote speaker for this year's event. It is my pleasure to introduce Oren Klaff who is a PhD neuroscientist and economist."


    I am not an "economist" or "neuro"-whatever.

    The Association President continued, "Our speaker is the author of a new book about story telling."

    No, I'm not ... I don't know sh** about "story telling."

    He continued,  "In his spare time, he is a bicyclist."

    No, that's not right either (FYI ... I do have 25 motorcycles)

    Anyway - everything about this introduction was WRONG! What was going on here?

    Before I had a chance to ask any questions, a stage crew member was pushing me out into the spotlight.

    "Ladies and gentlemen," the President was saying, "please welcome Oren Klaff."

    There was nothing else to do but walk out there.

    You could hear applause thunder up at me from the crowd as I stepped up to the podium, and even though my entire introduction had been wrong. I still said, "Thank you," and smiled.

    What else could I say?

    I was screwed. It was obvious to me now that a random assistant spent less than 30-seconds Googling my name -- and got it all wrong.

    You could hear the clapping die down and I looked out over the sea of smiling faces. Three thousand executives were staring up at me, expectantly, and I was about to tell them the wrong person had showed up.

    I took a deep breath and thought up a new introduction for myself. There was no time to plan this all out, so I just started talking.

    What, exactly, did I say during those three minutes?

    I was running on pure adrenaline so I can't remember it word for word, but in summary you can read it below.

    YOU NEED TO SELL YOUR PRODUCTS AND IDEAS to  skeptical buyers (this is one of the hardest jobs in business,) so if when it's time to really Go Big, use Oren's formulas to get attention, to frame your thoughts, and convince others to buy. 

    They had given me a bad introduction.

    To fix all this, I had to quickly deliver a solid ORIGIN STORY:

    FIRST I had to answer the question that I knew was in everyones' mind-

    What are you an expert in?

    "Hi, good to be here, I'm Oren Klaff. My expertise is writing a pitch that will raise money or close a deal. I've spoken at Google, written in Harvard Business Review, and closed over $1 billion dollars of deals. I've helped 80,000 executives throw out their old "bad" pitch and create a new, effective one."

    SECOND, I had to show that I was passionate about this subject (I'll explain why in a minute, it's probably not the reason you think.)

    "I've only got an hour here on stage ... and I'm going to cover a lot and move fast. But if you love this stuff as much as I do, I'll be around for another two hours and happy to meet, connect and discuss. I love this stuff and can talk about it for days without stopping for food or drink ..."

    THIRD, I had to show that I'm consistent  (showing that I have new projects in this field, like new books, new deals and more publishing.) The Consistency Script went like this: "You're going to get to know me pretty well in the next hour, you'll see I've been doing this for 15 years, and my current projects will take another 10 years to complete, so I'll be around for a while, whether you like it or not :-)"


    When you're talking to a potential buyer (whether you're selling ideas or products or an investment) ...

    It all comes down to 3 things.

    1. You have to show them you are a credible expert. They need to understand that you specialist in what they are buying and you know your product and hopefully your industry better than anybody.

    2. It has to be obvious that you're passionate about your work. If buyers sense that your main motivation is just making money then they aren't going to buy from you. It needs to be clear that you're driven by something deeper.

    3. They need to be able to know that you're not going to disappear after the sale . You have to show them you're "all in" and you aren't going to slither-off as soon as they sign the contract or write the check.

    It is time to change Your Story?

    If you need a proper origin story for your own business, and all the things that go with it, like

    -    The Big Idea in 97 words
    -    Status Alignment
    -    Flash Roll
    -    Prewired Ideas
    -    Compellingness
    -    The Buyer's Formula

    Then decide to do one of these things (or do both.)

    1. Buy my new book, Flip the Script here:

    2. And now, grab a spot in my new Pilot Program. This is something I may only offer once, and I only have 20 spots - so if you want a spot, try not to overthink it.

    The program costs a few dollars, but you'll come out ahead because my goal is to give you $1 million of value.  Apply and see if your company qualifies.



    I haven't properly announced the details yet, but I will later this week.  I don't even have the signup page posted yet, and I'm only accepting 20 companies.

    If you want to jump to the front of the line, you can reserve an interview here. I'm only looking for solid people in great companies that I can invest in and help grow fast.


    First applications get first chance at participating.

    I'm an investor and I help buy & sell companies. If you're selling (or raising money) you can reach me here. My observations about people and how they buy from each other led to the book   Pitch Anything. I take the time to share these stories with you in recognition that it may give us a reason to connect. To receive my weekly email, click the link at right. 


    If you wish to stop receiving our emails or change your subscription options, please Manage Your Subscription
    Pitch Industries, 5825 Avenida Encinas #110, Carlsbad, CA 92008

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