Hi Stve ,
The only easy day was yesterday!
Well, more than 1/3 of 2014 is over! Are you ripping the ass out of 2014 yet? Do you really want to fulfill your dreams, so you can have more choices for you and your family? Can you say - you are on track with your goals, affirmations and yourself made destiny? Or are you making excuses to stay within your comfort zone? Ya I know: the kids; my ex-wife; debts; I'm too old; or whatever! WTF!
What About Me?
I personally am past what I set for my goals on a couple very important ones; up to where I said I would be for most of the other things; but am a little behind on a few! WTF! But since I don't believe in time frames reference goals – I am really behind on all of my goals, because I drive myself to achieve all I do – AS SOON AS HUMANLY POSSIBLE (ASAHP)! For those close to me, they would say, because I set such high benchmarks and am fully engaged in mentoring so many, it is impossible to achieve some of the things I set to do in 2014, or ASAHP! To that I say BS! LOL! If it was supposed to be easy, there would have already been a $50 Billion coach and mentor! LOL! The way I look at it – if I had set a goal of achieving over $50 Billion in equity/value 20 years ago, as a mentor/coach, virtually all would of said – ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME? And since almost all in the PD/SUCCESS industry thought I was wasting my time merely coaching – they would of thought I lost my mind to aspire to such heights!
Castle Seminar
The August seminar is almost sold out, but if the history is any indication of the future, 1 or 2 will have emergencies, etc., and drop out! There are always those that can justify making a choice not to fulfill their dreams for some BS reason! In fact a few years ago, 1/4 of the signed up attendees dropped out! WTF! To be fair (and life is not) their company went out of business! But they had planned on attending the year before, but didn't because they would not make the commitment when they should have! Bottom line to this little story: if you are serious there is still hope, if you want to attend – so get off your ass, take action and contact my office, thelmag@guthriecastle.com. But only contact my office, if you still have an interest in changing your life forever!
You Don't Believe Me!
Contrary to what some of you think – I am dead fucking serious when I say go to torrent and get QLA products for free! It is all there – so knock yourself out! In fact, I am going to be putting a new edition in a foreign language recently completed up for free, as well! Yes I am kids! WTF! Last year, I had "Your First Hundred Million" fully translated into a language for a country that QLA has developed a big following! Instead of going through the hassle of getting it published, I will shortly have it put on line for free and skip the publishing and selling model! After all, isn't that what all the other gurus do – publish and sell! LOL! Hence, that would be conventional wisdom and what all the other gurus do – so I will not! And what have I told you guys about conventional wisdom? Ergo, I will continue to follow the mantra for devotees reference QLA products – if it is free it's for me – and I hope you take advantage of it! Though I will be personally surprised, if the free content concept still exists 100 years from now! So I will just have to wait and see for myself! LOL!
I will announce the language soon! BTW: if I had been cognizant of torrent years ago, I would probably not of published the 2nd edition in 2009 and merely put it straight away up free! And to answer queries of some of you – yes if you want a clean and clear copy of the 2nd edition to cherish like a bible, contact my office! And yes, there is a BIG difference between building your own Guthrie (my 1st book), your 1st hundred million 1999, 1st edition and the 2009 2nd edition!
London Real TV Big Success
After my extremely successful recent exposure on London Real TV, 1 of the most popular podcasts in the UK, I have added to my goals! (Here is their 4 minute teaser, if you missed it http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UAqRsjkRWuQ&feature=youtu.be.) I will initiate soon this year, a new Dan Pena QLA Podcast that will be produced on a semi regular basis, too start. The name, format and topic still remain to be chosen – but now a potential title is – "Ask The $50 Billion Man." It will start on a monthly basis - working towards weekly, if there is adequate interest. There are a lot of details to work out – but WTF! BTW: I really don't have the time to begin another time consuming project, but hell if you want something accomplished, give it to an extremely busy person! Because all high performance people can make time! And in this case it is my passion - QLA! Though I have been told for many years, I am a great speaker and have a good TV presence, I didn't really look at this possible positive exposure for QLA! But after reaching more people in about 90 minutes with London Real TV, than it takes me to do in a month, or two, on my website – I was convinced! And I thank Brian Rose founder of London Real TV for the opportunity! And as his following would say – I owe him a solid! LOL! (Not laughing at I will reciprocate, but laughing, at almost 69 I would use such jargon! Again LOL!) In 2 ½ years, London Real TV has had over 25 million downloads on iTunes and over 3 million on you tube! WTF! Hence, I could spread the QLA word to hundreds of thousands, if not millions, in the next few years. Of course the London Real TV market demographic is not QLA's, but the number analogy makes sense! WTF! And I am reminded about 1 of my favorite sayings: never underestimate how wrong you can be! WTF!
Not First But Different
As I have preached to you guys, if you are not first - you must be different! And I guarantee I will be that - without much effort! LOL! I will transcend different! And frankly, I don't merely want to talk with guys I know, etc., like many others! Hell, many guys/gals I know (that are not QLA mentees/devotees) don't agree with QLA 100%. Why? Because: there are various methods to be a high performance success in fulfilling your dreams; but this is the only proven documented methodology to go from zero to wealth that would take a generation, yet accomplished in only a few years, or even less! Therefore I want to address guys/gals that have no money - not my friends! What I want is a platform to allow people that are still struggling on their personal road to success and for me to be able to answer questions from them. And I want to also reach many people that are already on their road to glory and riches, but still have queries, so I can address them, as well! The webinar method I used in the past was not as satisfactory as I wanted, as I have mentioned in a previous newsletter! Hence, I need a format to be able to address your questions in a timely fashion, yet not get bogged down in minutia and crap! Of course, I could have someone screen the questions, but that could stifle the value, etc.! Because anyone screening would not address the callers as I would! In is my intention to have audio podcasts that are also videoed. The audio podcasts will be up loaded to iTunes and the video files will be uploaded to You Tube, and or other outlets. My experience is many of the questions you guys ask will be important to more than just you! Therefore, this forum should be able to accommodate many with me answering as many questions as I can, during the time allocated. It is envisaged, I will start with about 60 – 90 mins for the first podcast. If there is interest, I can and will expand that time frame. The 1st of 2 webinars I did in 2013 was successful and it went about 2 hours with no problems! In fact, for my 1st podcast, I am asking you to send me questions you would like answered by me. The questions can be sent to: thelmag@guthriecastle.com make the questions succinct and clear and no business school case studies! And yes, you can ask more than 1 question, but no more than 3 questions!
Q & A From The 90's
As some of you may recall, in the 90's, I had a popular Q & A format at all my seminars! It was based on you tell me in about 90 – 120 seconds your idea and I will tell you in about the same time, in my opinion:1) if it will work; 2) if it won't work, how to fix it; 3) or whether to walk away from it, or as I use to say in the seminars – next, shit can it! (And as I said in the 90's, I assume no legal, moral, or spiritual responsibility and, or liability! LOL! And you should always get proper individual legal, tax and spiritual advice! It is merely 1 man's opinion – albeit an extremely experienced opinion!) I stopped this exercise, because it was so debilitating to the participants – when I told them to shit can it! It caused real controversy, even though I saved countless individuals a lot of time, money and heart ache! Notwithstanding them hearing the truth, perhaps for the 1st time, many didn't like hearing what I had to say! But I didn't stop because of the debilitating nature of the exercise! I stopped because this was still in the era of bricks and mortar and very few ideas were internet based! As the internet became more prevalent, my accuracy was not as good, so I ceased the exercise! But now with about 15 years of various internet experiences (some terrific and a few piss poor) under my belt, I can comment with a great degree of accuracy reference the internet as well!
My thought process vis-a-vis the podcast is similar! But the entire podcast would not be devoted to this exercise! It would be the climax of the show! Pun intended! LOL! So the question is - are there enough potential QLA devotees to fill up 60, 90, or 120 minutes per podcast, 1st monthly working towards weekly? I believe there are! So, I will be announcing my inaugural podcast soon! And I have a few ideas for spinoffs, pivits and successful morphing, including invitations to participate at Guthrie Castle to the most outstanding questions and, or ideas! And perhaps, a FREE QLA Castle Seminar to the most noteworthy of the participants! WTF! Yes I said a FREE Castle Seminar! AGAIN WTF! So send in your questions! As in life, 1st questions in will be the 1st questions answered by me!
Dan's Travels
I will be going to the North America in a few days:1st in Orlando Florida; 2nd in New Orleans Louisiana; and 3rd Toronto Canada. You can see my schedule on www.danpena.com. In fact, a number of you have already booked time with me! Again contact my office thelmag@guthriecastle.com. And to answer a few questions about seeing me on my travels: no it is not a QLA seminar or group talk; I am not charging and actually I find it insulting a few of you would ask; depending on how many want to see me, I can give you 30 – 60 minutes of my time, but if it gets crowded I will see a few at a time; no I am not giving autographed books, QLA caps or golf shirts at the meetings - because those are reserved for castle attendees– LOL; and I do these meetings during my travels, so I can keep up with what's going on with you guys/gals! I hope to see more of you on my travels!
To Your Quantum Leap!
P.S. In case you missed it here is the London real TV podcast that was aired Easter Sunday!
P.P.S. Again, I need your questions (no more than 3) for my upcoming podcast! My answers will not be limited by time! By answers will address fully your challenge and will be based on my over 40 years of toughing it out in the same real world you do, starting with no money! And of course, I can also answer questions reference if you have money, as well!
P.P.P.S. I can't wait guys! The soon to be released "YOUR FIRST HUNDRED MILLION" will be in ROMANAIAN, for my many QLA loyal followers there over the last several years! I have a special relationship with many in Romania! And I must thank my friend and mentee Father George, who was responsible for the translation and all the hard work involved! Many thanks! And to answer your question: I treat Father George, a priest, the same way I do all other QLA mentees! When he needs a verbal beating – I give him one, as he will attest to! He is a 2 time QLA Castle Seminar graduate and he will gladly tell you his life was changed forever by attending the castle experience – in fact you can see his testimonial on my site!