Hi Steve,
If you've been trying to get rich but haven't been able to do it…
It's probably not your fault.
Here's why...
If you're like most people...
There's a nearly 100% chance you believe one of these five "false truths" about money.
And if you do, it's almost impossible to live the lifestyle of the Dealmaker CEO.
Because if you want to be earning $10,000… $25,000… or even $100,000 per month…
While only working part-time…
You can't do it if you're being held back by any of these dangerous "false truths" society has tried to convince you are real.
And as strange as this might sound… if you can get your mind right, the money will happen almost automatically.
So get ready…
Because these "false truths" might just blow your mind.
1) Rich people are assholes.
Now, I'm not saying there aren't rich assholes. There definitely are.
But there are middle class and poor assholes too.
(It's a pretty inclusive club, if you ask me.)
But if you actually know people who are rich…
The rich, as a category, are some of the kindest, most generous people there are.
These are the people who give the MOST money to charity… create the MOST jobs… and create the MOST value for others.
And usually, they've become rich BECAUSE they have those qualities… not because they're assholes.
So what's my point?
Well, if you aren't rich right now… and you subconsciously believe rich people are assholes…
Then why would you want to be rich?
Because if you did have money, that means people would think you're an asshole…
Even though you're not.
And even though you might think this sounds like some pop-psychology nonsense…
If you hold this belief, your subconscious is going to sabotage you to keep you in your comfort zone.
So if you've been having trouble taking action, whether to invest in one of my training programs or to implement what I teach…
This belief may be the reason.
2) Money is evil.
If you believe money is evil, why would you want to have it?
Answer: you don't.
And in the rare chance you manage to get your hands on some money… you'll quickly figure out how to get rid of it in very stupid ways.
(More on this in "false truth" number five.)
3) There isn't enough money.
This "false truth" comes back to the idea of scarcity.
If you believe there isn't enough money…
Then chances are, you also believe to get more money, you have to take it from someone else.
And if being a rich, evil asshole isn't bad enough… now you are a rich evil asshole who got rich by robbing other people of what's rightfully theirs.
But the opposite is actually true.
Because central banks around the world print new money every single day… but that's a different topic for a different day.
4) I have to work hard to make money.
This might be the single hardest "false truth" to break…
Look. You've been conditioned since birth to be an employee who trades your time for money.
The rich? They exchange VALUE.
But this "false truth" goes one level deeper.
If you believe you have to work hard to make money… and you wind up making WAY MORE money than someone else, while working WAY LESS…
You're going to feel incredibly guilty.
And why would you want to have a bunch of money if it makes you feel like a rich, evil, money stealing asshole… and guilty about it?
5) I don't deserve money.
Have you ever seen someone suddenly get a lot of money – like a lottery winner, an inheritance, or some sort of sudden windfall…
Only to lose it practically overnight?
Well, there are usually two reasons for this.
The first one is a skills issue: they simply don't know how to manage money very well.
But the second issue goes much deeper.
It's because deep down, they don't think they deserve to have the money…
Especially if they believe this money is going to make them a rich, evil, money stealing asshole who feels guilty about getting a ton of money for little to no effort.
So, those are five of the most damaging "false truths" about money.
And here is the ACTUAL TRUTH about money you need to understand…
Money is an amplifier.
If you're a good person, money will further reveal your already amazing character.
And if you're not a good person… money will only enable you to indulge in even worse behavior.
But there's actually a sixth "false truth" that not only hold you back from being rich…
It's preventing you from buying your first business using none of your own money…
And that's what we're going to talk about tomorrow.