Sunday, September 30, 2018

Fwd: Sunday Secret #17: Violence, Bloodshed and Killer Offers…

On Sep 30, 2018, at 9:14 AM, Caleb ODowd <> wrote:

Ever heard of Build A Bear?


They're a company that allows you make your own teddy bear at their stores.



You go in… pick your bear… stuff him with fluff… and dress him up in a variety of cute outfits.



Kids go crazy for them — so do their parents.



In fact, last July 2018, Build A Bear launched an offer that was so darn good, it caused violence and bloodshed to erupt in parts of America and the United Kingdom.



You see, these bears normally cost about $70 to $90.



So the offer the company made was called a "Pay Your Age" offer.



Essentially, this offer states that if your child is 5 years old, then you pay just $5 for the bear. If he's 7 years old, you pay $7. Etc.



Well, people went absolutely bat-shit crazy for this offer.According to the New York Post, throngs of parents and their kids were forced to wait in line for hours to get into stores.



Turns out the offer triggered such a massive response that the company quickly ran out of bears.



As a result, frustrations ran high and things got ugly.



Parents started fist fighting with each another and large brawls broke out.



Even the staff at several Build A Bear locations were assaulted black and blue and needed medical attention.



Now I don't condone violence and what happened here was silly.



However, purely from a marketing perspective, I love this story.



You see, so few people in this business understand the true power of what Gary Halbert used to call…






Most marketers think if they offer a discount on their product and add a few bonuses to the mix… that's all that's needed.



They could not be more wrong.



A killer offer triggers a snap decision to buy in your prospect's mind.



Your goal is to trigger that snap decision to buy.



If your offer leaves any room for thought in your prospect's mind, if he has to think about it, then you've got yourself an offer — but not a Killer Offer.



So what I'd like to do now is give you five criteria to consider when creating a Killer Offer for your product or service.



Now please note that crafting a Killer Offer is an art.



There are MANY elements at play.



The following list is by no means complete, but it does at least give you an understanding of the 5 MAIN criteria.



1 — Your offer must be DESIRABLE!



This is obvious but often missed.



You see, your job as a marketer/advertiser/copywriter is to know your prospect better than your prospect knows himself.



As mentioned in a previous Sunday Secret, there are six things you must know about your prospect — otherwise you can't sell effectively.



These six things are your prospect's…



— Wants

— Needs

— Desires

— Fears

— Frustrations

— Problems



Once you have a crystal clear understanding of what those six things are, then (and only then) will you know how best to craft a Killer Offer that will sell your products and services in high volume.



2 — Your offer must be UNIQUE!



If it's the same dull boring offer everybody else is using then you might make a few sales, but you won't move the masses.



Your offer must be so darn unique and unusual that it jumps out at your prospect and catches him by the throat.



In last Sunday's Secret I gave you an example of a letter I used to generate a FLOOD of sales for one of my companies.



The reason why I offered my customers such an incredible deal was very unique and very unusual.



That's one of the reasons why that offer kicked arse in record numbers.



3 — Your offer must give your prospect a HUGE ADVANTAGE!



This goes without saying, but your offer should be so darn good that your prospect feels like he won the lottery.



That's why the Build A Bear offer worked so well.



They were giving expensive bears away for damn-near pennies on the dollar.



The deal was too darn good to refuse.



Not too long ago, I gave a $997 training away for $7.



It was part of an internal marketing test… but boy did it work.



We turned nearly 1,000 prospects to paying customers in a three day period.



The bigger the benefit to your prospect, the more sales you generate.



4 — Your offer should be a RARE OPPORTUNITY!



In fact, the more rare the opportunity is the more sales you will generate.



So try to position your offer as a "once in a lifetime" deal that will never be made available again — at any other time in history.



Make sure your prospect knows the one and only time to act is right NOW… or else… they will lose out forever.



Powerful stuff.



5 — Your offer must have a DEADLINE!



Every Killer Offer has a deadline to act.



And the more specific your deadline is… the higher your sales will be.



Best case scenario, you're in a position to say "this offer ends at 11:59pm EST on Wednesday July 17th."



That's super specific, super powerful and it will trigger an avalanche of sales.



So those are the 5 main criteria of a Killer Offer.



I'm thinking of dedicating an upcoming Sunday Secret to revealing my favorite examples of Killer Offers that moved the masses.



If you would like me to do that, then please reply to this email with the word "YES".



That's in for this Sunday.
















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Friday, September 21, 2018

Fwd: How to dodge student debt and get a second passport

-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: How to dodge student debt and get a second passport
Date: Fri, 21 Sep 2018 13:12:14 -0400 (EDT)
From: Simon Black <>

You don't have to be a debt serf for the rest of your life to receive an excellent education.

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September 21, 2018
Bahia Beach, Puerto Rico

This month, college freshmen across the US are settling into their new lives.

For the next four (or five… or maybe even six) years, they'll be immersed in safe spaces and bombarded with repugnant, hyper-socialist groupthink.

Then, at the end, they'll walk away with a degree of questionable use… but they'll also walk away with TONS OF DEBT.

Consumers are on pace to end 2018 with over $4 trillion of debt. And $1.5 trillion of that is student debt (more than credit cards and auto loans).

According to the latest stats, the average student loan debt in the US is nearly $40,000.

But that's just average…

There are more than two million former students in the Land of the Free with more than $100,000 of debt… around 415,000 people have more than $200,000 of student debt.

Yet while the cost of a college education and student debt loads are soaring, wages are stagnant.

So you're paying more and more for something that delivers stagnant value.

It's the definition of a bad deal.

Still, every year, hordes of young people line up for this punishment. Then they graduate, indebted to the state, with no clear path forward.

Luckily, students have options.

You don't have to be a debt serf for the rest of your life to receive an excellent education.

Going abroad is one option.

Enrolling in a foreign university will definitely spice up your resume. But it also gives you a global network, exposure to new cultures and it vastly expands your job search.

But one of the biggest benefits of international study is the low cost.

There are plenty of countries where you can study at a top-tier university for a fraction of the cost back home.

And, as an added bonus, studying abroad is a great way to obtain foreign residency and perhaps even a second passport.

A foreign residency and a second passport are components of what I call a Plan B.

Foreign residency ensures that, no matter what happens (or doesn't happen) next in your home country, there will always be somewhere else where you and your family can live, study, work, invest and do business.

Plus, most countries have rules that allow legal residents to apply for citizenship and a passport after a certain number of years.

And if you choose the right country, on top of a low-cost (but still high quality) education, foreign residency, you'll also have tremendous business and entrepreneurial opportunities after graduation… all in one place.

Estonia, in Europe's far north, is one country that offers huge opportunities for a young person.

First, the University of Tartu (in Tartu) is a world-class research university – among the top 1% of the world's best universities, in fact. It offers 23 programs taught in English, including computer science, robotics and computer engineering, software engineering and others… for only €2,000 ($2,325) per semester.

And when you graduate, you can stay and work for an Estonian startup, or start your own business. Both Skype and Transferwise were started in Estonia.

If you complete university in Estonia and remain in the country after graduation, you could be eligible for permanent residency three years later.

(That would mean you can come and go as you please and travel/live freely across Europe, from Ireland to Switzerland to Croatia.)

That's a world-class education for a fraction of the cost and a clear path toward residency in another country. And you've expanded your job prospects across another continent.

But Estonia isn't the only country where you can receive an excellent university education on the cheap.

Average annual tuition in Germany is less than $1,000. And Germany grants non-European Union (EU) graduates an 18-month residence permit to find a job. (The clock starts ticking when you receive your final exam results.)

When you find a job, you can apply for either a German residence permit or an EU Blue Card that allows residency in all of the EU. After two years, you're eligible for permanent residency in Germany.

Before you take on a huge amount of debt for a degree of questionable value, remember that there are ALWAYS other choices.

To your freedom,


Simon Black,

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